(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
Dear Parents,
Jesus does not like injustice or bad actions. In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus is not happy with the people who are using the Temple for profit rather than for love of God. He says the Temple will be destroyed and built again in three days, but he is talking about himself!
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question. What things in your life do you need to get rid of so you can focus more on God?
Family Prayer: Holy Spirit, show us how to let go of things we do not need. Amen
Read more: Third Sunday of Lent Cycle B / Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma Ciclo B (Faith Formation)
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
Dear Families,
In this week’s Gospel Jesus reminds us that when we care for the poor, hungry, sick, tired, and lonely, we are loving him. We also remember this Sunday that Jesus is the King. If we wish to be in service to our King, we must be in service to those in need.
As a family watch video in its entirety than ask each other this question. How can you recognize the needs of others and help fill those needs?
Family Prayer: Jesus, help us to notice when someone is poor, sick, lonely, hungry, or in need in any way. Amen
Click Picture Watch video as a family. |
Read more: Solemnity of Christ the King Cycle A/ Solemnidad de Cristo Rey Ciclo A
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
Dear Families,
If you were invited to a party, would you go? In this Sunday’s Gospel, the guests who were invited did not come, so the host invited strangers. Every Sunday, we are invited to come to God’s house. Sometimes we may not feel like going, but God is always waiting for our arrival.
As a family watch video in its entirety than ask each other this question. Why is Sunday Mass such an important and special celebration?
Family Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for sending us an invitation to be a part of your family and come to your celebration every Sunday! Amen
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
Dear Parents,
This Sunday, called Palm/Passion Sunday is the first day of Holy Week. During Holy Week we follow the last days of Jesus’ life on earth. Listening to the Gospel readings we hear how Jesus came into Jerusalem, people waved palm branches and shouted, “Hosanna!” We remember Jesus’s Last Supper with his Apostles, how he is arrested and put to death on the cross. When Jesus died on the cross, they put a sign above him that said “King of the Jews”. Most people misunderstood who Jesus was, but the soldier who watched him die said “This man truly was the Son of God!”.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
As a family, how will we reflect on the events of Jesus’ passion and death?
Family Prayer: Christ Jesus, your love is made visible through the mystery of your death and resurrection. Transform us into people of mercy to embrace you in those who are suffering in our midst. We ask this, as a people reconciled to God through the blood of your cross. Amen
Read more: Palm/Pasión Sunday ̶ ̶ Domingo de Ramos/la Pasión del Señor (Faith Formation)
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel we learn that it is not always easy to forgive someone who hurts you.
Jesus tells us that we must forgive, just as God the Father forgives us.
When we hurt someone, we should ask for forgiveness right away.
When someone asks for our forgiveness, we should answer:
“I forgive you” and not say “It’s okay”.
As a family, watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
Why is it better to say: “I forgive you,” than “it’s okay,” when someone asks for forgiveness?
Family Prayer: Help us Lord, to offer and ask for forgiveness when we have hurt each other. Amen