Special Religious Education

(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

11/14/21 - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells his disciples what will happen at the end of time.  The sun and moon will become dark and the stars will fall down from the sky.  These are scary things to hear, but then he also says he will return.  He tells them that only God the Father knows when this will happen.

This Gospel is a reminder we should be prepared for Jesus’ coming at all times to enter God’s Kingdom.  We need to stay close to God and away from sin.  Christ will come again.

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What can you do to show Jesus he is welcome in your home and heart every day?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help us make loving choices every day as we wait for your return.  Amen

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

11/21/21 - Solemnity of Christ the King - Cycle B

Dear Families,

The Feast of Christ the King ends the Church year.  The Church celebrates this feast to hold up Jesus as the kind of king and leader the world needs. 

This Sunday’s Gospel when Pilate asks Jesus if he is a king, he answers that his kingdom does not belong to this world.  He has no army.  Jesus is not a king of power and force.  He reins his kingdom by being a Servant King.  He serves people with God’s truth, love and peace.  Jesus has authority over everything, but he humbles himself to serve us and even to die for us.

On this feast of Christ the King, let us remember to allow Christ to rein in our minds, will, hearts, and bodies.  Let us be followers of the Servant King. 

As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How is God’s kingdom different from a kingdom on earth?

Family Prayer:  Jesus, you are a good and loving king.  Help us to follow your will and trust that it is always for our good. Amen.

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

11/28/21 - First Sunday of Advent - Cycle C

Dear Families,

Advent means “coming” it is a season of promises.  We remember how long people waited for God to send the promised Messiah.  We remember Jesus’ promise to be with us always.  We wait for Jesus and his promise to come again in glory.

This Sundays Gospel tells us to be ready for Jesus Second coming.  It contains a strong message for us to not be distracted by problems or our own bad behaviors while we wait.  Jesus wants us to be good to others and ourselves while we prepare for his return.

Watch video in entirety and then ask each other this question. 
What are ways to prepare for Jesus coming in glory?

Family Prayer:  Lord, we want to become the people you created us to be.  Give us the grace to work on those things we need to correct or improve.  Amen

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

12/5/21 - Second Sunday of Advent - Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, John the Baptist (Jesus’ cousin) goes all over the country around the Jordan River and tells everyone to prepare for the coming of the Messiah.  John was not afraid to talk about Jesus and to encourage people to repent and turn away from sin.  John gave hope to people.  He shared the Good News of Jesus, that he was coming to save them, and we should share this too. 

When we light one more candle this Sunday, hopefully it will continue to remind us of how we are called to make changes in our lives and make a straight path to the Lord. 

As a family, watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What changes must I make within me that is standing in the way of growing closer to Jesus?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to recognize what hurts your heart and have the courage to work to change it.  Amen

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

12/12/21 - Third Sunday of Advent - Cycle C

Dear Families,

This Sunday is the third week of Advent, and we prepare joyfully for the coming of the Messiah.  John the Baptist answers questions on how to prepare for the coming of the Messiah.  He told them they can share food and clothing.  Tax collectors can collect only what they are owed.  Soldiers could treat people with respect.  At first people thought he might be the Messiah, but he explained that one mightier than him would baptize with the Holy Spirit. 

John the Baptist’s preaching raises people’s hopes.  John helped people to see how they should act toward one another so that they are ready for God’s coming.  People came to see and hear him, and he showed them the way to God.  The people that heard John preach had a desire to change their lives for the better, they wanted to hear the truth. 

As a family, watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can we, like John the Baptist, show other people the way to Jesus?

Family Prayer:  Holy Spirit, you move us and help us change.  Teach us to follow Jesus in all things. Amen

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