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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

2/5/23 - You're the Salt & Light of the World - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus continues his Sermon on the Mount.  He compares our lives to salt and light, things we need and use every day in our daily lives.  When we taste food that is not salted it tastes bland, add the right amount of salt and its tastes good.  When we enter a dark space and there is no light we cannot see where we are going, turn on the light or a lamp and you can see where you are going.


Jesus wants us to bring the right amount of salt to the earth with the goodness and truth that he gives us.  Jesus wants us to be God’s light to the world by being kind and merciful with everyone.  Jesus teaches us that we are to be the salt of the earth and the light to the world.  We need to share his love with everyone.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
Why do you think Jesus compares his followers to salt and light?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, knowing that you love us makes a big difference in our lives. 
Help us show others your love.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

8/21/22 - Who Will Be Saved? - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus is asked, “Lord, will only a few people be saved?”  He answers that many will try, but he explains that the gate is narrow and though many will attempt to enter, they might not be strong enough.  We are all invited to share eternal life with God forever in heaven, but this invitation cannot be taken for granted.

Going to Mass on Sundays is a very important part of our faith journey, but Jesus teaches us we need to do more.  Our actions must be consistent with what we say we believe.  To enter the narrow gate is challenging, it is not easy.  Jesus is teaching us that we need to dedicate ourselves all the time with acts of love, kindness, mercy, and compassion.  We do this by looking at how we are living our lives at home, work, school, everywhere we go.  Love, compassion, forgiveness, kindness to everyone is living our faith; a way to enter through the narrow gate.

As a family, watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What strength do you need to get through the narrow gate?  Do you trust God and his grace to give you this strength?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help us receive the grace to receive the strength we need to share your love with others.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

8/27/23 - Who do you say that I am? - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Matthew, Jesus asked his disciples who people thought the he was.  They responded, that some people thought he was someone special, but none of these people understood who he really was.  Then Jesus asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon answered “You are Christ, the Son of the living God.”   Jesus tells Simon that God helped him see that Jesus is the Son of God.  Jesus tells Simon that he would now be called Peter, which means rock, he would be a strong foundation to build his Church. 


Peter played an important role in the early Christian community.  Jesus gave the teaching authority to Peter and it has been passed down to all those who have followed him as leaders in the Church.  Like Peter, Pope Francis reminds us that we are people united in the faith that Jesus is God’s Son.


Today’s Gospel should remind us that the Church is built on a foundation united in faith that Jesus Christ is God’s Son.  The family, as domestic church, has this same faith as its foundation.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How would you respond to Jesus if he asked you “Who do you say that I am?  How would you respond if you were asked “Who is Jesus?


Family Prayer:  Lord, help us receive the grace to recognize Jesus as the Son of God.  As a family, help us build a strong foundation in our domestic church.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

5/26/24 - What is the Trinity? - Cycle B

Dear Families,

This first Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, and today we remember that God revealed himself to us as one God in three Persons:  The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus told the disciples they were to make disciples of all nations.  He said they were to baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Today the Church continues to teach all people about Jesus and baptize in the name of the Trinity.  When we were baptized, the priest said, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”  Through our Baptism, we share both in the life of the Blessed Trinity and in the Church’s mission to teach all people about Jesus.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can you share your faith with others?


Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to learn more about you and the Blessed Trinity, so we can teach others.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

6/2/24 - What is the Eucharist? - Cycle B

Dear Families,

This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.  In this week’s Gospel of Mark, we hear Jesus give instructions to his disciples for preparing a special meal for the Jewish celebration of Passover.  We also hear about the meal that Jesus shares with his disciples at the Last Supper.


Some of you have already celebrated your First Eucharist, and this special day took planning and preparation.

Each Sunday Jesus invites us to join him in this special supper.  As a family, continue planning and preparing each Sunday to receive the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What are some things that we might do to prepare ourselves to celebrate the Eucharist?


Family Prayer:  Lord, please help us to recognize you in the Holy Eucharist.  Help us to remember that you are truly present.  Amen.



WhatisEucharist 2024 En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, the Seventh Sunday of Easter, Jesus prayed for His disciples.  He prays that they would be one as he and the Father are one.  That God would protect them and that they would be made holy by the truth of God’s word. 

This week’s video is on the Ascension of the Lord into Heaven.  Thursday, May 13 we celebrated Jesus returning to the Father in Heaven.  Forty days after Jesus rose from the dead, He gathered his disciples and told them to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit, and then he went up through the clouds and returned to God the Father in Heaven.  Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, he asked his disciples to proclaim God’s salvation to all nations.  Jesus wants us to tell and show others how much he loves them.

As a family, watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question:

How can you proclaim the Gospel to others?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to spend time reading your Word in the Bible.  Strengthen us to share it with others.  Amen




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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus appears to his disciples and gives them the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The season of Easter ends with today’s celebration, Pentecost.  On Pentecost we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit.  Before Jesus Ascended into heaven, he promised to send the Holy Spirit, and he kept his promise.

This Sunday, the story of Pentecost is found in the first reading of Acts of the Apostles.  The Holy Spirit descends upon the Apostles gathered in the upper room in Jerusalem.  The Holy Spirit comes like wind because it is God’s life breathed into us and fire because it gives us light to show us God’s ways.  The Holy Spirit helps us to understand who God is and enables us to be his witness to share his love throughout the world.

As a family, watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question:

How is the Holy Spirit light and strength in your life?

Family Prayer:  Lord Jesus, I thank you for the gift of Pentecost and for new life in the Holy Spirit.  Fill me with your Holy Spirit and set my heart ablaze with the fire of your love that I may serve you in joy and freedom.


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

6/9/24 - What Is Most Important - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus returns home with his twelve disciples.  A crowd has gathered, and he is accused that his miracles were done through the power of the devil.  Jesus speaks to them in parables and warns against their denial of the love of God, the forgiveness of sins and the Holy Spirit.  When they tell Jesus that his family is outside, waiting for him, he explains that whoever does the will of God are his brother, sister, and mother.


Jesus teaches us that when we believe in him, we are members of his family.  God is our Father, and we are brothers and sisters in Christ.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What are some of the things we do as a family.  What are some things we do with our Church Family?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, thank you for our family and our Church family.  Help us be loving and kind to all people.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

8/28/22 - What is Humility? - Cycle C

Dear Families,

This Sunday when Jesus sees people trying to sit in places of honor at a banquet, he saw their pride.  He tells them a parable about being humble.  Jesus focuses on humility not on pride.  When we have true humility, we understand that everything we have comes from God.  When we don’t understand we start to look down on everyone, and we forget about God and that he gave us these gifts to help others.  We start looking for approval from others like the proud guests at the banquet, and we can commit the sin of pride.

According to Jesus, the most important thing is to learn to be humble.  Being humble is not thinking less of ourselves; being humble means thinking about ourselves less.  He is teaching us to focus on others and to invite people into our lives who will not be able to repay us with places of honor.  God wants us to be generous with the gifts he has given us, and to give everyone a place of honor.  Humility frees us from worrying about ourselves, and what others think of us.  We give much glory to God when we are humble.

As a family, watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can you better identify the situations that make you fall into the sin of pride?

Family Prayer:  Lord, grant us the grace to be humble, and serve everyone we meet with dignity.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

6/16/24 - What is Faith? - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus tells two parables about the kingdom of God.  In the first parable, Jesus says that the kingdom of God is like a seed a man scatters and does not know how it grows, but with time the seed sprouts and grows into a harvest.  The second parable focuses on a tiny mustard seed, that though tiny grows into a tree with large branches and welcomes many birds.


Both of these parables focus on seeds and how they take time to grow.  They teach us that when we scatter the seed of God’s word, we do not know how it grows but we need to scatter the seed.   Also, when we plant the tiniest seed of love in our hearts and share it with others it too grows and brings the kingdom of God to others.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Why does Jesus use the seed in these parables to explain the Kingdom of God?  What do we learn about the kingdom from the mustard seed parable?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us to grow in faith and bring the kingdom of God to others.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

4/14/24 - What does the Resurrection mean for us? - Cycle B

Dear Families,

Happy Easter!


On this Third Sunday of Easter, we hear in Luke’s Gospel how Jesus again appears to his disciples.  They are afraid, and he greets them “Peace be with you.”  He asks them to touch his wounds and give him something to eat.  Jesus is risen and still has his human body.  He is Risen and is fully human and fully divine.  After they ate, Jesus gives the disciples a mission, to tell others about his Life, Death, and Resurrection and His message of God’s love and forgiveness.


As disciples of Jesus, we also are invited to eat at his table and receive the Eucharist, share scriptures, and announce the Good News of Jesus’ message of God’s love and forgiveness of sins.  We are to be witnesses of what we have experienced with him.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can I be a witness of God’s love to others?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us bring the Good News of your Resurrection to our family, friends, and neighbors.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

7/23/23 - Weeds Among the Wheat - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In Matthew’s Gospel of this week, Jesus continues to speak to us in parables.  In today’s first parable, Jesus talks about a man who tells his servants to let the weeds grow along with the wheat until harvest time, this way the wheat will not be pulled along with the weeds.  The man told them to wait till harvest time.  Then they were to burn the weeds and gather the wheat into his barn.


The weeds represent the evil in the world, the wheat the good in the world.  Wheat and weeds must grow together until harvest time.  Let this serve us as a reminder about the Kingdom of God, and learn that through our actions we must be the wheat in the world, not be judgmental, and bring God’s love and mercy to all.  God is merciful, and gives us time to do good actions so that on judgement day we can be gathered into his barn, his Kingdom of Heaven.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What does this parable of the weeds and wheat tell us about God’s judgment and his Kingdom?


Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to pull the weeds out of our hearts and mind, and become the loving wheat you desire for us to be gathered into your Heavenly Kingdom.  Amen



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

1/16/22 - Wedding in Cana- Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus performs his first miracle.  He turns water into wine at a wedding in Cana.  Mary observed that the hosts had run out of wine and this could become an embarrassing situation.  Mary told Jesus and he said he wasn’t ready, but Mary told the servers “Do whatever he tells you”.  Jesus obeyed Mary and asked the servers to bring six stone jars with water and changes the water into wine.  And not just ordinary wine, but the very best.  This is the first sign of Jesus glory.

Mary interceded at the wedding celebration and Jesus listened to her request and obeyed.  Mary intercedes for us when we ask her to pray for us.  She is an example of how presenting our needs and those of others to Jesus we can be confident that he will respond to our prayers in extraordinary ways. 

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
When we see a need how can we try to help?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us to be obedient, just like you were to your mother.  Help us see the needs of others.  Help us to do what you teach us.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

8/13/23 - Walking on Water! - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Matthew, we listen to how Jesus walked on water.  Jesus is walking towards his disciples in a storm and they get scared because they think Jesus is a ghost.  Jesus tells them not to be afraid that it was him.  Peter who wanted to follow Jesus asked him to call him to walk on water and he did.  But as soon Peter notices what he was doing, and takes his eyes off Jesus he starts to sink.  Jesus did not let him sink, he took him by the hand and helped him out of the water.


Like Peter when we take our eyes off Jesus our fears and doubts overtake us.  Jesus wants to take us by our hand and help us.  When we pray and have faith in Jesus, he will give us the grace to overcome our doubts and fears.  If you realize you’re having a hard time doing the right thing, pray to Jesus to help you.  Remember to trust Jesus even when things look scary.  Have faith, Jesus loves you and is always in control.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What did Jesus say to Peter about his faith?  What area of your life do you need to trust Jesus more?


Family Prayer:  Lord, we all experience storms in life.  Help us to trust you even when life seems difficult.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

8/7/22 - Vigilant Servants - Cycle C

Dear Families,

Last week we heard about the foolish greedy rich man who never enjoyed his wealth.  We learned we are to share our wealth with others.

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus continues teaching and gives us many parables.  He tells us not be afraid, sell all your belongings and give to the poor.  Your Father will take care of you.  For where your treasure is your hearts will be.  Light your lamps, open the door, be vigilant you do not know when the Son of Man will return.

When Peters asks if this parable was meant for everyone, Jesus answered him with a question.  Would a prudent master put in charge servants who knew their master’s will, but did not prepare because they were ignorant or distracted because of their bad behavior?  In other words, Jesus’ message is, much is expected from us and we need to share our gifts.  We need to be vigilant servants waiting for our master’s return.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Are you vigilant, prepared for Jesus’ return?  Are you ignorant or distracted when it comes to your faith?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, we don’t know when you will come again.  Help us remember that we should always be ready.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

5/5/24 - Unconditional Love - Cycle B

Dear Families,

Happy Easter!


This Sixth Sunday of Easter, Jesus said to his disciples: “As the Father loves me, so I also love you.  Remain in my love.  If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.  I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy might be complete.”


In this Gospel, Jesus shares the depth of his love for us.  It is simple and everlasting.  He calls us to love one another, as God loves him and as he loves us.  Sharing Jesus’ love is not simple.  This love requires putting others first, giving up a special treat, or being a friend to someone who is not easy to love.  Jesus teaches us that we will be happy and complete when we love one another as he loves us.


This week during the Sign of Peace, try to see Jesus in each person you greet and smile at them with love.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can you find new ways to spread Christ’s love and joy to others?


Family Prayer:  Lord, show us how to love and bring joy to others.  Amen.



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 (La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

In Sunday’s Gospel, we hear of a great storm.  Jesus is on a boat with his disciples and has fallen asleep.  His disciples are afraid of the storm and they wake up Jesus.  Jesus wakes up and orders the wind and sea to calm down.  Jesus asks his disciples: “Why are you terrified?  Do you not yet have faith?”

We all face personal storms of fear, anger, loneliness, rejection, loss of a loved ones.  We can share our worries and concerns with Jesus.  When we bring our worries to Jesus in prayer, he can help us see our worries from a different perspective.  He can help us face our worries with faith in God’s love and protection.

As a family watch video in its entirety and ask each other these questions:

When you are afraid, do you remember that Jesus is with you?

How can Jesus help you when you are afraid?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, increase our trust in you especially when we are afraid.  Help us to trust that you will help us at all times. Amen.


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)


Dear Families,

I greet you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  This week is Holy Trinity Sunday, and when we make the sign of the cross we are recalling the mystery of our faith that expresses the Holy Trinity, one God who is three persons – God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  This Sunday let us rejoice that God chooses to interact with us in different, loving ways.

Sunday’s Gospel John 3:16-18 talks about how God sends Jesus to save the world, He loves us and wants to give us eternal life.  Read the Gospel together as a family.

This week’s video will be only in English.  Sing together and rejoice!

Holy Trinity

For God So Loved The World…

John 3:16 – Juan 3, 16

Click photo and sing as a family.




Queridas familias,

Los saludos en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo.  Esta semana es el domingo de la Santísima Trinidad, y cuando hacemos la señal de la cruz estamos recordando el misterio de nuestra fe que expresa la Santísima Trinidad, un Dios que es tres personas:  Dios Padre, Jesús el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo.  Este domingo nos regocijamos de que Dios elige interactuar con nosotros de maneras diferentes y amorosas.

El Evangelio del domingo Juan 3, 16-18 habla de cómo Dios envía a Jesús para salvar al mundo, nos ama y quiere darnos la vida eterna.  Lean juntos el Evangelio como familia.

El video de esta semana será solo en inglés.  ¡Cantar juntos y alegrarse!


Holy Trinity

Tanto Amo Dios Al Mundo…

John 3:16 – Juan 3, 16

Clic la foto y canten como familia.



Bertha Keenan, Director
St. Anne’s Parish
Family Faith Formation
Brentwood, NY
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 (La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

Sunday’s Gospel tells us that Jesus performed miracles.  He cured the sick and even raised the dead.  In each case he was moved by the faith of the people who requested the miracle.  We don’t think of ourselves as being in need of healing, but we all need healing in different ways.  We are human and we have physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs and perhaps need a bit of healing every single day.  Jesus wants us to ask him when we need help and to ask with faith.

As a family watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question:

What does it mean to ask Jesus for something with faith?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, please help us to have faith.  Teach us to ask for what we need with faith.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Parents,

Jesus does not like injustice or bad actions.  In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus is not happy with the people who are using the Temple for profit rather than for love of God.  He says the Temple will be destroyed and built again in three days, but he is talking about himself!

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question. What things in your life do you need to get rid of so you can focus more on God?

Family Prayer:  Holy Spirit, show us how to let go of things we do not need.  Amen



cleansing of the temple

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Parents,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Luke, two of Jesus’ disciples were sharing with the other disciples what had taken place on the road to Emmaus and how Jesus was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.  As they were sharing their story Jesus suddenly stood among them and said “Peace be with you.”  They were confused, frightened.  Were they seeing a ghost?  “Look at my hands and feet.  Touch me.  Do you have something to eat?”  They all watched Jesus eat.  Ghosts don’t eat.  He reminded them to remember all he had taught them according to the Scriptures.  Jesus opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.  He had died and risen on the third day for the repentance and forgiveness of our sins and they were to be witnesses of this truth and preach this truth to all the nations.

St. Pope John Paul II said in Australia in 1986.  “We do not pretend that life is all beauty.  We are aware of darkness and sin, of poverty and pain.  But we know Jesus has conquered sin and passed through his own pain to the glory of the Resurrection.  And we live in the light of his Paschal Mystery – the mystery of his Death and Resurrection.  We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!”.  Witness my dear families to this truth with joy.

As a family watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question:

How will you witness Jesus’ resurrection?

Family Prayer:  “We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!”  ALLELUIA!



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

12/12/21 - Third Sunday of Advent - Cycle C

Dear Families,

This Sunday is the third week of Advent, and we prepare joyfully for the coming of the Messiah.  John the Baptist answers questions on how to prepare for the coming of the Messiah.  He told them they can share food and clothing.  Tax collectors can collect only what they are owed.  Soldiers could treat people with respect.  At first people thought he might be the Messiah, but he explained that one mightier than him would baptize with the Holy Spirit. 

John the Baptist’s preaching raises people’s hopes.  John helped people to see how they should act toward one another so that they are ready for God’s coming.  People came to see and hear him, and he showed them the way to God.  The people that heard John preach had a desire to change their lives for the better, they wanted to hear the truth. 

As a family, watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can we, like John the Baptist, show other people the way to Jesus?

Family Prayer:  Holy Spirit, you move us and help us change.  Teach us to follow Jesus in all things. Amen

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

It is the third Sunday of Advent.  In this Sunday’s Gospel, John the Baptist not only prepares for Christ’s arrival, but also gives his testimony.  We too are called to tell our stories of Jesus coming into our lives. We are asked to be other “voices in the desert”, proclaiming Jesus to the world.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question. Who are the people whose words and actions have taught you about Jesus? How can we pray without stopping?

Family Prayer:  Dear Jesus, show us how to teach others about you.  Help us to be voices of faith. Help us rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in all circumstances give thanks.  Amen


advent 3

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

1/23/22 - The Word of God - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus was in his hometown Nazareth where he grew up.  Being a faithful Jew He was attending the synagogue on the Sabbath.  He was called to read the Scripture and make a comment.  Jesus reads aloud from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah and announces that this Scripture is now fulfilled.  He will bring Good News to the poor, sight to the blind, and freedom to captives.  Jesus is proclaiming himself as the anointed one when he said, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.”

Jesus tells the people about his mission, the work that he will do to bring forth God’s Kingdom.  Every kind thing we do is a way to serve God’s Kingdom.  When we read the Word of God and reach out to people in need, we follow Jesus and continue his work showing people God’s love.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How do we bring people Good News the way Jesus does?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, thank you for showing us how to love others.  With the help of the Holy Spirit, we will continue your mission.  Amen



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

11/12/23 - The Wise and Foolish Virgins Parable - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells the parable of the wise and foolish virgins.  To understand this parable, we need to know that during Jesus’ time it was a tradition for families and friends to wait for the bridegroom when he came to bring his bride to their new home.  And they could be late.  The wise virgins were prepared and took extra oil and attended the wedding feast.  The foolish ones did not take extra oil and while they went to get more oil the doors were closed and they were not able to attend the wedding feast.


Jesus is teaching how we need to be prepared to enter the Kingdom of Heaven because we do not know when he will return.  We prepare for his coming every day through prayer, being good to one another, loving each other, going to mass.  Living our faith is the work of a lifetime. 


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
If Jesus came back today, would you be ready to meet him?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, remind us to always be prepared for you, especially each Sunday at Mass.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

4/28/24 - The Vine and the Branches - Cycle B

Dear Families,

Happy Easter!


This fifth Sunday of Easter, Jesus tells us he is the vine we are the branches.  Jesus uses this parable to explain how branches grow out from a vine and receive their food from the main stem.  The gardener prunes and tends the garden so it will grow and bear fruit.


Jesus teaches us that we can only grow in faith and do the right things if we stay close to him.  Jesus will correct and guide us, just as the gardener prunes and tends a garden so it will grow strong.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can you stay connected to Jesus, like branches are connected to a vine?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us find ways to stay close to you so we can grow in faith and love.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

3/5/23 - The Transfiguration - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this Second Sunday of Lent Gospel, Jesus travels up a mountain with Peter, James and John.  Jesus is transfigured and his face becomes as dazzling as the sun; his clothes radiate bright light.  Moses and Elijah also appeared and were speaking with Jesus.  It is a vision of Jesus’ divinity shining through his humanity.  This vision was so beautiful that Peter wanted to stay and build three tents; one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.  All of a sudden Peter, James and John hear a voice from the cloud that tells them “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.”  They are so scared that they fall to the ground.  But Jesus comes to them and tells them not to be afraid.  Jesus gives them an order.  Don’t tell anyone about this vision until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.


This vision of Jesus transfigured in glory tells all of us to remember Jesus’ risen, shining self.  Jesus calls us to shine like him, now and forever.  As beloved sons and daughters of God we need to listen to Jesus.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What are you doing for Lent that will help you listen to Jesus?  Will this transform you to be the light of God for others?


Family Prayer:  God, we know that Jesus is your beloved Son.  Help us to listen to him.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

8/6/23 - The Transfiguration - Cycle A

Dear Families,

This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.  In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus travels up a mountain with Peter, James and John.  Jesus is transfigured and his face becomes as dazzling as the sun; his clothes radiate bright light.  Moses and Elijah also appeared and were speaking with Jesus.  It is a vision of Jesus’ divinity shining through his humanity.  This vision was so beautiful that Peter wanted to stay and build three tents; one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.  All of a sudden Peter, James and John hear a voice from the cloud that tells them “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.”  They are so scared that they fall to the ground.  But Jesus comes to them and tells them not to be afraid.  Jesus gives them an order.  Don’t tell anyone about this vision until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.


This vision of Jesus transfigured in glory tells all of us to remember Jesus’ risen, shining self.  Jesus calls us to shine like him, now and forever.  As beloved sons and daughters of God we need to listen to Jesus.


As a family watch video on the Transfiguration, and then ask each other this question.
What are some of the things affirmed about Jesus in the Transfiguration?


Family Prayer:  God, we know that Jesus is your beloved Son.  Help us to listen to him.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

3/12/23 - The Samaritan Woman - Cycle A

Dear Families,

This Third Sunday of Lent, a Samaritan woman is surprised that Jesus a Jew asks her for a drink of water at a well.  Jews and Samaritans didn’t speak to each other.  Jesus enters into a conversation with her.  He tells her about the living water that brings eternal life.  She first doesn’t understand him, then she questions, objects and challenges Jesus until she listens and believes Jesus when he tells her he is a prophet and the Messiah.  She becomes a witness to her townspeople.  Many Samaritans believed her and come to meet Jesus themselves.


Lent is a season for reflection and repentance.  Like the Samaritan woman we want to reflect on our questions, objections, and challenges.  We need to listen and recognize Jesus in our hearts.  When we are baptized, we receive the living water that brings eternal life.   Like the Samaritan woman let’s spread the news of Jesus’ living water and bring eternal life to others.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What is the living water Jesus is talking about?  How can you spread Jesus’ living water and bring eternal life to others?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, you are living water within us.  You nourish us, give us hope, and keep us alive and growing.
Help us share this living water within us with others.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

11/6/22 - The Resurrection Is The Heart Of Our Faith - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, the Sadducees, who did not believe in resurrection from the dead, ask Jesus a ridiculous tricky question.  They ask him, what would happen if a widow had different husbands throughout her life and they died.  Who would she be married to in Heaven?  Jesus is not tricked.  He teaches that God is God of the living.  Jesus tells them that in Heaven people are like angels because they can’t die anymore, so they will not be married.  All are alive in God.  Jesus’ teaching on the rising from the dead is the heart of our Catholic faith.


It is not easy to imagine what our life will be like after the resurrection of the dead.  It will be different, it will not be the same as this world, we will live in great joy as children of God.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What does the word resurrection mean to you?  What is the name of the prayer at mass where we profess the belief of the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come?


Family Prayer:  Pray the “The Creed” together. Amen.


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

10/23/22 -The Pharisee and the Tax Collector- Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel Jesus tells us another parable about prayer.  He tells the story about two men praying in the Temple.  One was a Pharisee who was a member of a pious religious group who studied and carefully kept the Law of Moses and taught the written law of the Bible.  The Pharisee prayed about his goodness and compared himself to others who were not as good as he.  The other was a Jewish tax collector who made his living by collecting taxes for the Romans, and at times charged more to make a better living.  People during those days did not like them.  The tax collector prayed and asked God to have mercy on him, a sinner.  Jesus praises the tax collector for his humility and admonishes the Pharisee’s self-righteousness.

Praying with humility helps us understand and admit that all the good things we do come from God.  It helps us be sorry for the selfish things we have done, be sorry for our sins, and ask God for forgiveness.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
When have you been like the Pharisee?  The tax collector?  What is the difference?

Family Prayer:  Lord, show us where we lack humility, and help us to remember to do good deeds in your name.  Amen.


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

9/24/23 - The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells a story of a vineyard owner who went out at different times to find men to work.  At the end of the day, he gave each man a whole day’s wages, even though some worked all day and some only worked one hour.  He started paying the workers that started working late first and the ones that came in first last.  The ones who worked all day complained and were not happy because they all received the same wages.  This story is not about wages or fairness.


Jesus is teaching us about God’s love and generosity.  It can feel unfair when someone gets paid when they did not work as hard as you did.  Jesus says, “The last will be first, and the first will be last.”  Some people spend their whole lives working for God, and some people only turn to Him at the last minute.  He teaches us that there is room for everyone in his Church and in Heaven.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What is a family activity in which each member does his or her part?  When did you want to be first, but did not get to be?  Name something positive about putting others first?


Family Prayer:  Dear Jesus, show us how to put others first.  Remind us that you love all of us and you want us to love each other.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

10/15/23 - The Parable of the Wedding Banquet - Cycle A

Dear Families,

If you were invited to a party, would you go?  In today’s Gospel of Matthew, guests who were invited to the son of the king's wedding did not come, so the host invited strangers.  Every Sunday, we are invited to come to God’s house.  Sometimes we may not feel like going or we are too busy, but the feast is ready and God is waiting eagerly for our arrival.


Jesus tells this parable to teach us about being invited to the greatest celebration of all, the gift of the Holy Eucharist at Mass.  Some people accept his invitation and some people don’t.  When we don’t attend Mass, we are saying no to his invitation to the Kingdom of Heaven.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
Why is Sunday Mass such an important and special celebration?


Family Prayer:  Lord, thank you for sending us an invitation to be a part of your family and come to your celebration every Sunday.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

10/1/23 - The Parable of the Two Sons - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells a parable (story) of two sons whose father asked them to help in the vineyard.  The first son said no to his father and then changed his mind and helped.  The second son said yes, he would help but he did not.  Both sons were asked to help.  The difference between the two sons is that the first son that said no disobeyed with his words but obeyed with his action.  The second son said yes with his words but disobeyed with his action.


There are times when we are asked to do something and say yes and plan not to do it.  Other times we might say no and then realize we need to do it.  Jesus teaches us that our actions are as important as our words.  When we go to Mass each Sunday, we learn God’s love for us and how to love one another.  It is important that our actions match what we learn and say at each Mass and live God’s love through our words and actions in our world.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What makes you say no instead of yes when you are asked to do something?  What do you say yes to and do?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us to hear what you want us to know and to say yes to you.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

11/19/23 - The Parable of the Talents - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells us another parable.  Jesus tells about a master who went on a journey and trusted three of his servants to take care of large sums of his money (talents).   When he came back and asked, two of them used the talents and earned more but one didn’t use it at all.  He rewarded the two servants who had used their talents, but he punished the servant who was afraid and had not used his talent.


We learn from Jesus in this parable the importance of using the talents that God has given us.  God has given each of us particular skills and abilities and we must not hide them or be afraid to use them.  By using the talents God has given us for his glory, we serve God and bring people closer to the Kingdom of Heaven.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What talent has God given you?  How can you use it to tell others about Jesus?


Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to discover our talents.  Show us how you want us to use them.  Amen.



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 (La versión en español sigue al inglés)

7/24/22 - The Our Father - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel, when the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, the Lord taught them the “Our Father”.  It is the prayer we pray in many languages at each mass throughout the world.

At mass before we pray the Lord’s Prayer the priest says “At the Savior’s command and formed by divine teaching we dare to say”:  and we pray the Our Father.  As a community we give glory to God by praising Him, we ask for our daily body and spiritual needs, and we ask for forgiveness of our sins, to forgive others, and to keep us away from temptation and evil.  The Lord’s prayer is truly a challenge to live by every day, no wonder the priest says “we dare to say”.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
Which line in the Lord’s Prayer is a challenge for you?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us pray the Our Father and sincerely think what each line means.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

5/15/22 - The New Commandment - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In the Old Testament, before Jesus came, there were many commandments.  Jesus obeyed the commandments, but in this week’s Gospel, Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment.  He told his disciples to love one another.  Jesus wants us to love each other the way he loves us.  We must look at how Jesus loves us.  He loves us completely and unconditionally.  He is ready to forgive any offense.  He sacrificed his life for us.

Let us turn to God and let him transform our hearts and free us to love others with compassion and kindness.  Show that you are a follower of Jesus by how you love others.  .

As a family watch video in its entirety then ask each other these questions.
How does Jesus show his love for you?  How can you imitate his love?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us to love every member of our family the way you love us.  Give us the grace to put each other first and be willing to sacrifice for them.  Let us show the world we are your disciples by how we love one another.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

It is the fourth Sunday of Advent.  In this Sunday’s Gospel the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked her to be the mother of Jesus.  She said yes to God’s invitation.  Mary believed God could do impossible things.  Through her yes, she brought Jesus into the world.  This Thursday, December 25th, after all the waiting and preparation, our Savior is here.  It is a time of great joy.  Merry Christmas to all.  May the birth of our Savior open your hearts to his love.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question. How do you show that you believe God can do impossible things?  How is Jesus a gift in your life?  How do you share this gift with others?

Family Prayer:  Dear God, show us how to bring Jesus to others.


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 Watch video as a family.


(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

12/24/23 - The Nativity

Dear Families,

Merry Christmas.  This weekend we have much to celebrate.  In Sunday’s Gospel the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked her to be the mother of Jesus.  Through her yes, she brought Jesus into the world and Monday Christmas day we celebrate the birth of Jesus.


Like Mary, say yes to God.  Like the shepherds bring the joy of Christ our Savior into the world.


As a family watch The Nativity video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What are some things you can do to share the story of Jesus, and bring the love of God to your family, friends and neighbors this Christmas?


Family Prayer:  Dear God, show us how to bring Jesus to others.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

6/4/23 - The Most Holy Trinity - Cycle A

Dear Families,

This week we return to the liturgical season of Ordinary Times (I like to call it Growing Times).  However, the next two Sundays are special days that call our attention to the mysteries of our faith.  This Sunday is Trinity Sunday, and we celebrate the mystery of the Holy Trinity.  Whenever you begin your prayers with the Sign of the Cross, think about the Blessed Trinity.  God the Father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit.  The Trinity is God’s love in the world.


Today’s Gospel of John tells us that “God so loved the world that he gave his Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.”  God loves us so much that he sent his only Son, Jesus to save the world.  Jesus, in turn, sent the Holy Spirit so that our faith in God and his love would be strengthened.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How is God’s great love in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit experienced in our family?


Family Prayer:  Lord, we ask you to help us live each day in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

1/7/24 - The Magi

Dear Families,

Merry Christmas!  In this Sunday’s Gospel of Matthew, we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany.  We learn how the Magi were not members of the Jewish people.  The Magi came from far away because they had seen a star appear in the sky and understood that a king had been born and traveled to Jerusalem.  When they arrived in Jerusalem, they first met with the king of Jerusalem.  King Herod was rich, had servants, was a powerful leader and everyone did what he commanded.  But the Magi understood that this was not the king they were seeking.  So, they continued their journey and followed the star to Bethlehem.  They found the new king not in a palace or rich.  The Magi found a baby with his mother and understood that this was the true king.  They knelt and they offered him their best gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.


In many cultures, gifts are not exchanged at Christmas, but on the feast of the Epiphany.  The Magi teach us that Jesus is here for all of us and to seek him.  Let’s celebrate the feast of the Epiphany and bring to Jesus the gift of the best version of ourselves that God created us to be and to serve him.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What can the Magi teach us about seeking Jesus?  What gifts do you bring to Jesus?


Family Prayer:  Lord, your kingly power, announced by a star, shines brightly.  May our hearts be opened to seek you and serve you completely.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

9/11/22 - The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Prodigal Son - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus responds to those complaining about him keeping company with sinners.  He tells them three parables about something or someone being lost and then found.  The first parable is about the shepherd who leaves 99 sheep to search for one and when he finds the one, he rejoices.  The second parable is about a woman searching for one coin and when she finds it, she also rejoices.  Finally, the third story is about the son who asked for his inheritance before the father died.  He leaves home and spends all his money on foolish things, and when he returns home his father is waiting for him, forgives him and he too rejoices and celebrates by throwing him a party.  However, his brother is upset and does not think his brother, a sinner, is worthy of such rejoicing.

Jesus is teaching us in these parables, that when we do something wrong and sin, God never stops loving us.  God does not lose hope or give up on us.  He rejoices when we are lost and come back to him, we are always worthy of his love.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What do these parables teach us about sin and forgiveness? 

Family Prayer:  Jesus, thank you for always being there for us, no matter how lost and alone we may feel.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

9/17/23 - The Lord's Call to Us - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel, Peter asks Jesus how many times he needs to forgive others.  Then Jesus tells the story of the king who forgave someone’s debt and how this person did not forgive the person who owed him.  Jesus teaches that we must forgive one another as God has forgiven us.


It is not always easy to forgive someone who hurts you.  Jesus tells us that we must forgive, just as God the Father forgives us.  When we hurt someone, we should ask for forgiveness right away.  When someone asks for our forgiveness, we should not answer, “It’s okay,” but rather say, “I forgive you.”  We must forgive one another from the heart.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Do we answer Jesus’ call?  Are we afraid to answer his call?  When others hurt us, do we truly forgive with our hearts?


Family Prayer:  Help us Lord to answer your call.  And, to offer and ask for forgiveness when we have hurt each other.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

7/30/23 - The Kingdom of Heaven is Our Treasure - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel of Matthew, Jesus teaches us about the Kingdom of Heaven.  He says the Kingdom of Heaven is like a buried treasure that a man finds and sells everything he has and buys the field where it is buried.  He also says, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a rare pearl that costs a lot of money, and when a merchant finds it sells all he has and buys it.  These parables can help us realize that Jesus gave up his life because we are his treasure.


Belonging to God’s Kingdom should be more important than anything else in our lives.  The Kingdom of Heaven is our treasure.  Listening to the first reading, like King Solomon, let’s ask God to give us the wisdom to have an understanding heart to know how to serve others, and to distinguish right from wrong.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can we as a family help each other enter the Kingdom of Heaven?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us never to lose sight that living with you in the Kingdom of Heaven is our real treasure.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

10/29/23 - The Greatest Commandment - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Matthew, the Jewish religious leaders are still trying to test Jesus.  In today’s reading they question him about the Ten Commandments and the many additional rules that numbered over six hundred by asking him which is the most important one.  Jesus answers them that the first greatest commandment is to love God with our whole heart, soul and mind.  The second greatest commandment is to love others as you love yourself.  The whole law depends on these two commandments.


Jesus teaches that the heart of God’s Law is love.  When we keep the great commandments, we also keep all the other commandments.  Sometimes we think that the commandments restrict us but they free us from those things that get in the way of loving.  Jesus shows us this love in a powerful way by his life, Death, and Resurrection.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What are the rules or laws in your family?  How do they show love for God?  How do they show love for you and others?


Family Prayer:  Dear Lord, show us how to love you, ourselves, and others.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

4/21/24 - The Good Shepherd - Cycle B

Dear Families,

Happy Easter!

This fourth Sunday of Easter is called Good Shepherd Sunday.  Jesus tells us that he is the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep, we belong to him and he will lay down his life for us.  Jesus reminds us how important we are to him, so important that he died and rose again so we can go to Heaven.


Jesus is our leader and leads the way a good shepherd leads a flock of sheep.  Jesus heals the blind, lame, and deaf.  He reaches to outsiders and feeds crowds of hungry people.  He shows us the way to live by showing how to love one another and be good shepherds and leaders in our communities.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How is Jesus like a good shepherd?  How are you like a good shepherd?


Family Prayer:  Lord, help us become leaders who follow you and care for our neighbors.  Amen.



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 (La versión en español sigue al inglés)

7/10/22 - The Good Samaritan - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus teaches us to love God and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.  Our neighbors aren’t just people who live next door or our families and best friends.  We are to love even those who are difficult to love.  Given the animosity between the Jews and the Samaritans Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan when he is asked “Who is my neighbor?”

Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan to challenge us to think about how we label people.  We are called to love all people even those we find difficult to understand and love.

As a family watch video in its entirety then ask each other these questions.
Who has been a Good Samaritan in your life?  How have I been a Good Samaritan in someone’s life?

Family Prayer:  Dear Jesus, some people are very difficult for us to like.  Helps us to see others with your eyes and love them.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

3/27/22 - The Forgiving Father - Cycle C

Dear Families,

This Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells us a parable about a man who has two sons.  The youngest son who asked his father for his inheritance, left his home and squandered it all.  The oldest son stayed, worked and obeyed him.  When the youngest son returns the father throws him a party.  His oldest son is jealous and doesn’t understand the father giving him a celebration for his bad behavior.  What about me?  I’ve been good where is my party?  He is jealous.  Jesus teaches us about God’s love and forgiveness.  In our lives we are at times like the younger son, we walk away from God.  Other times we might be like the older son, jealous of the love and forgiveness that God shows to others.

This story speaks to us about the meaning of reconciliation, God’s love, forgiveness and mercy.  It is Lent, let us seek to be reconciled with God and others, especially through the healing Sacrament of Reconciliation. 

This Laetare Sunday let us rejoice and remember the joy that Easter will bring after the time of repentance during Lent.  Jesus tells us, “there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents”. (Luke 15:7).

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question?
How can you find joy even when you are struggling or suffering?

Family Prayer:  Lord, open our hearts to ask for forgiveness and to forgive others.  Show us your mercy and help us to be merciful to others.  Amen



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

3/10/24 - The Desert of Lent - Cycle B

Dear Families,

As a faithful community, we continue the journey of reading the Cycle A readings at the 9:00AM and 11:00AM mass with the adults who will be receiving the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil.  Last Sunday Jesus revealed himself to the Samaritan woman at the well and his living water.  This Sunday Jesus heals the man born blind and reveals himself to him as the Son of Man.


This video is based on the Gospel of John, Cycle B.  Jesus said to Nicodemus:  “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up so that those who believe in Him will have eternal life.”  “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life”.


God so loved the world that he sent his only Son to reveal his love for us and to save us.  In Jesus’ words and actions, we see God’s love and forgiveness.  Jesus is a light in the darkness.  Jesus is the light of the world.  Jesus teaches us that love means showing others the love God has shown us in sending Him.  Jesus helps us avoid the darkness of sin; Jesus is our light.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What light does Jesus give our world?  How can you reflect the light of Christ to others?


Family Prayer:  Lord, keep us close to the light of Christ and help us avoid the darkness of sin.  Amen.



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 (La versión en español sigue al inglés)

7/3/22 - The Cross and a New Creation - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s second reading Saint Paul writes to the Galatians and tells them that he may never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The Christians of Galatia were confused because some preachers were telling them that to be Christians they first had to convert to Judaism and follow the entire Jewish law.  St. Paul speaks of the cross and a new creation.  What does he mean?  Watch video and find out.

In the Gospel, Jesus sends 72 disciples to tell the people in the towns that He is coming.  He says to them that the harvest is abundant but laborers are few.  We the followers of Jesus need to be laborers in the fields, sowing the words of God to bring people back to God.  The more laborers there are, the more plentiful the harvest.

As a family watch video in its entirety then ask each other these questions?
What does Paul mean when he speaks about a new creation?  Are you a laborer of the harvest?  What do you need to do to become a laborer in the harvest?

Family Prayer:  Lord, by your cross and resurrection we are a new creation, help us be laborers for your kingdom.  Help us bring your peace and mercy to the world.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

6/12/22 - Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity - Cycle C

Dear Families,

This Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Blessed Trinity.  Jesus taught us that there were three Persons in one God when He spoke about The Father, Himself, and the Holy Spirit.  Each time we make the Sign of the Cross we are praying to the Blessed Trinity.

In John’s Gospel Jesus tells his disciples that he has much to teach them but that it is too much for them to learn at the time.  He promises them that the Spirit of truth will guide them.  God through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit will always be with them.  Like the disciples we have much to learn.  Jesus teaches us about God the Father but we need the Holy Spirit to guide us with his truth and love.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
Where do we hear the Spirit of Truth today?

Family Prayer:  Lord send your Holy Spirit to us, and help us to know and love you more.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

This week we return to the liturgical season of Ordinary Time, and we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. 

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells the Apostles to teach and baptize all nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  This is called the Great Commission.  We name ourselves Christians as we pray in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Through our Baptism, we share in the life of the Blessed Trinity and in the Church’s mission to share God’s love with everyone.

As a family, watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question:

How can you share your faith with others?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to learn more about the Blessed Trinity, so we can teach others about you.  Amen


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 Watch video as a family.


(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel Jesus reminds us that when we care for the poor, hungry, sick, tired, and lonely, we are loving him.  We also remember this Sunday that Jesus is the King.  If we wish to be in service to our King, we must be in service to those in need.

As a family watch video in its entirety than ask each other this question. How can you recognize the needs of others and help fill those needs?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us to notice when someone is poor, sick, lonely, hungry, or in need in any way.  Amen


Christ The King

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

11/26/23 - Solemnity of Christ the King - Cycle A

Dear Families,

This Sunday is the conclusion of our liturgical year.  The Solemnity of Christ the King.  In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us that when we care for the poor, hungry, sick, tired and lonely, we are loving Him.  Jesus is our King.  If we wish to be in service to our King, we must be in service to those in need.


In today’s Gospel, we learn that when we serve others in need, we are loving Jesus our King.  People who follow Jesus by being loving and generous to others will one day live with Jesus in Heaven forever.


As a family watch video and then ask each other this question.
How can you recognize the needs of others and help fill those needs?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us to notice when someone is poor, sick, lonely hungry, or need in any way.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

11/21/21 - Solemnity of Christ the King - Cycle B

Dear Families,

The Feast of Christ the King ends the Church year.  The Church celebrates this feast to hold up Jesus as the kind of king and leader the world needs. 

This Sunday’s Gospel when Pilate asks Jesus if he is a king, he answers that his kingdom does not belong to this world.  He has no army.  Jesus is not a king of power and force.  He reins his kingdom by being a Servant King.  He serves people with God’s truth, love and peace.  Jesus has authority over everything, but he humbles himself to serve us and even to die for us.

On this feast of Christ the King, let us remember to allow Christ to rein in our minds, will, hearts, and bodies.  Let us be followers of the Servant King. 

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How is God’s kingdom different from a kingdom on earth?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, you are a good and loving king.  Help us to follow your will and trust that it is always for our good. Amen.

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us the Beatitudes which is a list of attitudes and actions that help people find happiness. We are called to be peacemakers, to be humble, merciful, and clean of heart.  Today we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints. Studying the lives of the saints shows us how other people have lived out these Beatitudes as holy examples for us.

As a family watch video in its entirety than ask each other this question. How can you put into practice these teachings of Jesus?

Family Prayer:  Lord, teach us to understand the Beatitudes and follow the example of the saints.  Amen


All saints day

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 (La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

This Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Body and Blood of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.

In this Sunday’s Gospel, we hear how Jesus instructed his disciples to prepare for their special Passover meal.  Passover celebrates the Jewish feast where the Jewish people were freed from slavery by the Egyptians.  This was to be Jesus Last Supper with His disciples. During the meal, Jesus took the bread, blessed it and shared it with his disciples.  Then Jesus took a cup, blessed it and shared it with his disciples.  Jesus changed the bread and wine into His own Body and Blood.  He did this because he wanted to be with us always.  Every time we receive the Eucharist, we remember we are receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The priest takes the place of Jesus, saying the same words that Jesus said at the Last Super, and the bread and wine becomes the real Body and Blood of Jesus.

As a family watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question:

How can you better prepare yourself to receive Holy Communion?

Family Prayer:  Lord, please help us to recognize you in the Holy Eucharist.  Help us to remember that you are truly present.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus shares the depth of his love for us.  It is simple and everlasting.  He calls us to love one another, as God loves Him and as He loves us.  Jesus explains that we will be happy and fulfilled only when we keep this one command:  Love one another.  But perhaps it’s not so simple.  This love may require putting others first and giving up a special treat, or being a friend to someone who is not easy to love.

As a family, watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question:

How can you find new ways to spread Christ’s love to others?

Family Prayer:  Lord, show us how to love and bring joy to others.  Amen





Love of Jesus

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

3/17/24 - Sin and the New Covenant - Cycle B

Dear Families,

As a faithful community, we continue the journey of the Cycle A readings at the 9:00AM and 11:00AM mass with the adults who will be receiving the sacraments at the Easter Vigil.  Jesus raises his friend Lazarus from the dead, this Gospel teaches us that Jesus has power over life and death.


This video is based on the Gospel of John, Cycle B.  Jesus explains how God will bring glory from everything that is done according to his will - even Jesus’ upcoming Death.  Christ compares his Death to a plant that dies, leaving seeds to grow.  He wants us to love God, follow his will, and grow seeds of faith.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How is Jesus like a grain of wheat?  How can you be like a seed and help grow faith?


Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to put you first, seek your will, and plant the seeds to help others grow in faith.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

3/19/23 - Seeing and Believing - Cycle A

Dear Families,

This fourth Sunday of Lent is Laetare Sunday.  “Rejoice”, Easter is drawing near!


In the Gospel of John, Jesus spits on the ground, makes clay with saliva, and smears the clay on a man born blind.  Then sends him to wash off the clay in the pool and the man can see.  Unfortunately, some people are upset because Jesus broke the Sabbath to heal him.  However, the blind man rejoices because he can see.  Jesus did not just heal him of his physical blindness where he now sees the glory of creation on earth.  Jesus has also revealed to him that he is the Son of God and he believes.


Jesus invites us to use our eyes for both kinds of seeing, the wonders of creation and to see and believe in God’s unconditional love and in his healing actions.  Each of us need to explore what Jesus wants us to see and believe who he is.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What do you know about Jesus that you didn’t know before?  Where do you see Jesus so that you can believe in him?


Family Prayer:  God, open our eyes to see you in all of Creation and believe in you.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Parents,

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus took Peter, James, and John on top of a high mountain and they see the Transfiguration of Jesus.  Jesus clothes became dazzling white.  Two great men appeared with him.  Moses who gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments, and Elijah a great prophet who taught the people to be faithful to God.  From a cloud they hear God say “This is my beloved Son.  Listen to him.”  They wondered what all of this means.  Jesus disciples probably wanted to tell everyone what they saw, but Jesus asked them to wait until after his death.  Jesus died and resurrected, now they understood and shared this special memory with others that Jesus is God’s beloved Son.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question. How will you change and grow during Lent?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to remember we also are God’s beloved children.  Amen




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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Parents,

This Second Sunday of Easter is about faith and divine mercy.  Last week Jesus was resurrected.  The Apostles were scared and confused.  This week we hear how they were hiding behind locked doors when Jesus appeared and said "Peace be with you.”  He wanted them to be at peace.  He loved them; he would always be there for them.  Thomas one of the apostles was not there when Jesus appeared, and he did not believe the apostles when they told him Jesus had appeared.  Jesus came back a week later and doubting Thomas was there and Jesus showed him his wounds.  Jesus asked him to touch his wounds.  Then he said to doubting Thomas “Have you come to believe because you have seen me?”  “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question:

What doubts or questions about God are you struggling with?

This Sunday is also the celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday.  On this day we thank God for His forgiveness and love.  We know how much he loves us because he suffered and died for us.  It is the mercy of God that lets all of us come back to Him after we have sinned.

Family Prayer:  Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.  Amen



divine mercy

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

12/5/21 - Second Sunday of Advent - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, John the Baptist (Jesus’ cousin) goes all over the country around the Jordan River and tells everyone to prepare for the coming of the Messiah.  John was not afraid to talk about Jesus and to encourage people to repent and turn away from sin.  John gave hope to people.  He shared the Good News of Jesus, that he was coming to save them, and we should share this too. 

When we light one more candle this Sunday, hopefully it will continue to remind us of how we are called to make changes in our lives and make a straight path to the Lord. 

As a family, watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What changes must I make within me that is standing in the way of growing closer to Jesus?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to recognize what hurts your heart and have the courage to work to change it.  Amen

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

It is the Second Sunday in Advent, and in this Sunday’s Gospel John the Baptist baptized with water as a symbol that the people were leaving their old, sinful ways behind.  He was preparing them for when Jesus would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and change them forever.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question. How does your family prepare for Christmas?  Are you preparing your heart for Jesus?

Family Prayer:  Lord, please help us to prepare not only for Christmas celebrations, but also for your arrival in our hearts.  Amen


advent 2

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

4/23/23 - Road to Emmaus - Cycle A

Dear Families,

Happy Easter.  In this Sunday’s Gospel of Luke two of Jesus disciples encounter him on the way to Emmaus.  They do not recognize him and they explain how sad they are because of what happened to Jesus in Jerusalem.  Jesus talks to them about the Scriptures to help them understand God’s plan.  It was late and they invited him to eat dinner with them.  They finally recognize Jesus when he blesses and breaks bread with them, just like he did at the Last Supper.  They are filled with joy and share their experience with others.


Imagine the feelings of the two disciples.  They are leaving Jerusalem are sad, and all their hopes are gone.  However, they are filled with hope and joy when their eyes are opened and they recognize Jesus in the blessing and breaking of the bread.  Each Sunday at Mass in the Eucharist we share the breaking of the bread and discover Jesus in our midst.  The Eucharist helps us receive the joy of Jesus presence and fills us with hope.  Like the disciples let’s share his presence and give joy and hope to those we know and meet in our journey of faith.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
When have you recognized that Jesus is with you?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, our hearts are full of love for you.  Help us to notice your presence with us.  Amen.



Road Emmaus En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

2/18/24 - Plans and Promises - Cycle B

Dear Families,

On this First Sunday of Lent, Mark’s Gospel tells us that the Spirit drove Jesus into the desert for 40 days.  Jesus was tempted by the devil.  Jesus was not alone in the desert.  Jesus was among wild beasts and the angels ministered to him.  We also learn that after John the Baptist was arrested, Jesus went to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God proclaiming “The Kingdom of God is at hand.  Repent, and believe in the Gospel.”


Ash Wednesday was the beginning of Lent.  When we received our ashes on our foreheads, we heard the words “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.”  As we begin this first week of Lent, let’s read the scriptures which will help us understand the joy of God’s love for us.   How He is there for us when we are tempted to do something wrong.  When we turn to the Gospels, it gives us the strength to pray, fast, and give to others.  Let’s repent of our sins, and know that God is there to help us.  Like Jesus teaches us, let’s proclaim to others through our actions that the “Kingdom of God is at hand.”


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What is Jesus asking when he says to repent and believe in the Good News?


Family Prayer:  Holy Spirit, help us to make good choices that are pleasing to God.  Amen.



Plans Promises 2024 En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

3/13/22 - Peter, James, and John See a Vision of Jesus - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus takes Peter, John, and James to the mountain to pray.  While Jesus was praying, they fell asleep.  They woke up and saw Jesus’ appearance change, his clothes were dazzling white and he was speaking with Moses and Elijah.  While Peter was speaking to Jesus about making three tents, the disciples became frightened when a cloud came and cast a shadow over them.  They heard a voice from the cloud that said to them “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.”

If the disciples had stayed asleep, they would have missed this amazing event.  They would not have seen Jesus in glory.  They would not have heard the voice from heaven.  During Lent let’s stay awake to see Jesus’ presence in our lives and listen to Jesus.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How can you listen to Jesus?  What might he say to you?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, open our ears and hearts to better hear you.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

1/30/22 - People Reject Jesus - Cycle C

Dear Families,

This Sunday’s Gospel is a continuation of last week’s Gospel.  Jesus fulfills the words of the prophet Isaiah as he announced in last week’s Gospel.  In this Sunday’s Gospel, people begin to recall that he is the son of Joseph the carpenter.  Jesus confronts them about what they are thinking.  He said they wouldn’t appreciate a prophet from their own town.  They get angry when Jesus reminds them that sometimes people of other countries believed more in Israel’s prophets than their own people.  He gives them the examples of Elijah and the widow of Sidon and Elisha and General Naaman who were not Israelites but believed in the prophets.  The crowd did not want to hear the truth, they became so angry that they rejected him and forced him to leave town.

Jesus words were challenging to the people of his hometown Nazareth.  He wanted them to respond to him differently from the way others had responded to the prophets.  But they wouldn’t let his words change them or see a different perspective.  At times we can be like the people of Nazareth, we don’t trust Jesus’ message because we find his words to us challenging.  We need to trust his words to us and rely on his guidance in our lives.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What is love?  How difficult is it to listen to those who love you, especially if they are trying to inform or correct you?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us to be humble enough to listen when we are corrected by people who care about us.  Help us to remember that they are looking out for our good.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

6/5/22 - Pentecost Sunday - Cycle C

Dear Families,

This Sunday is the feast of Pentecost and we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles ten days after his Ascension into heaven.  In the first reading in the Acts of the Apostles the Holy Spirit came to Mary and the Apostles in the form of wind and tongues of fire.  The apostles immediately went out and began to preach and teach people about Jesus.  In the Gospel of John, we read again, how Jesus greeted his disciples with the words of peace.  He breathes on them the gifts of the Holy Spirit to help them spread his message of peace and forgiveness.

Let us celebrate the gifts of the Holy Spirit by remembering that this same Holy Spirit is with us today.  He helps us do what is right so that we may go out to share the words of Jesus and spread the message of God’s love and forgiveness.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How are you sharing the love of the Holy Spirit with others?

Family Prayer:  Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with your love so that we can bring your peace and forgiveness to one another. Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

5/28/23 - Pentecost Sunday - Cycle A

Dear Families,

This Sunday, Easter ends with the celebration of the Feast of Pentecost.  Pentecost is when the Holy Spirit came to the disciples and the story of Pentecost is in today’s first reading in the Acts of the Apostles.  The Holy Spirit was given to the Apostles to guide, teach and be with them when Jesus was gone.  In the Gospel of John, Jesus greets his disciples with the gift of peace.  He tells them “As the Father has sent me, so I send you” and he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”  Jesus gave the apostles the ability to forgive sins and bring peace to the world.


Jesus gave the disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit to help them spread his message of love, peace and forgiveness.  This same Holy Spirit is still with us today.  With the Holy Spirit let us bring peace to our home, family, friends, and the world.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How does the Holy Spirit work in our family to bring us the gift of forgiveness, peace and love?


Family Prayer:  Holy Spirit, help our family receive your gift of peace, so that with your love and forgiveness we are present in your name to each other.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

5/19/24 - Pentecost Sunday

Dear Families,

The season of Easter ends with today’s celebration, Pentecost Sunday.  On Pentecost, we celebrate the birthday of the Catholic Church.  In John’s Gospel, we see Jesus giving his Apostles the gift of the Holy Spirit and passing on the ability to forgive sins.  Jesus appoints the Apostles as the Catholic Church’s first leaders.  Jesus gives us a beautiful gift in the healing Sacrament of Reconciliation – his peace.

As we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, our Gospel reminds us that this same Holy Spirit helps us be agents of God’s peace and forgiveness in the world.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How does the Holy Spirit help you bring peace to your family and friends?


Family Prayer:  Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)


Always, I pray this email finds you all well and praying as a family.

This Sunday’s Gospel of John 20:19-23 takes place on the third day after Jesus died.  The disciples were gathered under locked doors for fear of the Jews.  Suddenly Jesus appears and said “Peace be with you”.  Jesus gave them peace. Jesus is alive! He is Risen! 

In the midst of this pandemic, we are experiencing worries, anxieties, problems, disappointments and death. Through emails you have watched videos, read, and live streamed mass in your home re the Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord.  Therefore, let us receive His peace, let us rejoice, Jesus is alive, He is risen, He is with us.

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday and this week’s video is from the Acts of the Apostles. They are gathered in the Upper Room in Jerusalem.  Watch the video and take notice of what happens.

Do we at St. Anne’s come from different countries?  Do we experience the Holy Spirit at work in our community in many languages?  As a family, ask each other how can we proclaim the word of God no matter what language we speak?

May the peace of the Lord be always with you.




Acts 2:1-11

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Watch video as a family.






Siempre, rezo para que este correo electrónico los encuentre a todos bien y orando como familia.

El Evangelio de este domingo Juan 20:19-23 es el tercer día después de la muerte de Jesús. Los discípulos están reunidos bajo puertas cerradas por temor a los Judíos. De repente Jesús aparece y dijo "La paz esté con ustedes". Jesús les dio paz. ¡Jesús está a vivo! ¡Ha resucitado!

En medio de esta pandemia, estamos teniendo experiencias de preocupaciones, ansiedades, problemas, decepciones y muerte. A través de correos electrónicos han visto videos, han leído y transmitidos en vivo las misas en sus casas de la Pasión, Muerte, Resurrección y Ascensión de nuestro Señor. Por lo tanto, recibamos Su paz, regocijémonos, Jesús está vivo, ha resucitado, Él está con nosotros.

Este domingo es domingo de Pentecostés y el video de esta semana es de los Hechos de los Apóstoles. Están reunidos en el Cenáculo de Jerusalén. Vea el video y tome nota de lo que sucede.

¿En Santa Ana venimos de diferentes países? ¿Está el Espíritu Santo trabajando en nuestra comunidad en muchos idiomas? Como familia, pregúntense mutuamente ¿cómo podemos proclamar la palabra de Dios sin importar qué idioma hablemos?

Que la paz del Señor este siempre con ustedes.






Hechos 2:1-11

Clic la foto.

Vea video como familia.




Bertha Keenan, Director
St. Anne’s Parish
Family Faith Formation
Brentwood, NY
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

4/7/24 - Peace Be With You - Cycle B

Dear Families,

Happy Easter!  Easter season is a celebration of fifty days, from Easter until Pentecost.


In this Sunday’s Gospel of John, Jesus appears to his disciples and said to them “Peace be with you.”  Thomas is not with them when he appears, and Thomas does not believe them and states that unless he sees him himself, he will not believe.  Jesus appears again and asks Thomas to touch him, and not be unbelieving.  Thomas touched him and said “My Lord and my God.”  The Lord asks Thomas “Have you come to believe because you see me?  Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.”  Jesus was blessing us when he said these words to Thomas.  We are asked to show that we believe in Jesus as our Lord and God.  We believe because of the witnessing of all who have gone before us in the faith.


This Sunday the Church also celebrates the feast of Divine Mercy, it is a special day when we remember God’s mercy.  When we sin, we offend God, but because he is merciful, he forgives us when we are sorry.  Jesus loves us, he suffered and died for us.  It is a special day when we ask Jesus to look on us, our friends and the whole world with love and forgiveness.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Do you doubt when you are with believers, or are you a believer who has doubts?  Do you trust our Lord and pray for his forgiveness of sins and His mercy?


Family Prayer:  Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. Amen.



PeaceBeWithYou 2024 En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

3/20/22 - Parable of the Fig Tree - Cycle C

Dear Families,

This Sunday, Jesus tells us about a fig tree.  In Jesus’ country, a fig tree is as common as an apple tree is to us.   Many people grew fig trees and looked forward to eating the figs.  The fig tree in Jesus’ parable isn’t producing figs.  What to do?  Cut it down? The gardener gives the tree another chance and says he will add more fertilizer and give the tree more care.  Jesus wants us to see God is like the gardener who wants to care for us and give us another chance.  The Gospel calls us to turn toward God and be fruitful by showing love for one another.

Lent is a good time to pray and understand that we must turn from bad things and practice doing good things. Our deeds are our fruit.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can you bear good fruit with your life?

Family Prayer:  Lord, increase your love in us so that we may increase the fruits of your love.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

9/18/22 - Parable of the Dishonest Steward - Cycle C

Dear Families,

This Sunday Jesus tells a parable of a steward losing his job after making dishonest choices with a rich man’s money.  Then he is praised when he uses an underhanded way to secure his own future.  Can we correct our poor choices, and use this parable to be wise and think about securing our future in God’s Kingdom by serving others instead of ourselves?

Jesus continues to teach that those who are honest in small matters will also be honest in large matters.  The Lord expects us to use our resources responsibly, and to put them at his service and the service of others.  We cannot serve two masters.  Jesus clearly teaches that our hearts must be possessed by God’s love.  Our hearts are not to be possessed with the love of money.  We are to be faithful, honest stewards of the time, money, and possessions that God has given us.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What shows a person is trustworthy?  Why does Jesus tell us we cannot serve two masters?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to be honest and faithful in all we do.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

4/10/22 - Palm/Passion Sunday - Cycle C

Dear Families,

This Sunday is the beginning of the holiest week in the Church year.  On Palm Sunday we proclaim two Gospels according to Luke.  We have a procession at the beginning of Mass when the first Gospel is proclaimed and Jesus came riding into Jerusalem on a donkey and people waved palms to honor him.  Join in, wave your palm branch high.  In the second Gospel when we proclaim the Passion and Death of Jesus, join in the responses of the Passion.

Celebrate the days of Holy Week, it expresses Jesus’ love for us.  Participate at the different services on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. 

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How do people welcome Jesus to Jerusalem?  How does Jesus’ Crucifixion express who he is?  What memories of Holy Week stand out for you?

Family Prayer:  Lord, you suffered so much for us.  Help us to be strong when we suffer and to unite our sufferings to yours.  Amen



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

4/2/23 - Palm/Passion Sunday - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel, we begin with Jesus triumphant entrance into Jerusalem and the crowds of people welcoming him waving palm branches.  Then the Gospel moves us from triumph to tragedy.  It tells us about Jesus’ suffering and Death.  We also learn about Judas’s betrayal, Peter’s denial, and a soldier’s faith.


These events of Jesus’ Passion will be proclaimed again when we remember Jesus’ final days at Mass on Holy Thursday the Lord’s Last Supper, Good Friday the Passion of the Lord, and the Easter Vigil.  As we journey into the heart of our Christian faith, let’s remember “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.” (John 3:16).


As a family watch video in its entirety then ask each other these questions.
Why does Jesus pour out his life for us?  As a family what events will we participate in during Holy Week?


Family Prayer:  Dear Lord, may we have the same mind and the same love you have for us.  Help us to be selfless like you as we put other people’s needs before our own.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Parents,

This Sunday, called Palm/Passion Sunday is the first day of Holy Week.  During Holy Week we follow the last days of Jesus’ life on earth.  Listening to the Gospel readings we hear how Jesus came into Jerusalem, people waved palm branches and shouted, “Hosanna!”  We remember Jesus’s Last Supper with his Apostles, how he is arrested and put to death on the cross.  When Jesus died on the cross, they put a sign above him that said “King of the Jews”.  Most people misunderstood who Jesus was, but the soldier who watched him die said “This man truly was the Son of God!”. 

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.

As a family, how will we reflect on the events of Jesus’ passion and death?

Family Prayer:  Christ Jesus, your love is made visible through the mystery of your death and resurrection.  Transform us into people of mercy to embrace you in those who are suffering in our midst.  We ask this, as a people reconciled to God through the blood of your cross.  Amen



Palm Sunday

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 Watch video as a family.


(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

3/24/24 - Palm Sunday and the Passion

Dear Families,

This week is Palm/Passion Sunday.  When we participate in the reading of the Passion, it is hard to say the words, “Crucify him.”  It reminds us that we all choose to sin and that Jesus loves us anyway.  He loves us so much that he died and rose for us and our salvation.


In Church focus on the Passion of Jesus during the Mass.  Follow along carefully and say the crowd responses strongly.  Consider what it would have been like to be there when Jesus was crucified.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
When have you gone along with the crowd, even when you knew it was not the right thing to do?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, we want to choose you.  Show us how to do what is right, even when others want us to do what is wrong.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

12/25/22 - Nativity of the Lord 

Dear Families,


Merry Christmas, know that you are in my prayers.  Wishing all of you hope, peace, joy, and love.


In this video, “The Nativity” Mary and Joseph welcome their son into the world.  Shepherds visit and marvel at the baby before sharing the news of Jesus’ miraculous birth with others.  The Magi visit and pay homage to Jesus.  Mary accepts the visitors praises and stores them in her heart.


Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus in our world.  In Jesus, God becomes one of us and lives among us.  Let us shine the light of God’s love by sharing the birth of Jesus with everyone.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What gift can you give to Jesus?


Family Prayer:  God, we welcome Jesus into our hearts this Christmas.  Help us to believe that Jesus is with us every day.  Amen.


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)


Dear Families,

Always, I pray this email finds you well and praying as a family.

This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. This feast celebrates the gift of the Blessed Sacrament the Eucharist. In the Eucharist, the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus. When we receive Holy Communion, Jesus is present to us and he continues to live in us and brings us eternal life.

 (La versión en español sigue al inglés)

7/17/22 - Martha and Mary - Cycle C

Dear Families,

Sunday’s Gospel seems unfair to Martha.  She is trying to welcome Jesus.  She is cooking and cleaning for him, and her sister is not helping.  Martha was upset and complained to Jesus.  Jesus told Martha that what Mary had chosen was important.  Mary had chosen to listen to him.  Martha was overwhelmed and not paying attention or listening to him.

Jesus knows that we need to work, but he does not want us to be overwhelmed with work and activities.  He wants us to understand that it is more important to spend time with him and listen to him.  We must always make sure that going to Mass and praying are more important than work or any activities that do not put God first in our lives.  Throughout the day whenever you do something pray first and do it for the glory of God.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Who do you identify with more Martha or Mary?  Perhaps both?  Why?  How?

Family Prayer:  Dear Lord, always help us put you first in all that we do.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

2/19/23 - Love Your Enemies - Cycle A

Dear Families,

Continuing with the Sermon on the Mount we have been hearing the last several weeks, Jesus tells us to love our enemies and pray for them.  By enemies, Jesus means people who don’t love us, who possibly hate us, hurt us, and who probably won’t love us back even though we love them.


Loving our enemies is hard.  Jesus knows we are human and not perfect, but he asks us to treat others as we ourselves want to be treated.  He teaches us to have mercy for others as he has mercy for us.  As Jesus explained, if you love only those who love you, what is so special about that?


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What is a loving way to respond to someone who upsets you?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us to remember to love everyone as you do.  Help us to stay calm when we are upset and to be kind when we are angry.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

12/10/23 - Living Like John the Baptist - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this Second week of Advent in Mark’s Gospel, we hear how John the Baptist is baptizing the people in the Jordan River.  He baptizes them with water and the people acknowledge their sins.  He told them that one mightier than he would baptize them with the Holy Spirit.  John is preparing the people for the coming of Christ.


During this Advent season let’s listen to what John is proclaiming.  Let’s turn away from the things that separate us from God by confessing our sins.  Prepare the way to welcome Jesus into your hearts by attending mass, thanking God for what he has given you, pray every day, be forgiving, kind, and help one another.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
In what way are you preparing the way of the Lord in your heart?


Family Prayer:  Lord, please help us to prepare not only for Christmas celebrations, but also for your arrival in our hearts.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

9/25/22 - Lazarus and the Rich Man - Cycle C

Dear Families,

This Sunday Jesus tells us a parable about a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus.  While they were alive, the rich man had everything he wanted, but Lazarus the poor man, lay by the rich man’s gate.  The rich man never gave him anything.

Eventually both men died.  Lazarus the poor man went to heaven and the rich man did not.  The rich man realized too late that he only thought of himself and had been selfish.   Jesus wants us to help the poor and suffering people around you.  He wants us to see the suffering and listen to the cry of the poor.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What are some ways God wants us to care for our world and for people?  What are some things you share with others?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us to not be selfish.  May we treat others as you would treat them.  Amen


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

1/15/23 - Lamb of God - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, when Jesus came to the Jordan River to be baptized, John the Baptist points to Jesus and testifies that he is the Lamb of God, who will take away the sins of the world, the son of God, who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.


John the Baptist knew his mission.  He prepared the way for Jesus by asking people to repent of their sins, and pointing towards Jesus.  He knew that Jesus is the Lamb of God.  As John preached, we should repent of our sins, and like him we also need to show others the way to Jesus. 


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
As a disciple of Christ, what do you think is your mission in life?


Family Prayer:  Lord, help us live our baptismal call with love and service to one another.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

7/9/23 - King of Peace - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells us, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest.”  Jesus is telling us that God, Our Father, understands when we are worn out.  He knows when we are burdened with problems, are tired at work, at school.  He teaches us that when we pray and share our burdens with him, they become lighter.


God wants us to go to him when we need to rest, and open our minds to his wisdom and love.  When our hearts rest in God we experience peace.  When we experience this peace, it is then shared with love and compassion for others.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
Do you go to God when you are troubled?


Family Prayer:  Dear Jesus in our times of trouble, let us always share our burdens with you.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

1/21/24 - Jonah, Jesus, and the New World - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus calls four fishermen to leave their boats and follow him.  Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John immediately leave their boats and follow him.  They become Jesus’ first disciples and gave their whole lives to spreading the Good News of Jesus and the message of God’s love.


Like the disciples we are all called to follow Jesus.  Jesus invites all of us to follow him immediately.  When we are called to share the message of God’s love with someone, we are not to hesitate.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What would you have to leave behind to follow Jesus?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, thank you for loving us and for choosing us to be your followers.  Help us to listen to you and follow you.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

12/11/22 - John Asks About Jesus - Cycle A

Dear Families,


In this Sunday’s Gospel, John the Baptist questions if Jesus is the one that God has promised will come.  Jesus answers the question by naming some of his miracles, which were prophesied by Isaiah and are signs of God’s salvation.  Jesus affirms that John is a prophet sent to prepare everyone for his own arrival.  Jesus message to John tells us not only who he is but also to repent of our sins and follow him. 

This week is the third Sunday of Advent.  This is the week we light the pink candle.  It is Gaudete Sunday, a day to Rejoice Jesus is coming.  By preparing for his coming, we will bring the message of his joyful coming to others.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.

How can you share the good news of Jesus coming and bring joy to others?

Family Prayer:  God, we thank you for many blessings.  Help us to be blessings to others.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

12/4/22 - John the Baptist - Cycle A

Dear Families,


This is the second week of Advent, and in this week’s Gospel; John the Baptist encourages people to turn to God with their whole hearts.  He baptizes many people who desire a better relationship with God.  John shares that God is sending a holy and mighty person who will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire.


We can turn to God with our whole hearts by repenting and turning away from sin.  During this Advent season, reflect on poor choices you have made and ask for God’s forgiveness.  This is how we can prepare our minds and hearts and welcome Jesus at Christmas.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What can you do this week to strengthen your relationship with God?


Family Prayer:  Thank you, Jesus for welcoming us into your family.  Help us to make choices that bring us closer to you.  Amen.


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

2/4/24 - Job and Jesus - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus visits the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John.  Simon’s mother-in-law is sick and Jesus cures her.  She immediately begins to serve Jesus and his disciples.  When it was evening, all the ill and possessed by demons gathered at the door of Simon and Andrew’s house.  Jesus healed them of diseases and drove out demons.  After having a busy evening, Jesus woke up early the next day.  He went to a deserted place and spent time praying to God.


We need to spend time with God in prayer.  Even if we are busy serving him in a ministry, we still need to take time to talk with Our Father in heaven.  Like Jesus, take time each day to go to a quiet place, pray and ask God to guide and direct your life.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How does Jesus make a difference to people in need?  How do you make a difference to people in need?  Do you have a quiet place to pray?


Family Prayer:  Loving God, we ask you to bless friends, family, neighbors, and members of our parish who are sick or suffering.  Please help them to trust that you are with them and that you will always love them.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

10/30/22 - Jesus' Visit Changes Zacchaeus - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel, we hear about a tax collector, Zacchaeus.  As we learned last week, tax collectors were dishonest and people did not like them.  Zacchaeus being short and probably not wanting to be seen climbs onto a tree for a better view of Jesus.  Jesus see Zacchaeus, calls him by name and asks that he be invited to stay at his house.  People did not approve of Jesus going to a sinner’s house, but Jesus told them that he had come to save the people who were lost in sin, he wants everyone to come to him.  Zacchaeus filled with the joy that Jesus was visiting him, changes, and he asks for forgiveness.  Jesus shows him love and forgiveness.  Zacchaeus promises to help the poor and pay everyone back for what he had stolen.  Like Zacchaeus we are sinners.  Jesus calls us to recognize our sins and wants us to make things right.  He seeks us and wants to forgive us.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How does Zacchaeus change because Jesus becomes his friend and goes to his house?  Have you ever felt really bad because of something you did?  Do you think there is any sin that Jesus can’t forgive?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help me accept you as my friend.  Help me make room for you in every area of my life.  Amen.


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

1/29/23 - Jesus Wants Us To Be Happy - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus gives us the Beatitudes.  Jesus tells us that we are “blessed” when we are sad, meek, looking for righteousness, poor in spirit, merciful, and even when people are mean to us because we believe in God.  We also learn something else important:  Jesus wants us to listen to what he says and learn from him.


People can be rich in material things, successful, or famous and not consider themselves blessed or happy.  The Beatitudes are blessings that tell us how Jesus wants us to live.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
Who does God bless according to Jesus?


Family Prayer:  Dear Jesus, help us to listen and learn the things you want us to know.  Give us the grace to live out the Beatitudes.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

10/16/22 - Jesus Tells Us to Keep Asking - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus tells a parable (story) to show his disciples that they should never get discouraged about praying.  He tells them a story about a widow’s case who was being ignored by a judge.  The widow persists in seeking her rights and the judge has little reason to care about her rights.  The widow keeps coming back and bothering him so he finally knows she will keep bothering him and grants her request.

Jesus’s parable invites us to recognize that God will be better than the judge about answering our prayers.  The Gospel invites us to imitate the widow in asking always and repeatedly for what we need.  When we persist in prayer, and ask for what we need or want, God helps us to see which things and people really matter to us and how we can help.  Jesus teaches us that we must pray always and never get discouraged.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions?
What do you ask God for when you pray?  How do you know that God hears your prayers?

Family Prayer:  Lord we will try harder to pray often.  Show us how to be patient when we pray.  Amen.


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

11/27/22 - Jesus Tells Us to Be Ready - Cycle A

Dear Families,


This Sunday is Advent, the first day of our new Liturgical Year.  During Advent we remember Jesus’ first coming but we also need to think about Jesus’ second coming.  The message from this Sunday’s Gospel is get ready.  Jesus is coming again.  No one knows when Jesus will come again.  Advent gives us the opportunity to change and to live each day as we would want to live if we knew that Jesus would return that day.  Let us all remember that this world and this life are only temporary.  We have something greater to look forward to, being with Jesus in Heaven.


During this Advent season let us prepare each day for the day of Jesus’ second coming by listening to his words, and understanding his message of hope, love, joy and peace.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.

What are some ways your family gets ready for Christmas?  In what way does your family get ready for Jesus’ second coming?


Family Prayer:  God, help us to make room in our home and our hearts to welcome Jesus.  Amen.


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

2/13/22 - Jesus teaches the Beatitudes - Cycle C

Dear Families,

Jesus tells us, blessed are the poor, hungry, sad, and excluded, but woe to those who are rich, fed, laugh, and are famous.  This Sunday’s Gospel turns people’s ideas about being happy upside down, it disrupts our ideas of success.  We may think that being rich and full are signs of happiness and success, but they are not.  Happiness comes from sharing what we have, comforting people who are sad and laughing with people not at them. 

Jesus gives us a list of attitudes and actions that help people find real happiness, called the Beatitudes.  He teaches us we are all God’s children, called to belong to God’s family and to care for each other.  We are called to welcome and care for the poor, share what we have with them, and comfort people who are sad.  These actions that bring people together are important in God’s kingdom. 

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What is Idolatry?  How is the way Jesus teaches us to live different from the way the world often tells us to live?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to desire things that are holy and good.  Help us to resist valuing things only because our culture tells us they are important.  Amen



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

2/12/23 - Jesus Teaches God's Law - Cycle A

Dear Families,

Jesus continues with his Sermon on the Mount in this Sunday’s Gospel.  Jesus shares the difference between the law of Moses (The Ten Commandments) and his new law of love.  He said that he didn’t come to take away the law.  He came to fulfill the law.  Jesus says that the Ten Commandments are very important, but we must act from a place of love, not just obedience.


One of the Ten Commandments is “you shall not kill”.  Jesus teaches that to obey this Commandment is not enough.  Not only don’t kill, but don’t be violent.  Not only don’t be violent, but don’t even think violent thoughts against one another.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What is Jesus’ attitude toward the Ten Commandments?


Family Prayer:  Thank you, Jesus for giving us rules to guide us. Help us to follow them as you want us to.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

2/27/22 - Jesus Speaks in Images - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us by creating images we can picture in our minds.  A blind person cannot lead the blind, a rotten fruit tree cannot produce fruit, and how can you see a speck in your brother’s eyes if you have a beam in your own eye.

Jesus is saying that when a person hears his words, they will understand his teachings.  When we go to Mass, study Sacred Scriptures, and pray, our hearts will be opened to apply his teachings to others.  To lead the blind, bear good fruits, and be forgiving, we need to seek training in the ways of Christ and his Church.  Being a disciple of Jesus means that we show our love for God in what we say and do.

As a family watch video in its entirety than ask each other these questions.
What does it mean to be a good disciple?  How do we need to learn?  How are we to act?

Family Prayer:  Lord, open our eyes to see what you want us to learn, and open our ears to hear your teachings.


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

2/20/22 - Jesus Says Love Your Enemies - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us to be kind even to those who are not kind to us.  This is very difficult, but if we want to be like Jesus, we need to love our enemies, and those who would hurt us.  Jesus is teaching us about mercy. Mercy is treating others, not as they deserve, but as God wishes them to be treated.  God’s love is given to both the saint and sinner.  Jesus loved everyone, even those who crucified him.  We should try our best to be like him.  Next time someone is mean to you ask Jesus to help you forgive that person.  Jesus calls us to treat others in the way we want to be treated.

As a family, watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Do you need to ask forgiveness from God or another person?  What is holding you back from doing so?

Family Prayer:  Lord, we find it hard to be kind when someone is not kind to us.  Help us to see others as you do, so that we will not be tempted to judge them or be unkind.


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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

11/20/22 - Jesus Rules with Forgiveness and Love - Cycle C

Dear Families,


This Sunday is the end of our liturgical year and we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King.  When Jesus was on earth many of his followers thought he would be the ruler of an earthly kingdom, rule and have soldiers.  Instead, Jesus is crucified and made fun of, and they write on a sign above his cross, “This is the King of the Jews”.  Jesus is mocked and hangs between two thieves and is ridiculed by one for not saving them and himself, but the other defends Jesus.  He asks Jesus to remember him and Jesus promises that they will be in Heaven together.


Today’s Gospel invites us, like the good thief on the cross to recognize that Jesus is indeed King and savior of all.  Let’s recognize that the Cross is a place of trust, where Jesus accepted his death for our salvation.  Jesus’ Resurrection shows that his actions for forgiving, sharing, and loving have power stronger than death for all of us.  He is, “Christ the King”, our savior.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.

What kind of King is Jesus?  How does Jesus lead us?  How do we ask Jesus for forgiveness?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, you are our King and there is no other.  Help us to follow your example of forgiveness.  Amen.


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