Photos & Events
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
4/10/22 - Palm/Passion Sunday - Cycle C
Dear Families,
This Sunday is the beginning of the holiest week in the Church year. On Palm Sunday we proclaim two Gospels according to Luke. We have a procession at the beginning of Mass when the first Gospel is proclaimed and Jesus came riding into Jerusalem on a donkey and people waved palms to honor him. Join in, wave your palm branch high. In the second Gospel when we proclaim the Passion and Death of Jesus, join in the responses of the Passion.
Celebrate the days of Holy Week, it expresses Jesus’ love for us. Participate at the different services on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How do people welcome Jesus to Jerusalem? How does Jesus’ Crucifixion express who he is? What memories of Holy Week stand out for you?
Family Prayer: Lord, you suffered so much for us. Help us to be strong when we suffer and to unite our sufferings to yours. Amen
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Read more: Palm/Passion Sunday Cycle C - Domingo de Ramos/La Pasión Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
4/17/22 - Jesus is Alive! - Cycle C
Dear Families,
Alleluia, Christ is Risen! It’s Easter Sunday and we rejoice that Jesus has come back to life. We rejoice because we have received the gift of salvation through his Death and Resurrection. Jesus loves us so much that he died on the cross to take away our sins. He came back to life again so that we could have eternal life and be with him forever. Let’s experience his gift of joy, hope, and peace always.
“This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!” (Psalm 118:24)
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How would I feel if I discovered the tomb was empty? What would I do?
Family Prayer: Jesus, thank you for coming to be our Savior. We praise your goodness and joyfully sing Alleluia at the news of your Resurrection. Amen
Happy Easter!
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Read more: Jesus is Alive! Cycle C / ¡Jesús está Vivo! Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
4/24/22 - Divine Mercy Sunday - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus appears to his disciples who are afraid and behind locked doors. Jesus greets them with the words “Peace be with you.” Then he breathes on them, imparting the Holy Spirit, and tells them that whose sins they forgive are forgiven. Jesus words to his disciples highlight the Sacrament of Reconciliation and they are empowered to forgive sins in Jesus’ name. Thomas is not present at this appearance of Jesus and does not believe the other disciples unless he sees for himself. Jesus returns, shows Thomas his wounds and Thomas believes.
Today the Second Sunday of Easter is also Divine Mercy Sunday. Mercy means being treated well even though we do not deserve it. When we sin, we may be afraid that God does not forgive us. However, we need to remember to believe that God is merciful and loves us no matter how bad our sins. When we are sorry for our sins God forgives us. Forgiveness and reconciliation are our gifts to us from Jesus.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can we share God’s peace and forgiveness with one another?
Family Prayer: “Jesus, I trust in you!” Thank you for your peace and mercy. Lord, open our hearts and eyes to see the need of peace in each other. Help us share your gift of peace and prayerfully greet each other by saying “May the peace of the Lord be with you.” Amen
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Read more: Divine Mercy Sunday Cycle C / Domingo de la Divina Misericordia Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
5/1/22 - Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples - Cycle C
Dear Families,
This Sunday’s Gospel tells us about the third time Jesus appeared to his disciples and shares a meal with them after his Resurrection. Jesus disciples had been fishing all night but caught nothing. In the morning they see a man who tells them to lower their nets again. They catch many fish! John recognizes him, “It is the Lord,” he told Peter. Hearing this, Peter jumped into the water and swam to meet Jesus on the shore. Jesus makes them breakfast and eats with them.
Jesus fed his disciples, and he continues to feeds us. The Risen Christ feeds us with his Body and Blood at every Mass. Jesus is present with us at every Eucharist, in every word of the Gospel, and whenever we join together in prayer. Jesus surprises us as he surprised his disciples out fishing. We find him with us when we don’t expect him or when we have little hope.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How do you recognize Jesus in the Mass? In other people? In some other way?
Family Prayer: Jesus, help us recognize your presence in our lives today. Help us recognize and pray for the physical and emotional needs of others. Feed us all when we need nourishment and encouragement. Amen
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Read more: Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples Cycle C / Jesús se Aparece a Siete Discípulos Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
5/8/22 - Jesus Is Our Good Shepherd - Cycle C
Dear Families,
Sunday’s Gospel helps us recognize that we are part of God’s family. Jesus says, “My sheep hear my voice.” We are his sheep. He also tells us that he and the Father are one. We know God the Father because we know Jesus. Likewise, when others meet us, they should see Jesus in us.
As a family watch video in its entirety then ask each other this question.
How can you show Jesus to others through your words and actions?
Family Prayer: Jesus, help us to be like you. So that when others meet us, they see you in us. Amen
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Read more: Jesus Is Our Good Shepherd Cycle C / Jesus Es Nuestro Buen Pastor Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
5/15/22 - The New Commandment - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In the Old Testament, before Jesus came, there were many commandments. Jesus obeyed the commandments, but in this week’s Gospel, Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment. He told his disciples to love one another. Jesus wants us to love each other the way he loves us. We must look at how Jesus loves us. He loves us completely and unconditionally. He is ready to forgive any offense. He sacrificed his life for us.
Let us turn to God and let him transform our hearts and free us to love others with compassion and kindness. Show that you are a follower of Jesus by how you love others. .
As a family watch video in its entirety then ask each other these questions.
How does Jesus show his love for you? How can you imitate his love?
Family Prayer: Jesus, help us to love every member of our family the way you love us. Give us the grace to put each other first and be willing to sacrifice for them. Let us show the world we are your disciples by how we love one another. Amen
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Read more: The New Commandment Cycle C / El Nuevo Mandamiento Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
5/22/22 - Jesus Promises to Send the Holy Spirit - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus promises his disciples that he will send the Holy Spirit after he was gone. They would never be alone; the Holy Spirit would teach them. God the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, would come to them and guide them in what they needed to do to continue his teachings.
Jesus’ promise is still with us today. The Holy Spirit is always working with us. He inspires all of us to do what is right, learn the truth, and share our faith. He is the perfect teacher and knows what we need to learn and the best way to teach it to us.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What is the Holy Spirit teaching you? How does the Holy Spirit teach you?
Family Prayer: Come Holy Spirit, help us to learn what God needs us to know. Amen.
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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
5/29/22 - (What is the Ascension?) 7th Sunday of Easter - Cycle C
Dear Families,
Thursday, May 26th was the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, and the video for this week will reflect on the readings of that day. Forty days after his resurrection, Jesus took his disciples up to a hill and they saw him disappear into a cloud. Where did He go? What did he say? What did he promise? Watch the video and find out.
In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus prays not only for his disciples but also for us. He prays that we will place our belief in him. That through his disciples we will experience unity with him and one another. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he promised the disciples he would send an advocate “The Holy Spirit”. They remain in Jerusalem and while they were waiting, they praised God.
As a family watch video in its entirety and ask each other these questions.
Who has taught you about Jesus? Who have you taught about Jesus?
Family Prayer: Lord, help us share God’s word as you taught us. Amen.
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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
6/5/22 - Pentecost Sunday - Cycle C
Dear Families,
This Sunday is the feast of Pentecost and we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles ten days after his Ascension into heaven. In the first reading in the Acts of the Apostles the Holy Spirit came to Mary and the Apostles in the form of wind and tongues of fire. The apostles immediately went out and began to preach and teach people about Jesus. In the Gospel of John, we read again, how Jesus greeted his disciples with the words of peace. He breathes on them the gifts of the Holy Spirit to help them spread his message of peace and forgiveness.
Let us celebrate the gifts of the Holy Spirit by remembering that this same Holy Spirit is with us today. He helps us do what is right so that we may go out to share the words of Jesus and spread the message of God’s love and forgiveness.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How are you sharing the love of the Holy Spirit with others?
Family Prayer: Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with your love so that we can bring your peace and forgiveness to one another. Amen
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Read more: Pentecost Sunday Cycle C / Domingo de Pentecostés Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
6/12/22 - Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity - Cycle C
Dear Families,
This Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Blessed Trinity. Jesus taught us that there were three Persons in one God when He spoke about The Father, Himself, and the Holy Spirit. Each time we make the Sign of the Cross we are praying to the Blessed Trinity.
In John’s Gospel Jesus tells his disciples that he has much to teach them but that it is too much for them to learn at the time. He promises them that the Spirit of truth will guide them. God through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit will always be with them. Like the disciples we have much to learn. Jesus teaches us about God the Father but we need the Holy Spirit to guide us with his truth and love.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
Where do we hear the Spirit of Truth today?
Family Prayer: Lord send your Holy Spirit to us, and help us to know and love you more. Amen
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Read more: Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Cycle C / Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
6/19/22 - Body and Blood of Christ - Cycle C
Dear Families,
This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (the Eucharist, Holy Communion). Just as our bodies are in need of proper nourishment for energy, we also need to feed our spiritual needs. In the Eucharist, God’s grace makes us strong and feeds us with God’s love.
Today’s Gospel tells us about Jesus’ miracle and how He provided food to a very large crowd, five thousand with only five loaves of bread and two fish. They even had leftovers, twelve baskets!
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions regarding the Gospel.
What does Jesus tell the disciples to do? What do we learn about Jesus from this story?
Family Prayer: Dear Jesus, you feed us with your Body and Blood. You fed the hungry crowds. Open our eyes and hearts to the needs of others. Amen
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Read more: Body and Blood of Christ Cycle C / Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
6/26/22 - Following Jesus - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus gives us a message: “Follow me.” We can do this by putting Jesus first in all we do. We love our families. We are grateful for our homes. Those things are gifts, and God is the gift-giver. We should love the giver more than the gifts.
As a family watch video in its entirety then ask each other these questions.
What did Jesus say to the three people who wanted to follow Him? When we have a choice to make will we put Jesus first?
Family Prayer: Lord, help us to remember that every good thing comes from you. Amen
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Read more: Following Jesus Cycle C / Siguiendo a Jesús Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
7/3/22 - The Cross and a New Creation - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s second reading Saint Paul writes to the Galatians and tells them that he may never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Christians of Galatia were confused because some preachers were telling them that to be Christians they first had to convert to Judaism and follow the entire Jewish law. St. Paul speaks of the cross and a new creation. What does he mean? Watch video and find out.
In the Gospel, Jesus sends 72 disciples to tell the people in the towns that He is coming. He says to them that the harvest is abundant but laborers are few. We the followers of Jesus need to be laborers in the fields, sowing the words of God to bring people back to God. The more laborers there are, the more plentiful the harvest.
As a family watch video in its entirety then ask each other these questions?
What does Paul mean when he speaks about a new creation? Are you a laborer of the harvest? What do you need to do to become a laborer in the harvest?
Family Prayer: Lord, by your cross and resurrection we are a new creation, help us be laborers for your kingdom. Help us bring your peace and mercy to the world. Amen
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Read more: The Cross and a New Creation Cycle C / La Cruz y una Nueva Creatura Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
7/10/22 - The Good Samaritan - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus teaches us to love God and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Our neighbors aren’t just people who live next door or our families and best friends. We are to love even those who are difficult to love. Given the animosity between the Jews and the Samaritans Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan when he is asked “Who is my neighbor?”
Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan to challenge us to think about how we label people. We are called to love all people even those we find difficult to understand and love.
As a family watch video in its entirety then ask each other these questions.
Who has been a Good Samaritan in your life? How have I been a Good Samaritan in someone’s life?
Family Prayer: Dear Jesus, some people are very difficult for us to like. Helps us to see others with your eyes and love them. Amen
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Read more: The Good Samaritan Cycle C / El Buen Samaritano Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
7/17/22 - Martha and Mary - Cycle C
Dear Families,
Sunday’s Gospel seems unfair to Martha. She is trying to welcome Jesus. She is cooking and cleaning for him, and her sister is not helping. Martha was upset and complained to Jesus. Jesus told Martha that what Mary had chosen was important. Mary had chosen to listen to him. Martha was overwhelmed and not paying attention or listening to him.
Jesus knows that we need to work, but he does not want us to be overwhelmed with work and activities. He wants us to understand that it is more important to spend time with him and listen to him. We must always make sure that going to Mass and praying are more important than work or any activities that do not put God first in our lives. Throughout the day whenever you do something pray first and do it for the glory of God.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Who do you identify with more Martha or Mary? Perhaps both? Why? How?
Family Prayer: Dear Lord, always help us put you first in all that we do. Amen
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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
7/24/22 - The Our Father - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this week’s Gospel, when the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, the Lord taught them the “Our Father”. It is the prayer we pray in many languages at each mass throughout the world.
At mass before we pray the Lord’s Prayer the priest says “At the Savior’s command and formed by divine teaching we dare to say”: and we pray the Our Father. As a community we give glory to God by praising Him, we ask for our daily body and spiritual needs, and we ask for forgiveness of our sins, to forgive others, and to keep us away from temptation and evil. The Lord’s prayer is truly a challenge to live by every day, no wonder the priest says “we dare to say”.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
Which line in the Lord’s Prayer is a challenge for you?
Family Prayer: Jesus, help us pray the Our Father and sincerely think what each line means. Amen
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Read more: The Our Father Cycle C / El Padre Nuestro Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
7/31/22 - Rich In What Matters To God - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, when a man asks Jesus to tell his brother to share his inheritance with him, he knows that the brother is more concerned with possessions than with the love of his brother. He is being greedy; Jesus tells the parable of the rich man. There was a rich man that had such a good harvest, that he didn’t have enough space in his barns to store it all. So, he thought, I will build bigger ones and store my harvest for many years. Thinking, he could enjoy his possessions for many years; he died that night. What good were his possessions to him now?
This parable warns us against being greedy. Jesus is not saying we should not have food or save money. He is teaching us to use the things we have wisely by looking at our needs and not our wants. To understand that there are people in the world that have needs of food, clothing and shelter. He is telling us that it is more important to be loving and share what we have than to pursue having a lot of things. When a person dies, they do not take their belongings with them, but their acts of love and generosity will be remembered. We need to be rich in what matters to God.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Do your feelings show that you care too much about getting things? Do you share what you have with others?
Family Prayer: Lord, help us thank you for the material blessings you give us and to share them with others. Amen
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Read more: "Rich In What Matters To God" Cycle C / "Rico De Lo Que Vale Ante Dios" Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
8/7/22 - Vigilant Servants - Cycle C
Dear Families,
Last week we heard about the foolish greedy rich man who never enjoyed his wealth. We learned we are to share our wealth with others.
In this week’s Gospel, Jesus continues teaching and gives us many parables. He tells us not be afraid, sell all your belongings and give to the poor. Your Father will take care of you. For where your treasure is your hearts will be. Light your lamps, open the door, be vigilant you do not know when the Son of Man will return.
When Peters asks if this parable was meant for everyone, Jesus answered him with a question. Would a prudent master put in charge servants who knew their master’s will, but did not prepare because they were ignorant or distracted because of their bad behavior? In other words, Jesus’ message is, much is expected from us and we need to share our gifts. We need to be vigilant servants waiting for our master’s return.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Are you vigilant, prepared for Jesus’ return? Are you ignorant or distracted when it comes to your faith?
Family Prayer: Jesus, we don’t know when you will come again. Help us remember that we should always be ready. Amen
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Read more: Vigilant Servants Cycle C / Sirvientes Vigilantes Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
8/14/22 - I have come to set the earth on fire! - Cycle C
Dear Families,
Jesus continues to teach us that true disciples love God above all else. In this Sunday’s Gospel, it is difficult to understand what Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing! Jesus is speaking about the flame he wants blazing in our hearts with his love. He also says that he has come not only to bring peace but also division. He wants his disciples to understand that faith is not understood by everyone, and some will be against it. Our faith requires us to make hard choices. Being a follower of Jesus means we wouldn’t make a bad choice just to have friends or make someone else happy.
Following Jesus is not easy, but good choices help us have peaceful hearts and minds. A true disciple loves God above all relationships and things.
Watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What has Jesus brought to your family and friends, division or peace? Why?
Family Prayer: “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love.” Amen
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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
8/21/22 - Who Will Be Saved? - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus is asked, “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” He answers that many will try, but he explains that the gate is narrow and though many will attempt to enter, they might not be strong enough. We are all invited to share eternal life with God forever in heaven, but this invitation cannot be taken for granted.
Going to Mass on Sundays is a very important part of our faith journey, but Jesus teaches us we need to do more. Our actions must be consistent with what we say we believe. To enter the narrow gate is challenging, it is not easy. Jesus is teaching us that we need to dedicate ourselves all the time with acts of love, kindness, mercy, and compassion. We do this by looking at how we are living our lives at home, work, school, everywhere we go. Love, compassion, forgiveness, kindness to everyone is living our faith; a way to enter through the narrow gate.
As a family, watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What strength do you need to get through the narrow gate? Do you trust God and his grace to give you this strength?
Family Prayer: Lord, help us receive the grace to receive the strength we need to share your love with others. Amen
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Read more: Who Will Be Saved? Cycle C / ¿Quién Se Salvará? Ciclo C