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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
10/20/24 - Power and Honor? - Cycle B
Dear Families,
In this week’s Gospel of Mark, James and John ask to be given seats of honor when Jesus enters his glory. They want to share in Jesus’ glory but do not understand that his glory will come after his suffering. Jesus knowing that they don’t know what they are asking, asks them if they are willing to endure suffering like he will. He tells them that the honor they request are not his to give but for those for whom it has been prepared. The others hearing their request are annoyed and Jesus takes this opportunity to teach them that those who wish to be great must be the servant of all.
Jesus reminds us he came to serve, not to be served. He gave his life as a sacrifice to save us. Jesus teaches us that those that wish to be first in God’s kingdom must be the servants of others.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
In what ways can you serve Jesus by serving others?
Family Prayer: Lord, open our eyes to see the needs of others and grow in our desire to serve them. Amen.
Read more: Power and Honor? Cycle B / ¿Poder y Honor? Ciclo B
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
10/27/24 - Jesus and Bartimaeus - Cycle B
Dear Families,
In this week’s Gospel of Mark, a blind man called Bartimaeus called out to Jesus to cure him. The crowd around him try to silence him, but Bartimaeus keeps persisting by calling out louder. Jesus hears Bartimaeus, approaches him, and asks him what he wants. Bartimaeus responds that he wants to see. Jesus tells Bartimaeus that his faith has saved him and heals him of his blindness.
Jesus teaches us that to be persistent about bringing our needs to him when we are hurting, lonely, or sad. Jesus wants us to have so much faith in him that we should not let anyone stop us from calling out to him. He loves us, and he is always there to help us.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What do you want Jesus to heal for you? Do you believe that he can heal you?
Family Prayer: Lord, sometimes we don’t even recognize that we need healing. Help us to see where we might be broken and humbly ask you to heal us. Amen.
Read more: Jesus and Bartimaeus Cycle B / Jesús y Bartimeo Ciclo B
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
11/3/24 - Jesus' Great Commandment - Cycle B
Dear Families,
In today’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus is questioned by a scribe about which was the first of the ten commandments. Jesus told him that the first is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Second to love others as much as we love ourselves.
Jesus teaches us that love is the commandment that sums up all the others. To love God, we praise God, and thank God. To love our neighbor as we love ourselves, is to treat others as we would like to be treated. When we love the way Jesus teaches, we are showing our love for God and shining the light of God’s love on others.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What do you do with your whole heart, mind or strength? How does love of neighbor reflect love for God?
Family Prayer: Jesus, help us not to get caught up in our business and forget to put you first. Amen.
Read more: Jesus' Great Commandment Cycle B / El Gran Mandamiento de Jesús Ciclo B
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
11/10/24 - The Widows - Cycle B
Dear Families,
In this week’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus was sitting near the Temple treasury, where he could see the people who came to drop in their money. Many rich people put in a lot of money. Then a poor widow came up and dropped in two little copper coins. Jesus gathered his disciples and said to them, that poor widow gave more to the treasury than all the others. They gave what they could spare without hurting. But she, a poor widow, has given all she had to live on.
In this week’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us a unique way to look at how we are to be generous. He explains that giving from our excess is not as powerful as giving everything like the widow did. We are challenged to give everything to God, not just our extra time, talent, and treasure.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What have you held back from God?
Family Prayer: Help us to see what we are holding back from you, Lord, and to give it freely. Amen.
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
11/17/24 - God's Kingdom - Cycle B
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus tells his disciples what will happen at the end of the world. It’s scary to hear, the sun and moon will stop shining and the stars will fall down. But we do not need to fear, because he will come back among the clouds and send out his angels and gather all those that have stayed close to him to live with him forever. He also tells his disciples that only the Father will know when this will happen.
This week’s Gospel, is a reminder we should prepare for Jesus’ coming every day. Jesus tells us that we don’t know when he will return, so we must be ready at all times.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What can you do every day this week to show Jesus he is welcome in your home and heart?
Family Prayer: Lord, help us make loving choices every day as we wait for your return. Amen.
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
11/24/24 - The Good King - Cycle B
Dear Families,
In this week’s Gospel of John, we listen to Jesus’ trial before Pontious Pilate. When Pilate asks him “Are you a King?” Jesus responds that his kingdom is not of this world and that he has come into the world to testify to the truth.
This Sunday is the Solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe. The start of the last week in the Church’s liturgical calendar. We learn that Jesus is King of the universe, but he doesn’t demand anything except our love and obedience to the commandments. Jesus has authority over everything, but he humbles himself to serve us and even to die for us.
He teaches us to be servant leaders and rule with love. When leaders rule with love, they build the kingdom of God.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How is God’s kingdom different from a kingdom on earth? What kind of leader or king is Jesus?
Family Prayer: Jesus, you are a good and loving king. Help us to follow your will and trust that it is always for our good. Amen.
Read more: The Good King Cycle B / Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo Ciclo B
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
12/1/24 - Advent
Dear Families,
Happy New Year! The Church’s new year begins on this First Sunday of Advent. This week’s Gospel focus is on the Second Coming of Jesus. Jesus tells his disciples about the end of everything. “He tells them that there will be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars. And on earth, distress among the nations”. We learn that earthly things do not last forever. But we are not to fear, because he also tells his disciples that after this devastation they will see “The Son of Man coming on a cloud with great power and majesty”. Everything on earth will end but God is eternal and He will be with us forever.
This first Sunday of Advent we begin to prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas. When you come to Mass during Advent you will see a candle lighted each week and pray for hope, peace, joy and love. Let the light of these candles bring these prayers and the light of Christ to your family, friends, neighbors. Let’s celebrate his First Coming by being good to others and ourselves which will also prepare us for his Second Coming.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What are your hopes for yourself, your family, our world? What are ways you can prepare for Jesus’ coming?
Family Prayer: Lord, during Advent give us the grace to work on those things we need to correct or improve and become your shining light to the world. Amen.
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
12/8/24 - He Is Coming
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel of Luke, John the Baptist told people Jesus was coming to save them. He shared the Good News of Jesus, and we should too. John gave hope to people. He was not afraid to talk about Jesus’ coming and to encourage people to turn away from sin.
As a family, watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
In what ways can you share Jesus with others?
Family Prayer: Lord, help us to recognize what hurts your heart and have the courage to work to change it. Amen.
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
12/15/24 - Rejoice
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, John the Baptist’s preaching raises people’s hopes. They wanted to hear truth and change for the better. John helps people to see how they should act toward others in order to be ready for God’s coming. They can share food and clothing. The tax collectors can collect only what people owe and with fairness. The soldiers can treat people with respect.
The people wondered if John was the Messiah, but he told them that he only baptized with water, but soon one mightier than him would baptize them with the Holy Spirit.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
In what ways should we act with mercy according to the words of John the Baptist?
Family Prayer: Holy Spirit, you move us and help us change. Teach us to follow Jesus in all things. Amen.
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
12/22/24 - Messiah
Dear Families,
On this fourth Sunday of Advent, our Gospel reading recalls Mary’s actions after the announcement by the Angel Gabriel of Jesus birth and her cousin Elizabeth’s pregnancy. Mary immediately decides to visit her cousin Elizabeth. When Elizabeth hears Mary’s greeting, the baby (John the Baptist) leaped with joy in her womb. She was filled with the Holy Spirit and Elizabeth gives us the words that are central to the Hail Mary “Blessed is the fruit of your womb.” The mystery of the Incarnation, God taking on human flesh by the Virgin Mary. Both Mary and Elizabeth show how to trust God’s word that Mary would become the mother of Jesus and rejoiced in God’s blessings.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
In what way can you imitate Mary and help bring Jesus to others?
Family Prayer: Jesus, teach us to love your mother, Mary, like you do. Amen.
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
12/29/24 - Holy Family Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, at the age of 12 Jesus, Mary, and Joseph were on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Jewish feast of Passover, an event where family and friends traveled together each year. On their way back home, they realized Jesus was not with them. They were worried when they could not find Jesus with any of their families or friends. After three days they found Jesus when they went back to the Temple. When they found him and they told him how concerned and anxious they were, Jesus asked them why were they concerned since he was in his Father’s house, but he was obedient and returned with them to Nazareth.
As a family watch reflection video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What makes our family holy?
Family Prayer: Jesus, Mary and Joseph pray for us. Amen
Read more: Holy Family Jesus, Mary, and Joseph / Sagrada Familia de Jesús, Maria y Jose
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
2/27/22 - Jesus Speaks in Images - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us by creating images we can picture in our minds. A blind person cannot lead the blind, a rotten fruit tree cannot produce fruit, and how can you see a speck in your brother’s eyes if you have a beam in your own eye.
Jesus is saying that when a person hears his words, they will understand his teachings. When we go to Mass, study Sacred Scriptures, and pray, our hearts will be opened to apply his teachings to others. To lead the blind, bear good fruits, and be forgiving, we need to seek training in the ways of Christ and his Church. Being a disciple of Jesus means that we show our love for God in what we say and do.
As a family watch video in its entirety than ask each other these questions.
What does it mean to be a good disciple? How do we need to learn? How are we to act?
Family Prayer: Lord, open our eyes to see what you want us to learn, and open our ears to hear your teachings.
Read more: Jesus Speaks in Images Cycle C / Jesús Habla en Imágenes Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
3/6/22 - Jesus Faces Temptation - Cycle C
Dear Families,
Sunday’s Gospel reveals Jesus as fully human and fully divine. The devil tempts Jesus in the desert, promising him human power and earthly goods. Jesus shows us how to resist temptation by holding tightly to the promises of God found in Sacred Scripture.
This week is the first Sunday of Lent. Lent is a special time when we prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection. We prepare through Prayer by talking with God; Fasting by giving things up not just food; Almsgiving by giving generously to those who are in need.
As a family watch video in its entirety than ask each other these questions.
What are some temptations you experience? How does the Church help you to strengthen yourself against them?
Family Prayer: Pray the Lord’s Prayer together. Focus on the words “lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”
Read more: Jesus Faces Temptation Cycle C/ Jesús Enfrenta La Tentación Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
3/13/22 - Peter, James, and John See a Vision of Jesus - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus takes Peter, John, and James to the mountain to pray. While Jesus was praying, they fell asleep. They woke up and saw Jesus’ appearance change, his clothes were dazzling white and he was speaking with Moses and Elijah. While Peter was speaking to Jesus about making three tents, the disciples became frightened when a cloud came and cast a shadow over them. They heard a voice from the cloud that said to them “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.”
If the disciples had stayed asleep, they would have missed this amazing event. They would not have seen Jesus in glory. They would not have heard the voice from heaven. During Lent let’s stay awake to see Jesus’ presence in our lives and listen to Jesus.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How can you listen to Jesus? What might he say to you?
Family Prayer: Jesus, open our ears and hearts to better hear you. Amen
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
3/20/22 - Parable of the Fig Tree - Cycle C
Dear Families,
This Sunday, Jesus tells us about a fig tree. In Jesus’ country, a fig tree is as common as an apple tree is to us. Many people grew fig trees and looked forward to eating the figs. The fig tree in Jesus’ parable isn’t producing figs. What to do? Cut it down? The gardener gives the tree another chance and says he will add more fertilizer and give the tree more care. Jesus wants us to see God is like the gardener who wants to care for us and give us another chance. The Gospel calls us to turn toward God and be fruitful by showing love for one another.
Lent is a good time to pray and understand that we must turn from bad things and practice doing good things. Our deeds are our fruit.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can you bear good fruit with your life?
Family Prayer: Lord, increase your love in us so that we may increase the fruits of your love. Amen
Read more: Parable of the Fig Tree Cycle C/ Parábola de Una Higuera Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
3/27/22 - The Forgiving Father - Cycle C
Dear Families,
This Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells us a parable about a man who has two sons. The youngest son who asked his father for his inheritance, left his home and squandered it all. The oldest son stayed, worked and obeyed him. When the youngest son returns the father throws him a party. His oldest son is jealous and doesn’t understand the father giving him a celebration for his bad behavior. What about me? I’ve been good where is my party? He is jealous. Jesus teaches us about God’s love and forgiveness. In our lives we are at times like the younger son, we walk away from God. Other times we might be like the older son, jealous of the love and forgiveness that God shows to others.
This story speaks to us about the meaning of reconciliation, God’s love, forgiveness and mercy. It is Lent, let us seek to be reconciled with God and others, especially through the healing Sacrament of Reconciliation.
This Laetare Sunday let us rejoice and remember the joy that Easter will bring after the time of repentance during Lent. Jesus tells us, “there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents”. (Luke 15:7).
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question?
How can you find joy even when you are struggling or suffering?
Family Prayer: Lord, open our hearts to ask for forgiveness and to forgive others. Show us your mercy and help us to be merciful to others. Amen
Read more: The Forgiving Father Cycle C / El Padre Que Perdona Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
4/3/22 - Jesus Refuses to Condemn - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus urges teachers of the law to help people grow rather than condemn them. The teachers bring to Jesus a woman whom they have caught committing a very serious sin. According to the law this sin is punishable by her being stoned to death. Instead of telling them that they should punish her according to the law, Jesus told them that they should only punish her if they themselves had never sinned. They all walked away because they have all sinned. The accused woman had sinned and she was left alone before Jesus. Jesus told the woman, go and do not sin again. He was merciful.
Jesus teaches us to not be mean to people we know have sinned. We should try to be merciful like Jesus, and we should be kind to sinners because we are sinners too.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
When has forgiveness given you a new start? How do you show mercy to others?
Family Prayer: Lord, help us to see our faults, before looking at the faults of others. Amen
Read more: Jesus Refuses to Condemn Cycle C / Jesús Se Niega a Condenar Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
4/10/22 - Palm/Passion Sunday - Cycle C
Dear Families,
This Sunday is the beginning of the holiest week in the Church year. On Palm Sunday we proclaim two Gospels according to Luke. We have a procession at the beginning of Mass when the first Gospel is proclaimed and Jesus came riding into Jerusalem on a donkey and people waved palms to honor him. Join in, wave your palm branch high. In the second Gospel when we proclaim the Passion and Death of Jesus, join in the responses of the Passion.
Celebrate the days of Holy Week, it expresses Jesus’ love for us. Participate at the different services on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How do people welcome Jesus to Jerusalem? How does Jesus’ Crucifixion express who he is? What memories of Holy Week stand out for you?
Family Prayer: Lord, you suffered so much for us. Help us to be strong when we suffer and to unite our sufferings to yours. Amen
Read more: Palm/Passion Sunday Cycle C - Domingo de Ramos/La Pasión Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
4/17/22 - Jesus is Alive! - Cycle C
Dear Families,
Alleluia, Christ is Risen! It’s Easter Sunday and we rejoice that Jesus has come back to life. We rejoice because we have received the gift of salvation through his Death and Resurrection. Jesus loves us so much that he died on the cross to take away our sins. He came back to life again so that we could have eternal life and be with him forever. Let’s experience his gift of joy, hope, and peace always.
“This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!” (Psalm 118:24)
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How would I feel if I discovered the tomb was empty? What would I do?
Family Prayer: Jesus, thank you for coming to be our Savior. We praise your goodness and joyfully sing Alleluia at the news of your Resurrection. Amen
Happy Easter!
Read more: Jesus is Alive! Cycle C / ¡Jesús está Vivo! Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
4/24/22 - Divine Mercy Sunday - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus appears to his disciples who are afraid and behind locked doors. Jesus greets them with the words “Peace be with you.” Then he breathes on them, imparting the Holy Spirit, and tells them that whose sins they forgive are forgiven. Jesus words to his disciples highlight the Sacrament of Reconciliation and they are empowered to forgive sins in Jesus’ name. Thomas is not present at this appearance of Jesus and does not believe the other disciples unless he sees for himself. Jesus returns, shows Thomas his wounds and Thomas believes.
Today the Second Sunday of Easter is also Divine Mercy Sunday. Mercy means being treated well even though we do not deserve it. When we sin, we may be afraid that God does not forgive us. However, we need to remember to believe that God is merciful and loves us no matter how bad our sins. When we are sorry for our sins God forgives us. Forgiveness and reconciliation are our gifts to us from Jesus.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can we share God’s peace and forgiveness with one another?
Family Prayer: “Jesus, I trust in you!” Thank you for your peace and mercy. Lord, open our hearts and eyes to see the need of peace in each other. Help us share your gift of peace and prayerfully greet each other by saying “May the peace of the Lord be with you.” Amen
Read more: Divine Mercy Sunday Cycle C / Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Ciclo C