Virus Season
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
3/26/23 - Jesus Raises Lazarus - Cycle A
Dear Families,
This Fifth Sunday of Lent Jesus hears that his friend Lazarus is very sick, and when he returns to see Lazarus he has been dead for four days. His sisters Mary and Martha are very sad and Martha asks him why didn’t he come sooner? He could have healed Lazarus. Jesus said to Martha your brother will rise again. Yes, on the last day she replies. Do you believe that people who believe in me die, but that I give them life forever? She replies that he is God’s son. Jesus asks where he was buried and when he sees the tomb he weeps with the others. Jesus asks that the stone on the tomb be moved. He prays and commands Lazarus to come out from the tomb. He raises Lazarus from the dead. News of Jesus’ raising Lazarus travels fast. Many people come to believe in him, but many others are questioning his miracles and actions.
When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, he shows us his power over death. We believe that by Jesus’ death and Resurrection, he conquered death and won eternal life for us. Our faith calls us to be like Martha and Mary, and believe that Jesus is the Resurrection and eternal life.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Why do you think Jesus wept? When someone loses a loved one, how can you comfort them in their sorrow? Do you ever think of Jesus weeping with you when you are sad?
Family Prayer: Jesus you are the Resurrection and the life. Help us to live a life of compassion and trust. Amen.
Read more: Jesus Raises Lazarus Cycle A / Jesús Resucita a Lázaro Ciclo A
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
4/2/23 - Palm/Passion Sunday - Cycle A
Dear Families,
In this week’s Gospel, we begin with Jesus triumphant entrance into Jerusalem and the crowds of people welcoming him waving palm branches. Then the Gospel moves us from triumph to tragedy. It tells us about Jesus’ suffering and Death. We also learn about Judas’s betrayal, Peter’s denial, and a soldier’s faith.
These events of Jesus’ Passion will be proclaimed again when we remember Jesus’ final days at Mass on Holy Thursday the Lord’s Last Supper, Good Friday the Passion of the Lord, and the Easter Vigil. As we journey into the heart of our Christian faith, let’s remember “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.” (John 3:16).
As a family watch video in its entirety then ask each other these questions.
Why does Jesus pour out his life for us? As a family what events will we participate in during Holy Week?
Family Prayer: Dear Lord, may we have the same mind and the same love you have for us. Help us to be selfless like you as we put other people’s needs before our own. Amen.
Read more: Palm/Passion Sunday Cycle A - Domingo de Ramos/La Pasión Ciclo A
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
4/9/23 - Jesus is Risen - Cycle A
Dear Families,
Happy Easter. Alleluia, Jesus is Risen. This Sunday is a day when we rejoice, Jesus is alive!
In this Sunday’s Gospel of John, Mary Magdalene discovers that Jesus’ tomb is empty, she runs and tells Simon Peter and Jesus’ beloved disciple that Jesus is missing, where could they have put him? She does not consider that Jesus has been raised from the dead. The disciples are slow to recognize the significance of Jesus’ empty tomb. As we continue our 50-day Easter season, we will learn how they come to realize that Christ is still with them.
During this Easter season we learn more about how the disciples came to believe that Jesus had been raised from the dead. In the days ahead let us reflect on Jesus’ empty tomb, and see the risen Christ in our lives. Remember every day “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.”
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How do you share the Good News of Jesus’ Resurrection with others?
Family Prayer: Alleluia! We are filled with joy that Jesus has been raised from the dead. Help us, God, to share our joy with others. Amen.
Read more: Jesus is Risen Cycle A / Jesus ha Resucitado Ciclo A
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
4/16/23 - Believing & Trusting - Cycle A
Dear Families,
Happy Easter! Easter season is a celebration of fifty days, from Easter until Pentecost.
In this Sunday’s Gospel of John, Thomas is not with the Apostles when Jesus appears to them. He is told that Jesus appeared to them but Doubting Thomas does not believe them and states that unless he sees him himself, he will not believe. Jesus appears again and asks Thomas to touch him, and not be unbelieving. Thomas touched him and said “My Lord and my God.” The Lord asks Thomas “Have you come to believe because you see me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” Jesus was blessing us when he said these words to Thomas. We are asked to show that we believe in Jesus as our Lord and God. We believe because of the witnessing of all who have gone before us in the faith.
This Sunday is also Divine Mercy Sunday. It is a special day when we remember God’s mercy. When we sin, we offend God, but because he is merciful, he forgives us when we are sorry. Like Thomas the Apostle we need to see and we have our doubts, but God understands us and forgives us. We need to trust that he is always with us and loves us.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Do you doubt when you are with believers, or are you a believer who has doubts? Do you trust our Lord and pray for understanding when you have doubts?
Family Prayer: Jesus, I Trust in You!
Read more: Believing & Trusting Cycle A / Creyendo & Confiando Ciclo A
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
4/23/23 - Road to Emmaus - Cycle A
Dear Families,
Happy Easter. In this Sunday’s Gospel of Luke two of Jesus disciples encounter him on the way to Emmaus. They do not recognize him and they explain how sad they are because of what happened to Jesus in Jerusalem. Jesus talks to them about the Scriptures to help them understand God’s plan. It was late and they invited him to eat dinner with them. They finally recognize Jesus when he blesses and breaks bread with them, just like he did at the Last Supper. They are filled with joy and share their experience with others.
Imagine the feelings of the two disciples. They are leaving Jerusalem are sad, and all their hopes are gone. However, they are filled with hope and joy when their eyes are opened and they recognize Jesus in the blessing and breaking of the bread. Each Sunday at Mass in the Eucharist we share the breaking of the bread and discover Jesus in our midst. The Eucharist helps us receive the joy of Jesus presence and fills us with hope. Like the disciples let’s share his presence and give joy and hope to those we know and meet in our journey of faith.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
When have you recognized that Jesus is with you?
Family Prayer: Jesus, our hearts are full of love for you. Help us to notice your presence with us. Amen.
Read more: Road to Emmaus Cycle A / El Camino a Emaús Ciclo A