(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel, Jesus selects his 12 Apostles giving them special authority to preach and heal the sick.  He did not send them alone.  He sent then out two by two, and gives them specific instructions to take nothing with them for the journey, except a walking stick, a pair of sandals and one tunic.  The Apostles trusted everything Jesus told them to do.

By virtue of our Baptism, we are called to trust Jesus and in his name tell people about his love for us.  But he doesn’t expect us to do this mission alone.  He wants us to work with others.  Our Church is a community of disciples who teach people about Jesus and helps others in Jesus’ name. 

As a family watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question? 

How will you share Jesus’ mission as his disciple?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, help me to listen, hear and share your word.  Amen


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 (La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

In last week’s Gospel, we heard Jesus chose 12 Apostles and sent them to preach and heal in his name.  In today’s Gospel, we hear what happens when they return from this important work.

The Apostles gathered with Jesus and reported all they had done.  Jesus saw that they were very tired and told them to take a break, but the crowds found out and followed them.  Even though they were tired, Jesus and his Apostles were moved with pity and continued to help the people.

Family demands can make us feel like Jesus and the twelve Apostles.  When we pray, we can talk to Jesus about our own needs and the concerns for others.  Jesus will renew and strengthen us to live as his disciples.

As a family watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question.

How do you find the energy to do things you need to do when you are tired?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, we know your grace is sufficient for whatever we need to do.  Please help us turn to you when we need rest and when we need strength.  Amen



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 (La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus is walking with his disciples through Galilee.  Jesus tells his disciples that there will be conflict.  He explains that he will suffer, die and rise.  The disciples don’t want to think about what he is saying, they are afraid to ask questions.  Instead, they argue about which one of them is the greatest.  Jesus knew what they were talking about, so he tells them that if they want to be first, they must be humble and serve others.

Arguments as the disciples had in this Sunday’s Gospel are common in family life.  Ever had this argument?  I want to be first.  I did the dishes yesterday; someone else should do it today.  Why did she/he get chosen and I did not?  All of us need to be reminded that to be great in God’s Kingdom is to be the servant of all.

As a family watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question.

How do you serve others?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to see you when we see people in need.



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 (La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

Over the past weeks, we have heard Jesus teach that he is the Bread of Life, and those who believe in him will have eternal life.

In this week’s Gospel Jesus wanted to share the gift of himself with others, but it seemed scary to many people.  Many people stopped following Jesus because they couldn’t understand what He was teaching.  Jesus asked the 12 are you also going to leave?  Simon Peter said that they knew that He had the words of eternal life, and that they were convinced that Jesus is the Holy One of God.  The Apostles chose to stay with Jesus.

As we grow in our faith, we need to be like the Apostles and choose to follow Jesus even when it is hard, especially when other people don’t follow Him.  We can’t do this without God’s help and the help of the community of faith, our Church.

On Sunday watch as people approach the altar to receive Holy Communion.  They are walking towards the Eucharist.  The “Real Presence” of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.  The Bread of Life.  In Him they will have eternal life.

As a family watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question.

Do you have a hard time understanding what Jesus teaches us?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us to believe in you even when it is difficult to understand what you have taught us.  Amen


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 (La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

No one is ever too young to help Jesus!  In this Sunday’s Gospel, a little boy gave all the food he had to Jesus.  Jesus performed a miracle and fed thousands of people with the little boy’s gift.  Jesus was showing us that later he would feed thousands of us with the Holy Eucharist.

As a family watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question.

What gifts do you have that Jesus could multiply to help others?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, sometimes we are hungry too!  We hunger for love, encouragement, or peace.  Please help us to turn to you to give us all the things we hunger for.  Amen


loaves fish

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