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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus loves teaching others about God the Father!  Jesus’ power is shown when He sends away a bad spirit.  Jesus has authority over all things, including us.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question. Do we recognize Jesus’ authority over us and his ability to teach us?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, please help us to listen to you in all things.  Amen


Jesus authority

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 (La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

Jesus did many wonderful miracles!  This Sunday’s Gospel tells the story of Jesus healing a man who is deaf and could not speak clearly.  Jesus touched him and healed him.  Being able to hear is a wonderful gift from God.  Listen to how the deaf man’s friends brought him to Jesus to heal him.  Today’s Gospel invites us to think how we witness the healing presence of God to others.  Jesus loves us so much that He takes care of all our needs. 

God has given us the gift of hearing to be able to talk with and listen to other people.  Let us thank God for the gift of hearing.  Let us use this gift to hear God’s Word at Mass and share it with others.

As a family watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question.

How can you use your voice to tell others about Jesus?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to hear the Gospel, understand it, and tell others the Good News of Jesus.  Amen



be opened en

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus calls Andrew, Simon (Peter), James and John to leave their jobs as fishermen and to follow him.  When God calls, we must be ready to drop everything and follow.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question. What would you have to leave behind to follow Jesus?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to follow you because you know what will make us truly happy.  Amen


Jesus gathers followers

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Parents,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells his followers that unless a grain of wheat is planted into the ground the seed remains just a single grain.  But, when a grain of seed falls to the ground and dies, the seed produces many other grains of wheat.  It produces a harvest. 

Jesus compares himself to a grain of wheat that needs to die.  In his death and resurrection Jesus gives his life on the Cross.  This sacrifice brings salvation to all his people and offers us the promise of eternal life.

When we become the seed for others, we join with Jesus in a process that transforms our lives and the world.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.

Planting seeds means doing positive things.  What seeds have you planted this week? 

How can you be like a seed and help increase faith in others?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to put you first, seek your will, and help others grow in faith.  Amen



grain of wheat

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 (La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

In last week’s Gospel, we heard Jesus chose 12 Apostles and sent them to preach and heal in his name.  In today’s Gospel, we hear what happens when they return from this important work.

The Apostles gathered with Jesus and reported all they had done.  Jesus saw that they were very tired and told them to take a break, but the crowds found out and followed them.  Even though they were tired, Jesus and his Apostles were moved with pity and continued to help the people.

Family demands can make us feel like Jesus and the twelve Apostles.  When we pray, we can talk to Jesus about our own needs and the concerns for others.  Jesus will renew and strengthen us to live as his disciples.

As a family watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question.

How do you find the energy to do things you need to do when you are tired?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, we know your grace is sufficient for whatever we need to do.  Please help us turn to you when we need rest and when we need strength.  Amen



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