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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
8/13/23 - Walking on Water! - Cycle A
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel of Matthew, we listen to how Jesus walked on water. Jesus is walking towards his disciples in a storm and they get scared because they think Jesus is a ghost. Jesus tells them not to be afraid that it was him. Peter who wanted to follow Jesus asked him to call him to walk on water and he did. But as soon Peter notices what he was doing, and takes his eyes off Jesus he starts to sink. Jesus did not let him sink, he took him by the hand and helped him out of the water.
Like Peter when we take our eyes off Jesus our fears and doubts overtake us. Jesus wants to take us by our hand and help us. When we pray and have faith in Jesus, he will give us the grace to overcome our doubts and fears. If you realize you’re having a hard time doing the right thing, pray to Jesus to help you. Remember to trust Jesus even when things look scary. Have faith, Jesus loves you and is always in control.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What did Jesus say to Peter about his faith? What area of your life do you need to trust Jesus more?
Family Prayer: Lord, we all experience storms in life. Help us to trust you even when life seems difficult. Amen.
Read more: Walking on Water! Cycle A / ¡Caminando Sobre el Agua! Ciclo A
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
8/20/23 - God's Love Is For Everyone - Cycle A
Dear Families,
Sunday’s Gospel is often misunderstood. Jesus is not saying the Canaanite woman is a dog; he is trying to explain to her that she is not a person who was raised in faith. The woman believes Jesus can cure her daughter, she is persistent and continues to ask. Jesus sees her faith and cures her daughter.
Like the woman, let’s bring our needs to God in prayer with confidence and faith. Like Jesus, let us be merciful and kind to everyone who is ignored and considered an outsider.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How does the Canaanite woman show her faith? How can we have faith like hers? What does Jesus teach us?
Family Prayer: Jesus, sometimes it can feel as though you cannot hear us. Help us to keep asking for help and be patient, knowing you will answer our prayers at the right time. Amen.
Read more: God's Love Is For Everyone Cycle A / El Amor De Dios Es Para Todos Ciclo A
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
8/27/23 - Who do you say that I am? - Cycle A
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel of Matthew, Jesus asked his disciples who people thought the he was. They responded, that some people thought he was someone special, but none of these people understood who he really was. Then Jesus asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon answered “You are Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus tells Simon that God helped him see that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus tells Simon that he would now be called Peter, which means rock, he would be a strong foundation to build his Church.
Peter played an important role in the early Christian community. Jesus gave the teaching authority to Peter and it has been passed down to all those who have followed him as leaders in the Church. Like Peter, Pope Francis reminds us that we are people united in the faith that Jesus is God’s Son.
Today’s Gospel should remind us that the Church is built on a foundation united in faith that Jesus Christ is God’s Son. The family, as domestic church, has this same faith as its foundation.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How would you respond to Jesus if he asked you “Who do you say that I am? How would you respond if you were asked “Who is Jesus?
Family Prayer: Lord, help us receive the grace to recognize Jesus as the Son of God. As a family, help us build a strong foundation in our domestic church. Amen.
Read more: Who do you say that I am? Cycle A / ¿Quién dices que soy? Ciclo A
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
9/10/23 - Is Judging Wrong - Cycle A
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, we learn how Jesus knew that disagreements would happen. Even when we love and care for our friends and family members, we have disagreements. Jesus teaches us that when we disagree with someone, we should speak to them first. If that person isn’t willing to listen and solve the disagreement we might need to ask for help from other people.
When you have a problem with another person, pray to Jesus. Pray that he will help you be calm, listen to the other person, and bring peace to the situation.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How do you handle disagreements? What can you learn from Jesus’s teaching on how to handle disagreements?
Family Prayer: Jesus, help us have loving and forgiving hearts so that we may always live in good relationships with others. Amen.
Read more: Is Judging Wrong Cycle A / ¿Deberiamos Juzgar? Ciclo A
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
9/17/23 - The Lord's Call to Us - Cycle A
Dear Families,
In this week’s Gospel, Peter asks Jesus how many times he needs to forgive others. Then Jesus tells the story of the king who forgave someone’s debt and how this person did not forgive the person who owed him. Jesus teaches that we must forgive one another as God has forgiven us.
It is not always easy to forgive someone who hurts you. Jesus tells us that we must forgive, just as God the Father forgives us. When we hurt someone, we should ask for forgiveness right away. When someone asks for our forgiveness, we should not answer, “It’s okay,” but rather say, “I forgive you.” We must forgive one another from the heart.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
Do we answer Jesus’ call? Are we afraid to answer his call? When others hurt us, do we truly forgive with our hearts?
Family Prayer: Help us Lord to answer your call. And, to offer and ask for forgiveness when we have hurt each other. Amen.
Read more: The Lord's Call to Us Cycle A / La LLamada del Señor Ciclo A