(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

6/4/23 - The Most Holy Trinity - Cycle A

Dear Families,

This week we return to the liturgical season of Ordinary Times (I like to call it Growing Times).  However, the next two Sundays are special days that call our attention to the mysteries of our faith.  This Sunday is Trinity Sunday, and we celebrate the mystery of the Holy Trinity.  Whenever you begin your prayers with the Sign of the Cross, think about the Blessed Trinity.  God the Father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit.  The Trinity is God’s love in the world.


Today’s Gospel of John tells us that “God so loved the world that he gave his Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.”  God loves us so much that he sent his only Son, Jesus to save the world.  Jesus, in turn, sent the Holy Spirit so that our faith in God and his love would be strengthened.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How is God’s great love in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit experienced in our family?


Family Prayer:  Lord, we ask you to help us live each day in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.



WhatisTrinity En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

6/11/23 - Body & Blood of Christ - Cycle A

Dear Families,

This Sunday is a very special feast day called Corpus Christi, a Latin word which means “Body of Christ”.  In John’s Gospel we hear how Jesus told the crowd that those that eat his flesh and drinks his blood has eternal life.  It was difficult then and now to understand, but our faith tells us that each time we go to mass the bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of Jesus.  At mass listen to the words the priest says as he consecrates the bread and wine.  As he elevates the host remember this is now Jesus you are looking at.  When we receive the Eucharist, he nourishes our souls and strengthens our faith.  Jesus is truly with us; he is the living bread of eternal life.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
Why do you think Jesus gave us the Eucharist?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, you are truly the Bread of Life.  Thank you for your loving presence in the Eucharist.  Amen.



CorpusChristi En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us about the importance of praying together.

We can pray with our family, our friends, and our church.  Whenever two or more of

us are together our prayers become stronger!


As a family, watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.

Why can’t you always see the answer to prayers right away?


Family Prayer:  Dear Jesus, help us to remember that we can help each other

when we pray together.  Amen


praying together



Click Picture

Watch video as a family.



(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

6/18/23 - Jesus Calls Us to Bring in the Harvest - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus chooses twelve apostles to continue his ministry.  He explains that there is a big harvest and few laborers.  Jesus is not speaking about fruits or vegetables; he was sending them out to bring his ministry of love and healing to people.


Many laborers are needed out in the field.  Jesus calls all of us to bring his love to our families, neighbors, schools, and work.  We need to understand that there are still many people suffering and need healing.  Don’t be scared to do Jesus’ work.  When you are a good example to others, and show kindness, you are doing his work.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can you bring Jesus’ healing love to others?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us be faithful workers by sharing with others your healing love.  Amen.



Harvest En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

My dear families,

I pray this email finds you all well and that you are praying as a family. Trusting God is watching over all of you.

In this Sunday’s gospel Jesus tells us that he will not leave us orphans. Even in the midst of our struggles we can rest assured that Jesus is with us to comfort and strengthen us. Know that Jesus loves you and hugs you. As a family ask each other these questions. How are you feeling Jesus loving hugs? How are you hugging Jesus? How do you know Jesus loves you? Do you love Jesus?


Jesus holding child


“If you love me”

John 14:15-21
Click the picture.
Watch video as a family.




(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

6/25/23 - Do Not Be Afraid - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells his twelve apostles to not be afraid.  Do not be worried.  They would be challenged by the world because of their belief, but He assures them that God knows, loves, and protects them.  God their Father even knows how many hairs they have on their heads.


What Jesus says to his Apostles reminds us that we should always remember how much God knows, loves, and protects us.  He knows us and sees even little things we might fear or worry about.  We don’t need to live in fear, because God our Father is always with us.  Do not be afraid.  Share God’s love and care with those around you.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Do you share God’s love with others?  What do you hear in this Gospel when you are afraid to share God’s love with others?


Family Prayer:  Dear Lord, help us to not be afraid to spread the message of God’s love to others.  Amen.



WhatYouAfraid En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

My dear families,

I pray this email finds you all well and praying as a family.

When the 11 disciples went to the mountain, Jesus said to them “Go and make disciples of all nations”.  The Ascension of the Lord, Thursday May 21st  is often called the “Great Commission”.  

We are called to be disciples and observe all that Jesus has taught and commanded us to do.  Through our actions we lead people to Christ. 

Witnesses to this “Great Commission” are our Pastor Father Stan, Father Victor, Father Charlince, lectors, cantors, musicians, and altar servers, seen when mass is livestreamed into our homes.  Deacon Andres setting the technology and managing the videos and Deacon John with his daily reflections. 

Our priests are not just taking care of our spiritual needs but also our physical needs by distributing food to our parishioners in need.  Marge who is always there for all of us.  All who donate to Parish Outreach and all volunteers who pack the food donated and keep our Church clean and looking beautiful.  Our families who through their trials are demonstrating the virtues of love, patience, kindness, humility.

(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

7/2/23 - Jesus Our Priority - Cycle A

Dear Families,

This Sunday’s Gospel of Matthew sounds confusing.  We are to love Jesus more than our parents, and children or else we are not worthy of his love.  The word to look at is more, Jesus is asking us to place our love for him above all others, not instead of others.  Remember that our families are gifts from God.  God gave our families to us because he is the giver of every good gift.  Jesus knows that it is not easy to follow him, he tells us that we are to give his love to others without expecting anything in return.  The way to do this is by putting his love in our hearts first and follow him.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Do we love someone more than Jesus, and choose not to follow Jesus?  Are we dead to sins and alive with God?


Family Prayer:  God, thank you for the gift of family.  Help us choose you first so that we may receive the grace to share your love, peace and kindness with one another.  Amen.



Jesus Priority En Es

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

My dear families,

I pray this email finds you all well and praying as a family.

In this week’s video in the Gospel of John, Jesus prays to the Father for His Disciples. We are His Disciples. What a blessing to know that Jesus prays for us. Jesus is working for, in, and through us.

Thank the Lord for all his works and words. Ask the Lord to show you how to be in the world, but not of the world. Remember to always love one another as He loves you.

As a family, ask each other how are we Jesus’ Disciples? How can you witness to each other that you are a disciple of Christ?

May the peace of the Lord be always with you.


Jesus Prays

Jesus Prays


John 17:1-11

Click the picture.

Watch video as a family.


(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

7/9/23 - King of Peace - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells us, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest.”  Jesus is telling us that God, Our Father, understands when we are worn out.  He knows when we are burdened with problems, are tired at work, at school.  He teaches us that when we pray and share our burdens with him, they become lighter.


God wants us to go to him when we need to rest, and open our minds to his wisdom and love.  When our hearts rest in God we experience peace.  When we experience this peace, it is then shared with love and compassion for others.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
Do you go to God when you are troubled?


Family Prayer:  Dear Jesus in our times of trouble, let us always share our burdens with you.  Amen.



TrueKingPeace En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

7/16/23 - God's Word Grows in Good Soil - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel of Matthew, Jesus tells the parable of the sower and the seeds.  He teaches about the different types of soils the seeds fall on and compares them to how we listen to the Word of God.  The seeds are all the same, but depending on how each person receives the message it grows different.  Jesus wants us to be like good soil so the seeds of God’s Word can grow strong.


When we open our hearts to the Word of God, our faith grows.  Jesus teaches us that the kingdom of heaven is like seed that has been sown on good soil.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What are some things we can do so that we are like good soil, and grow in God’s Word?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, we pray that we will become the good soil needed for God’s Word to take deep root in our hearts.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

7/23/23 - Weeds Among the Wheat - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In Matthew’s Gospel of this week, Jesus continues to speak to us in parables.  In today’s first parable, Jesus talks about a man who tells his servants to let the weeds grow along with the wheat until harvest time, this way the wheat will not be pulled along with the weeds.  The man told them to wait till harvest time.  Then they were to burn the weeds and gather the wheat into his barn.


The weeds represent the evil in the world, the wheat the good in the world.  Wheat and weeds must grow together until harvest time.  Let this serve us as a reminder about the Kingdom of God, and learn that through our actions we must be the wheat in the world, not be judgmental, and bring God’s love and mercy to all.  God is merciful, and gives us time to do good actions so that on judgement day we can be gathered into his barn, his Kingdom of Heaven.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What does this parable of the weeds and wheat tell us about God’s judgment and his Kingdom?


Family Prayer:  Lord, help us to pull the weeds out of our hearts and mind, and become the loving wheat you desire for us to be gathered into your Heavenly Kingdom.  Amen



Wheat Weeds En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)


Always, I pray this email finds you all well and praying as a family.

This Sunday’s Gospel of John 20:19-23 takes place on the third day after Jesus died.  The disciples were gathered under locked doors for fear of the Jews.  Suddenly Jesus appears and said “Peace be with you”.  Jesus gave them peace. Jesus is alive! He is Risen! 

In the midst of this pandemic, we are experiencing worries, anxieties, problems, disappointments and death. Through emails you have watched videos, read, and live streamed mass in your home re the Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord.  Therefore, let us receive His peace, let us rejoice, Jesus is alive, He is risen, He is with us.

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday and this week’s video is from the Acts of the Apostles. They are gathered in the Upper Room in Jerusalem.  Watch the video and take notice of what happens.

Do we at St. Anne’s come from different countries?  Do we experience the Holy Spirit at work in our community in many languages?  As a family, ask each other how can we proclaim the word of God no matter what language we speak?

May the peace of the Lord be always with you.




Acts 2:1-11

Click the picture.

Watch video as a family.






Siempre, rezo para que este correo electrónico los encuentre a todos bien y orando como familia.

El Evangelio de este domingo Juan 20:19-23 es el tercer día después de la muerte de Jesús. Los discípulos están reunidos bajo puertas cerradas por temor a los Judíos. De repente Jesús aparece y dijo "La paz esté con ustedes". Jesús les dio paz. ¡Jesús está a vivo! ¡Ha resucitado!

En medio de esta pandemia, estamos teniendo experiencias de preocupaciones, ansiedades, problemas, decepciones y muerte. A través de correos electrónicos han visto videos, han leído y transmitidos en vivo las misas en sus casas de la Pasión, Muerte, Resurrección y Ascensión de nuestro Señor. Por lo tanto, recibamos Su paz, regocijémonos, Jesús está vivo, ha resucitado, Él está con nosotros.

Este domingo es domingo de Pentecostés y el video de esta semana es de los Hechos de los Apóstoles. Están reunidos en el Cenáculo de Jerusalén. Vea el video y tome nota de lo que sucede.

¿En Santa Ana venimos de diferentes países? ¿Está el Espíritu Santo trabajando en nuestra comunidad en muchos idiomas? Como familia, pregúntense mutuamente ¿cómo podemos proclamar la palabra de Dios sin importar qué idioma hablemos?

Que la paz del Señor este siempre con ustedes.






Hechos 2:1-11

Clic la foto.

Vea video como familia.




Bertha Keenan, Director
St. Anne’s Parish
Family Faith Formation
Brentwood, NY
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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

7/30/23 - The Kingdom of Heaven is Our Treasure - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel of Matthew, Jesus teaches us about the Kingdom of Heaven.  He says the Kingdom of Heaven is like a buried treasure that a man finds and sells everything he has and buys the field where it is buried.  He also says, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a rare pearl that costs a lot of money, and when a merchant finds it sells all he has and buys it.  These parables can help us realize that Jesus gave up his life because we are his treasure.


Belonging to God’s Kingdom should be more important than anything else in our lives.  The Kingdom of Heaven is our treasure.  Listening to the first reading, like King Solomon, let’s ask God to give us the wisdom to have an understanding heart to know how to serve others, and to distinguish right from wrong.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can we as a family help each other enter the Kingdom of Heaven?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us never to lose sight that living with you in the Kingdom of Heaven is our real treasure.  Amen.



Solomon Wisdom En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)


Dear Families,

I greet you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  This week is Holy Trinity Sunday, and when we make the sign of the cross we are recalling the mystery of our faith that expresses the Holy Trinity, one God who is three persons – God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  This Sunday let us rejoice that God chooses to interact with us in different, loving ways.

Sunday’s Gospel John 3:16-18 talks about how God sends Jesus to save the world, He loves us and wants to give us eternal life.  Read the Gospel together as a family.

This week’s video will be only in English.  Sing together and rejoice!

Holy Trinity

For God So Loved The World…

John 3:16 – Juan 3, 16

Click photo and sing as a family.




Queridas familias,

Los saludos en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo.  Esta semana es el domingo de la Santísima Trinidad, y cuando hacemos la señal de la cruz estamos recordando el misterio de nuestra fe que expresa la Santísima Trinidad, un Dios que es tres personas:  Dios Padre, Jesús el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo.  Este domingo nos regocijamos de que Dios elige interactuar con nosotros de maneras diferentes y amorosas.

El Evangelio del domingo Juan 3, 16-18 habla de cómo Dios envía a Jesús para salvar al mundo, nos ama y quiere darnos la vida eterna.  Lean juntos el Evangelio como familia.

El video de esta semana será solo en inglés.  ¡Cantar juntos y alegrarse!


Holy Trinity

Tanto Amo Dios Al Mundo…

John 3:16 – Juan 3, 16

Clic la foto y canten como familia.



Bertha Keenan, Director
St. Anne’s Parish
Family Faith Formation
Brentwood, NY
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

8/6/23 - The Transfiguration - Cycle A

Dear Families,

This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord.  In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus travels up a mountain with Peter, James and John.  Jesus is transfigured and his face becomes as dazzling as the sun; his clothes radiate bright light.  Moses and Elijah also appeared and were speaking with Jesus.  It is a vision of Jesus’ divinity shining through his humanity.  This vision was so beautiful that Peter wanted to stay and build three tents; one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.  All of a sudden Peter, James and John hear a voice from the cloud that tells them “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.”  They are so scared that they fall to the ground.  But Jesus comes to them and tells them not to be afraid.  Jesus gives them an order.  Don’t tell anyone about this vision until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.


This vision of Jesus transfigured in glory tells all of us to remember Jesus’ risen, shining self.  Jesus calls us to shine like him, now and forever.  As beloved sons and daughters of God we need to listen to Jesus.


As a family watch video on the Transfiguration, and then ask each other this question.
What are some of the things affirmed about Jesus in the Transfiguration?


Family Prayer:  God, we know that Jesus is your beloved Son.  Help us to listen to him.  Amen.



TheTransfiguration En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

8/13/23 - Walking on Water! - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Matthew, we listen to how Jesus walked on water.  Jesus is walking towards his disciples in a storm and they get scared because they think Jesus is a ghost.  Jesus tells them not to be afraid that it was him.  Peter who wanted to follow Jesus asked him to call him to walk on water and he did.  But as soon Peter notices what he was doing, and takes his eyes off Jesus he starts to sink.  Jesus did not let him sink, he took him by the hand and helped him out of the water.


Like Peter when we take our eyes off Jesus our fears and doubts overtake us.  Jesus wants to take us by our hand and help us.  When we pray and have faith in Jesus, he will give us the grace to overcome our doubts and fears.  If you realize you’re having a hard time doing the right thing, pray to Jesus to help you.  Remember to trust Jesus even when things look scary.  Have faith, Jesus loves you and is always in control.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What did Jesus say to Peter about his faith?  What area of your life do you need to trust Jesus more?


Family Prayer:  Lord, we all experience storms in life.  Help us to trust you even when life seems difficult.  Amen.



WalkonWater En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)


Dear Families,

Always, I pray this email finds you well and praying as a family.

This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. This feast celebrates the gift of the Blessed Sacrament the Eucharist. In the Eucharist, the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus. When we receive Holy Communion, Jesus is present to us and he continues to live in us and brings us eternal life.

(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

8/20/23 - God's Love Is For Everyone - Cycle A

Dear Families,

Sunday’s Gospel is often misunderstood.  Jesus is not saying the Canaanite woman is a dog; he is trying to explain to her that she is not a person who was raised in faith.  The woman believes Jesus can cure her daughter, she is persistent and continues to ask.  Jesus sees her faith and cures her daughter.


Like the woman, let’s bring our needs to God in prayer with confidence and faith.  Like Jesus, let us be merciful and kind to everyone who is ignored and considered an outsider.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How does the Canaanite woman show her faith?  How can we have faith like hers?  What does Jesus teach us?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, sometimes it can feel as though you cannot hear us.  Help us to keep asking for help and be patient, knowing you will answer our prayers at the right time.  Amen.



Grace Unfair En

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)


Dear Families,

To all father’s, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!

As always praying this email finds you all well and thanking God for the joy of being able to attend mass at St. Anne’s.  Please go to website for information.

This week’s video will have all scripture readings for this Sunday’s mass.  First Reading: Jeremiah expresses confidence that the Lord will protect him.

Responsorial Psalm: God responds to the prayers of those in need.  Second Reading:  Sin came into the world through one person; salvation came through one person for many.  Gospel Reading:  Jesus assures the Twelve that God cares about them and not to be afraid. Last part of video explains readings.