Virus Season
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
4/21/24 - The Good Shepherd - Cycle B
Dear Families,
Happy Easter!
This fourth Sunday of Easter is called Good Shepherd Sunday. Jesus tells us that he is the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep, we belong to him and he will lay down his life for us. Jesus reminds us how important we are to him, so important that he died and rose again so we can go to Heaven.
Jesus is our leader and leads the way a good shepherd leads a flock of sheep. Jesus heals the blind, lame, and deaf. He reaches to outsiders and feeds crowds of hungry people. He shows us the way to live by showing how to love one another and be good shepherds and leaders in our communities.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How is Jesus like a good shepherd? How are you like a good shepherd?
Family Prayer: Lord, help us become leaders who follow you and care for our neighbors. Amen.
Read more: The Good Shepherd Cycle B / El Buen Pastor Ciclo B
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
4/28/24 - The Vine and the Branches - Cycle B
Dear Families,
Happy Easter!
This fifth Sunday of Easter, Jesus tells us he is the vine we are the branches. Jesus uses this parable to explain how branches grow out from a vine and receive their food from the main stem. The gardener prunes and tends the garden so it will grow and bear fruit.
Jesus teaches us that we can only grow in faith and do the right things if we stay close to him. Jesus will correct and guide us, just as the gardener prunes and tends a garden so it will grow strong.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can you stay connected to Jesus, like branches are connected to a vine?
Family Prayer: Jesus, help us find ways to stay close to you so we can grow in faith and love. Amen.
Read more: The Vine and the Branches Cycle B / La Vid y los Sarmientos Ciclo B
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
5/5/24 - Unconditional Love - Cycle B
Dear Families,
Happy Easter!
This Sixth Sunday of Easter, Jesus said to his disciples: “As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy might be complete.”
In this Gospel, Jesus shares the depth of his love for us. It is simple and everlasting. He calls us to love one another, as God loves him and as he loves us. Sharing Jesus’ love is not simple. This love requires putting others first, giving up a special treat, or being a friend to someone who is not easy to love. Jesus teaches us that we will be happy and complete when we love one another as he loves us.
This week during the Sign of Peace, try to see Jesus in each person you greet and smile at them with love.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can you find new ways to spread Christ’s love and joy to others?
Family Prayer: Lord, show us how to love and bring joy to others. Amen.
Read more: Unconditional Love Cycle B / Amor Incondicional Ciclo B
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus calls Andrew, Simon (Peter), James and John to leave their jobs as fishermen and to follow him. When God calls, we must be ready to drop everything and follow.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question. What would you have to leave behind to follow Jesus?
Family Prayer: Lord, help us to follow you because you know what will make us truly happy. Amen
Read more: Jesus Gathers Followers / Jesus Reúne Seguidores (Faith Formation) (2)
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
5/12/24 - Jesus Prays for His- Cycle B
Happy Mother’s Day!
This week I am sending a video on you tube from the Gospel of John 17:1-26.
The Gospel video is just after Jesus shared the Last Supper with his friends the disciples. He knew he was about to go to the cross. He prayed for his friends the disciples and asked God to unite, protect, and guide them. It is very important to understand that when Jesus was praying for his disciples, he was praying for us too.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What are the three things Jesus asks God when he prayed for his friends the disciples and us?
Family Prayer: Dear Lord, pray to help us live with God’s presence in the world. Unite, protect, and guide us always. Amen