(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

12/26/21 - Christmas Day and Feast of Holy Family- Cycle C

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, at the age of 12 Jesus, Mary, and Joseph were on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for the Jewish feast of Passover, an event where family and friends traveled together each year.  On their way back home, they realized Jesus was not with them.  They were worried when they could not find Jesus with any of their families or friends.  They finally found Jesus when they went back to the Temple.  When they found him and they told him how concerned and anxious they were, Jesus asked them why were they concerned since he was in his Father’s house, but he was obedient and returned with them to Nazareth. 

As a family watch Merry Christmas video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How can Jesus be born into your heart this Christmas?  What can you do to show your family that you love them?

Family Prayer:  Lord, help our family to seek and see you as we celebrate Jesus’ coming this Christmas.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

2/19/23 - Love Your Enemies - Cycle A

Dear Families,

Continuing with the Sermon on the Mount we have been hearing the last several weeks, Jesus tells us to love our enemies and pray for them.  By enemies, Jesus means people who don’t love us, who possibly hate us, hurt us, and who probably won’t love us back even though we love them.


Loving our enemies is hard.  Jesus knows we are human and not perfect, but he asks us to treat others as we ourselves want to be treated.  He teaches us to have mercy for others as he has mercy for us.  As Jesus explained, if you love only those who love you, what is so special about that?


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What is a loving way to respond to someone who upsets you?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us to remember to love everyone as you do.  Help us to stay calm when we are upset and to be kind when we are angry.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

10/20/24 - Power and Honor? - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel of Mark, James and John ask to be given seats of honor when Jesus enters his glory.  They want to share in Jesus’ glory but do not understand that his glory will come after his suffering.  Jesus knowing that they don’t know what they are asking, asks them if they are willing to endure suffering like he will.  He tells them that the honor they request are not his to give but for those for whom it has been prepared.  The others hearing their request are annoyed and Jesus takes this opportunity to teach them that those who wish to be great must be the servant of all.


Jesus reminds us he came to serve, not to be served.  He gave his life as a sacrifice to save us.  Jesus teaches us that those that wish to be first in God’s kingdom must be the servants of others.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
In what ways can you serve Jesus by serving others?


Family Prayer:  Lord, open our eyes to see the needs of others and grow in our desire to serve them.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

2/12/23 - Jesus Teaches God's Law - Cycle A

Dear Families,

Jesus continues with his Sermon on the Mount in this Sunday’s Gospel.  Jesus shares the difference between the law of Moses (The Ten Commandments) and his new law of love.  He said that he didn’t come to take away the law.  He came to fulfill the law.  Jesus says that the Ten Commandments are very important, but we must act from a place of love, not just obedience.


One of the Ten Commandments is “you shall not kill”.  Jesus teaches that to obey this Commandment is not enough.  Not only don’t kill, but don’t be violent.  Not only don’t be violent, but don’t even think violent thoughts against one another.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What is Jesus’ attitude toward the Ten Commandments?


Family Prayer:  Thank you, Jesus for giving us rules to guide us. Help us to follow them as you want us to.  Amen.



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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

1/15/23 - Lamb of God - Cycle A

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel, when Jesus came to the Jordan River to be baptized, John the Baptist points to Jesus and testifies that he is the Lamb of God, who will take away the sins of the world, the son of God, who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.


John the Baptist knew his mission.  He prepared the way for Jesus by asking people to repent of their sins, and pointing towards Jesus.  He knew that Jesus is the Lamb of God.  As John preached, we should repent of our sins, and like him we also need to show others the way to Jesus. 


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
As a disciple of Christ, what do you think is your mission in life?


Family Prayer:  Lord, help us live our baptismal call with love and service to one another.  Amen.



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