COVID-19 Vaccines & Catholic Morality
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
8/28/22 - What is Humility? - Cycle C
Dear Families,
This Sunday when Jesus sees people trying to sit in places of honor at a banquet, he saw their pride. He tells them a parable about being humble. Jesus focuses on humility not on pride. When we have true humility, we understand that everything we have comes from God. When we don’t understand we start to look down on everyone, and we forget about God and that he gave us these gifts to help others. We start looking for approval from others like the proud guests at the banquet, and we can commit the sin of pride.
According to Jesus, the most important thing is to learn to be humble. Being humble is not thinking less of ourselves; being humble means thinking about ourselves less. He is teaching us to focus on others and to invite people into our lives who will not be able to repay us with places of honor. God wants us to be generous with the gifts he has given us, and to give everyone a place of honor. Humility frees us from worrying about ourselves, and what others think of us. We give much glory to God when we are humble.
As a family, watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can you better identify the situations that make you fall into the sin of pride?
Family Prayer: Lord, grant us the grace to be humble, and serve everyone we meet with dignity. Amen
Read more: What is Humility? Cycle C/ ¿Que es la Humildad? Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
9/4/22 - Family, Friends or God - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus talks about hating our families. You are probably thinking, but I thought Jesus didn’t want us to hate anyone? He does not want us to hate. What Jesus is telling us is that we should love God more than we love the people closest to us. God wants us to stay close to the people we love, but Jesus is telling us that to follow God we need to put him first. This means that we should be ready to do what God wants even if it means losing our family or best friends.
It can be very difficult and require sacrifice to do what is right, and to choose between doing what Jesus teaches us or keeping friends. People might make fun of us and reject us. We are so blessed that Jesus is so honest with us, and teaches us how to be ready to give up anything or anyone that would stop us from following him.
As a family, watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Why do you think it would be difficult to follow what Jesus teaches? What sacrifices would you make to follow Jesus?
Family Prayer: Jesus, when it is difficult to follow you, help us to remember what you sacrificed to save us. Amen
Read more: Family, Friends or God Cycle C / Familia, Amigos o Dios Ciclo C
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
Dear Families,
No one is ever too young to help Jesus! In this Sunday’s Gospel, a little boy gave all the food he had to Jesus. Jesus performed a miracle and fed thousands of people with the little boy’s gift. Jesus was showing us that later he would feed thousands of us with the Holy Eucharist.
As a family watch video in its entirety and ask each other this question.
What gifts do you have that Jesus could multiply to help others?
Family Prayer: Jesus, sometimes we are hungry too! We hunger for love, encouragement, or peace. Please help us to turn to you to give us all the things we hunger for. Amen
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
9/11/22 - The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Prodigal Son - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus responds to those complaining about him keeping company with sinners. He tells them three parables about something or someone being lost and then found. The first parable is about the shepherd who leaves 99 sheep to search for one and when he finds the one, he rejoices. The second parable is about a woman searching for one coin and when she finds it, she also rejoices. Finally, the third story is about the son who asked for his inheritance before the father died. He leaves home and spends all his money on foolish things, and when he returns home his father is waiting for him, forgives him and he too rejoices and celebrates by throwing him a party. However, his brother is upset and does not think his brother, a sinner, is worthy of such rejoicing.
Jesus is teaching us in these parables, that when we do something wrong and sin, God never stops loving us. God does not lose hope or give up on us. He rejoices when we are lost and come back to him, we are always worthy of his love.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What do these parables teach us about sin and forgiveness?
Family Prayer: Jesus, thank you for always being there for us, no matter how lost and alone we may feel. Amen
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
8/21/22 - Who Will Be Saved? - Cycle C
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus is asked, “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” He answers that many will try, but he explains that the gate is narrow and though many will attempt to enter, they might not be strong enough. We are all invited to share eternal life with God forever in heaven, but this invitation cannot be taken for granted.
Going to Mass on Sundays is a very important part of our faith journey, but Jesus teaches us we need to do more. Our actions must be consistent with what we say we believe. To enter the narrow gate is challenging, it is not easy. Jesus is teaching us that we need to dedicate ourselves all the time with acts of love, kindness, mercy, and compassion. We do this by looking at how we are living our lives at home, work, school, everywhere we go. Love, compassion, forgiveness, kindness to everyone is living our faith; a way to enter through the narrow gate.
As a family, watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
What strength do you need to get through the narrow gate? Do you trust God and his grace to give you this strength?
Family Prayer: Lord, help us receive the grace to receive the strength we need to share your love with others. Amen
Read more: Who Will Be Saved? Cycle C / ¿Quién Se Salvará? Ciclo C