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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

12/3/23 - Advent - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus tells his disciples “Be watchful!  Be Alert!”  He warns them to be prepared and ready because they do not know when the Lord of the house is coming.


It is the first week of Advent, and our new Liturgical Year begins.  Happy New Year!  We are preparing to celebrate Jesus’ birthday on Christmas Day when he was born in Bethlehem a long time ago.  However, in today’s Gospel Jesus is telling his disciples to be alert.  We need to reflect on what Jesus said to his disciples about his second coming.  During these four weeks of Advent, let’s remember the importance of prayer and faithfulness to honor Jesus’ command telling us to be alert and ready for his return.  Only God knows when this day will come.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How do you stay alert to Jesus’ coming in your life?  Are you ready for his return?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us to pay attention to your words and teachings.  Help us to follow you always.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

12/10/23 - Living Like John the Baptist - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this Second week of Advent in Mark’s Gospel, we hear how John the Baptist is baptizing the people in the Jordan River.  He baptizes them with water and the people acknowledge their sins.  He told them that one mightier than he would baptize them with the Holy Spirit.  John is preparing the people for the coming of Christ.


During this Advent season let’s listen to what John is proclaiming.  Let’s turn away from the things that separate us from God by confessing our sins.  Prepare the way to welcome Jesus into your hearts by attending mass, thanking God for what he has given you, pray every day, be forgiving, kind, and help one another.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
In what way are you preparing the way of the Lord in your heart?


Family Prayer:  Lord, please help us to prepare not only for Christmas celebrations, but also for your arrival in our hearts.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

12/24/23 - The Nativity

Dear Families,

Merry Christmas.  This weekend we have much to celebrate.  In Sunday’s Gospel the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked her to be the mother of Jesus.  Through her yes, she brought Jesus into the world and Monday Christmas day we celebrate the birth of Jesus.


Like Mary, say yes to God.  Like the shepherds bring the joy of Christ our Savior into the world.


As a family watch The Nativity video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What are some things you can do to share the story of Jesus, and bring the love of God to your family, friends and neighbors this Christmas?


Family Prayer:  Dear God, show us how to bring Jesus to others.  Amen.



The Nativity 2023 En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

12/31/23 - Anna and Simeon

Dear Families,

Merry Christmas.  This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family.  Today’s Gospel of Luke, tells us how Mary and Joseph being faithful Jewish parents took Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem and in accordance with the Jewish rite dedicated Jesus to the Lord.  In the Temple, they encounter Simeon and Anna, who recognized the infant Jesus and praised God.


We need to remember that the Holy Family is a model of what it means to be a family of faith and love.  We imitate the Holy Family by the ways we share our faith and love with our families and others.


As a family watch this Anna and Simeon video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
As a Catholic family, how are you expressing your faith like the Holy Family?


Family Prayer:  Lord, open our hearts to your Word so that we may imitate the Holy Family.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

1/21/24 - Jonah, Jesus, and the New World - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus calls four fishermen to leave their boats and follow him.  Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John immediately leave their boats and follow him.  They become Jesus’ first disciples and gave their whole lives to spreading the Good News of Jesus and the message of God’s love.


Like the disciples we are all called to follow Jesus.  Jesus invites all of us to follow him immediately.  When we are called to share the message of God’s love with someone, we are not to hesitate.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What would you have to leave behind to follow Jesus?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, thank you for loving us and for choosing us to be your followers.  Help us to listen to you and follow you.  Amen.



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