(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

9/22/24 - Feeling Jealous? - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus explains that he will suffer and die, but the disciples are too afraid of what he is saying to question him about it.  Instead, they begin to argue on which one of them is the most important.  Jesus knew what they were talking about, so he tells them that if they want to be first, they must be humble, be last and serve others.


Jesus teaches us that what is most important is not having the best things or being best at something.  We learn that when we freely love and serve others, we are great in God’s eyes.


As a family watch video and then ask each other this question?
How can you serve others and help them with the difficulties they are experiencing?


Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to see you when we see people in need.  Amen.



FeelingJealous 2024 En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

9/29/24 - What's Holding You Back? - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel of Mark, John tells Jesus that someone who was not his follower was driving out demons in his name and he tried to prevent it.  Jesus replied not to prevent him.  Because anyone who performs mighty deeds in his name cannot speak ill of him.  Because whoever is not against him is for him.  He also tells us to cut our hands and feet and pluck our eyes out instead of using them to sin.


Jesus is teaching us to appreciate the good deeds of others.  This is a good reminder to treat anyone who brings Jesus to us or others with respect and kindness.  Jesus is also teaching us to use our hands, feet, and eyes to do good things and to see the goodness in others and bring his love to everyone.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What does Jesus mean when he tells us that if your hand or foot causes you to sin cut it off or pluck your eye out?


Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to recognize those who teach us to know you better.  Help us to treat them with love and kindness every day.  Amen.



WhatsHoldingYouBack 2024 En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

10/6/24 - Why Is Marriage Important? - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus reminds us that from the very beginning of creation God made the union of a man and a woman a blessed and sacred commitment.  Then, when people were bringing children to be touched by Jesus the disciples would not let them come near and Jesus told them to let the children come to him because the kingdom of God belongs to them, and he blessed them.


Jesus is teaching us about the Sacrament of Marriage and the graces received so they can love each other.  As husband and wife, they are one and become parents.  Fathers and Mothers bring new children into the world.  God blesses all parents and children with the grace of the Holy Spirit to go through difficult times in their family relationships.  Jesus teaches that we need to be like children and trust in his promise to care for us when we ask for his help.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How do I show I belong to my family?  How do I show I belong to Jesus’ family?


Family Prayer:  Loving God, give us the capacity to love and serve each other as a family.  Amen.



WhyMarriageImportant 2024 En

 Click Photo



(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

10/20/24 - Power and Honor? - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel of Mark, James and John ask to be given seats of honor when Jesus enters his glory.  They want to share in Jesus’ glory but do not understand that his glory will come after his suffering.  Jesus knowing that they don’t know what they are asking, asks them if they are willing to endure suffering like he will.  He tells them that the honor they request are not his to give but for those for whom it has been prepared.  The others hearing their request are annoyed and Jesus takes this opportunity to teach them that those who wish to be great must be the servant of all.


Jesus reminds us he came to serve, not to be served.  He gave his life as a sacrifice to save us.  Jesus teaches us that those that wish to be first in God’s kingdom must be the servants of others.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
In what ways can you serve Jesus by serving others?


Family Prayer:  Lord, open our eyes to see the needs of others and grow in our desire to serve them.  Amen.



PowerandHonor 2024 En

 Click Photo



As a community concerned with the process of education for our young people, we turn to the family as the primary source of passing on the faith. We attempt to form families in the faith for this generation and the next. For more information and to register your family, please call our Office of Family Faith Formation at

(631) 231-7344

Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays


Our office is located in the Lower Church. 

Director: Mrs. Bertha Keenan


Important Notice: All activities including mass and Religious Education classes (this includes RCIA classes) are cancelled until further notice. Please read on for further details.

Aviso Importante: Todas las actividades, incluyendo misa y clases de Educacion Religiosa (tambien clases de RICA), seran cancelados hasta nuevo aviso. Para mas detalles, continue leyendo.


From Our Director of Faith Formation:

My dear families,
I pray that you are all well. I understand that these are stressful times full of anxieties and
worries. Please remember that God is always with you, open your hearts to our Lord and
receive the message of love, hope, compassion and mercy that the Lord is offering through His
grace to those who seek Him. So, therefore:

Do not fear; I am with you;
Do not be anxious; I am your God.
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.Isaiah 41:10

Please know that I miss all of you and am praying for all of you. You are the domestic Church
and what a better time to pray as a family. In your children’s bilingual book “Mi Fe Catolica”
there are prayers you can pray as a family. I encourage you to set up a prayer space in your
home where you and your family can pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Your servant in Christ,
Bertha Keenan, Director
Family Faith Formation
Note: I have sent you letters with instructions so that I can email you. Please follow



Let us pray.
For All RCIA Catechumens 
And Candidates
God our Father,
you always work to save us,
and now we rejoice in the great love
you give to your chosen people.
Protect all who are about to become your children,
and continue to bless those who are already baptized.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and hte Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
