(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

This week’s Gospel teaches us we belong to God.  He created us and loves us. When Jesus tells us to give “to God what belongs to God,” he reminds us that we are God’s children!  We should give ourselves completely to Jesus and do what he wants us to do.


As a family watch video in its entirety than ask each other this question. How do you show God that you belong to him?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us to see you in everyone we meet!  Amen


give God what belongs to God

Click Picture

Watch video as a family.


(La versión en español sigue al inglés)


Dear Families,

Always, I pray this email finds you well and praying as a family.

This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. This feast celebrates the gift of the Blessed Sacrament the Eucharist. In the Eucharist, the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus. When we receive Holy Communion, Jesus is present to us and he continues to live in us and brings us eternal life.

(La versión en español sigue al inglés)


Always, I pray this email finds you all well and praying as a family.

This Sunday’s Gospel of John 20:19-23 takes place on the third day after Jesus died.  The disciples were gathered under locked doors for fear of the Jews.  Suddenly Jesus appears and said “Peace be with you”.  Jesus gave them peace. Jesus is alive! He is Risen! 

In the midst of this pandemic, we are experiencing worries, anxieties, problems, disappointments and death. Through emails you have watched videos, read, and live streamed mass in your home re the Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord.  Therefore, let us receive His peace, let us rejoice, Jesus is alive, He is risen, He is with us.

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday and this week’s video is from the Acts of the Apostles. They are gathered in the Upper Room in Jerusalem.  Watch the video and take notice of what happens.

Do we at St. Anne’s come from different countries?  Do we experience the Holy Spirit at work in our community in many languages?  As a family, ask each other how can we proclaim the word of God no matter what language we speak?

May the peace of the Lord be always with you.




Acts 2:1-11

Click the picture.

Watch video as a family.






Siempre, rezo para que este correo electrónico los encuentre a todos bien y orando como familia.

El Evangelio de este domingo Juan 20:19-23 es el tercer día después de la muerte de Jesús. Los discípulos están reunidos bajo puertas cerradas por temor a los Judíos. De repente Jesús aparece y dijo "La paz esté con ustedes". Jesús les dio paz. ¡Jesús está a vivo! ¡Ha resucitado!

En medio de esta pandemia, estamos teniendo experiencias de preocupaciones, ansiedades, problemas, decepciones y muerte. A través de correos electrónicos han visto videos, han leído y transmitidos en vivo las misas en sus casas de la Pasión, Muerte, Resurrección y Ascensión de nuestro Señor. Por lo tanto, recibamos Su paz, regocijémonos, Jesús está vivo, ha resucitado, Él está con nosotros.

Este domingo es domingo de Pentecostés y el video de esta semana es de los Hechos de los Apóstoles. Están reunidos en el Cenáculo de Jerusalén. Vea el video y tome nota de lo que sucede.

¿En Santa Ana venimos de diferentes países? ¿Está el Espíritu Santo trabajando en nuestra comunidad en muchos idiomas? Como familia, pregúntense mutuamente ¿cómo podemos proclamar la palabra de Dios sin importar qué idioma hablemos?

Que la paz del Señor este siempre con ustedes.






Hechos 2:1-11

Clic la foto.

Vea video como familia.




Bertha Keenan, Director
St. Anne’s Parish
Family Faith Formation
Brentwood, NY
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(La versión en español sigue al inglés)


Dear Families,

I greet you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  This week is Holy Trinity Sunday, and when we make the sign of the cross we are recalling the mystery of our faith that expresses the Holy Trinity, one God who is three persons – God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  This Sunday let us rejoice that God chooses to interact with us in different, loving ways.

Sunday’s Gospel John 3:16-18 talks about how God sends Jesus to save the world, He loves us and wants to give us eternal life.  Read the Gospel together as a family.

This week’s video will be only in English.  Sing together and rejoice!

Holy Trinity

For God So Loved The World…

John 3:16 – Juan 3, 16

Click photo and sing as a family.




Queridas familias,

Los saludos en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo.  Esta semana es el domingo de la Santísima Trinidad, y cuando hacemos la señal de la cruz estamos recordando el misterio de nuestra fe que expresa la Santísima Trinidad, un Dios que es tres personas:  Dios Padre, Jesús el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo.  Este domingo nos regocijamos de que Dios elige interactuar con nosotros de maneras diferentes y amorosas.

El Evangelio del domingo Juan 3, 16-18 habla de cómo Dios envía a Jesús para salvar al mundo, nos ama y quiere darnos la vida eterna.  Lean juntos el Evangelio como familia.

El video de esta semana será solo en inglés.  ¡Cantar juntos y alegrarse!


Holy Trinity

Tanto Amo Dios Al Mundo…

John 3:16 – Juan 3, 16

Clic la foto y canten como familia.



Bertha Keenan, Director
St. Anne’s Parish
Family Faith Formation
Brentwood, NY
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(La versión en español sigue al inglés)


Dear Families,

To all father’s, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!

As always praying this email finds you all well and thanking God for the joy of being able to attend mass at St. Anne’s.  Please go to website for information.

This week’s video will have all scripture readings for this Sunday’s mass.  First Reading: Jeremiah expresses confidence that the Lord will protect him.

Responsorial Psalm: God responds to the prayers of those in need.  Second Reading:  Sin came into the world through one person; salvation came through one person for many.  Gospel Reading:  Jesus assures the Twelve that God cares about them and not to be afraid. Last part of video explains readings.