Saint Anne's R.C. Church

88 Second Ave, Brentwood NY  11717
Telephone: 631-273-8113   •   Fax: 631-436-7914

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Pastor's (Fr. Stan) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Associate Pastor's (Fr. Milciades) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Associate Pastor's (Fr. Louischard Lindor) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Monday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm (Spanish)*
Tuesday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm*(Spanish)*
Wednesday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm (Spanish)*
                                     7:30pm (French Creole)

Thursday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm (English)*, 
                                     7:00pm (Spanish)*
Friday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm (Spanish)*
Saturday Morning Daily Mass: 9:00am (English)

5:00pm (English), 7:00pm (Spanish) 
Sunday: 7:30am(English), 9:00am (Spanish), 11:00am (English), 12:30pm (French Creole), 3:00pm (Spanish), 5:00pm (English), 6:00pm (Spanish)

Daily:  Monday – Friday 4:30pm
Saturdays:  4:00 - 4:45pm

* Changed

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Please click the following title to read an important letter from Bishop Barres before this year's general election.


(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

10/6/24 - Why Is Marriage Important? - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this Sunday’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus reminds us that from the very beginning of creation God made the union of a man and a woman a blessed and sacred commitment.  Then, when people were bringing children to be touched by Jesus the disciples would not let them come near and Jesus told them to let the children come to him because the kingdom of God belongs to them, and he blessed them.


Jesus is teaching us about the Sacrament of Marriage and the graces received so they can love each other.  As husband and wife, they are one and become parents.  Fathers and Mothers bring new children into the world.  God blesses all parents and children with the grace of the Holy Spirit to go through difficult times in their family relationships.  Jesus teaches that we need to be like children and trust in his promise to care for us when we ask for his help.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other these questions.
How do I show I belong to my family?  How do I show I belong to Jesus’ family?


Family Prayer:  Loving God, give us the capacity to love and serve each other as a family.  Amen.



WhyMarriageImportant 2024 En

 Click Photo



October 13, 2024 - 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Today’s Gospel brings us face to face with one of the great paradoxes of Christian life: the invitation to let go of earthly wealth in order to gain something far greater—the kingdom of God. Jesus’ conversation with the rich young man offers a profound lesson about priorities, detachment, and the call to trust completely in God.

   The Rich Young Man seems to be sincere, but holding back. He approaches Jesus with a question many of us ask: "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" (Mark 10:17b). He’s sincere, respectful, and eager to do what is right. He has followed the commandments faithfully, but when Jesus challenges him to let go of his wealth, the young man’s enthusiasm fades. The problem isn’t the young man’s desire to follow God, but rather his inability to let go of his attachments. His possessions represent more than just wealth—they are his security, identity, and comfort. Like the young man, we might be good, moral people, but when it comes to making sacrifices for our faith, we sometimes hesitate.


Queridas Hermanas y Hermanos,

El Evangelio de hoy nos pone cara a cara con una de las grandes paradojas de la vida cristiana: la invitación a desprenderse de la riquezas terrenas para conseguir algo mucho mayor: el reino de Dios. La conversación de Jesus con el joven rico ofrece una profunda lección sobre las prioridades, el desapego y la llamada a confiar completamente en Dios.

El Joven Rico parece sincero, pero se contiene. Se acerca a Jesus con una pregunta que muchos de nosotros hacemos: ¿”Que debo hacer para heredar la vida eterna?”. Es sincero, respetuoso y deseoso de hacer lo correcto. Ha seguido los mandamientos fielmente, pero cuando Jesus lo desafia a desprenderse de sus riquezas, el entusiasmo del joven se desvanece. El problema no es el deseo del joven de seguir a Dios, sino mas bien su incapacidad para desprenderse de sus apegos. Sus posesiones representan mas que riqueza: son su seguridad, identidad y comodidad. Al igual que el joven, podemos ser personas buenas y morales, pero cuando se trata de hacer sacrificios por nuestra fe, a veces dudamos.

Announcements October 6th, 2024

  1. Today our 2nd Collection is for the relief to the victims of Hurricane Helene. Please be generous as your means allow.
  2. In preparation for the Feast of Our Lord of the Miracles, the Peruvian committee will have the sale of custard (flan) after the Masses.
  3. Come celebrate with us the Hispanic Heritage Day on next Saturday October 12th after the 7 pm Mass. Please wear your country traditional attire.
  4. This Sunday at 4:30 we will have another St. Francis Blessing of pets and domestic animals at the main entrance of the church

Have a blessed week everyone!

Anuncios Octubre 6th, 2024

  1. Hoy, la secunda collecta vamos recoger para la ayuda a las victimas del Huracan Helene. Compartes con ellos lo que puedes. Gracias!
  2. En preparación a la Fiesta de Nuestro Señor de los Milagros, el comité peruano tendrá la venta de flan después de las Misas.
  3. Ven a celebrar con nosotros el Día de la Herencia Hispana el proximo sábado 12 de octubre después de la misa de las 7 pm. Por favor usar su vestimenta tradicional de su país natal.
  4. Este domingo a las 4:30 tendremos otra Bendición de San Francisco de mascotas y animales domésticos en la entrada principal de la iglesia.

¡Que tengan todos una bendecida semana!

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“We are all born originals, some in life become photocopies.”

Carlo Acutis was born in London, Britain, on May 3, 1991, to Italian parents, Carlo and Antonia Salzano, who were in the City for work. He was baptized on May 18 at Our Lady of Dolours Church in London. In September 1991, the family returned to Milan. At the age of four, his parents enrolled him in kindergarten, which he attended with great enthusiasm. When the time came for compulsory schooling, he was enrolled at the San Carlo Institute in Milan, a well-known private school. After three months, he was transferred to elementary school at the Tommaseo Institute of the Marcelline Sisters, because it was closer to his home. On June 16, 1998, he received his First Communion, earlier than his usual age, thanks to special permission from his spiritual director, Fr Ilio Carrai, and Archbishop Pasquale Macchi. The celebration took place in the Monastery of the cloistered Romite nuns of the Order of St. Ambrose ad Nemus in Bemaga di Perego (Lecco). The Sacrament of Confirmation, on May 24, 2003, was administered to him in the church of Santa Maria Segreta, by Monsignor Luigi Testore, former secretary of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini and parish priest of San Marco in Milan.

'Todos nacemos originales, algunos en la vida se convierten en fotocopias'

Carlo Acutis nació en Londres, Gran Bretaña, el 3 de mayo de 1991, de padres italianos, Carlo y Antonia Salzano, que estaban en la City por motivos de trabajo. Fue bautizado el 18 de mayo en la iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores de Londres. En septiembre de 1991, la familia regresó a Milán. A los cuatro años, sus padres le inscriben en la guardería, a la que asiste con gran entusiasmo. Cuando llegó el momento de la escolarización obligatoria, lo matricularon en el Instituto San Carlo de Milán, una conocida escuela pública. Al cabo de tres meses, fue trasladado a la escuela primaria del Instituto Tommaseo de las Hermanas Marcelinas, por estar más cerca de su casa. El 16 de junio de 1998 recibió la Primera Comunión, antes de su edad habitual, gracias a un permiso especial de su director espiritual, el padre Ilio Carrai, y del arzobispo Pasquale Macchi. La celebración tuvo lugar en el monasterio de las monjas de clausura romitas dell'Ordine di Sant'Ambrogio ad Nemus, en Bemaga di Perego (Lecco). El sacramento de la Confirmación, el 24 de mayo de 2003, le fue administrado en la iglesia de Santa Maria Segreta, por monseñor Luigi Testore, antiguo secretario del cardenal Carlo Maria Martini y párroco de San Marco en Milán.

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Background Screening Update

The Office for the Protection of Children and Young People:

The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People (The Charter) promulgated by the Bishops of the United States in 2002 outlines specific practices and guidelines providing standards of safety in parishes and dioceses throughout the United States. As directed in The Charter, the Diocese of Rockville Centre requires all employees, clergy, and volunteers to complete three requirements within thirty days of employment or volunteering:

  1. Attend Protecting God’s Children Program (Virtus)
  2. Sign the Codes of Conduct;
  3. Complete a background screen application. The Diocese requires all those who remain in active ministry be rescreened at 5 yr. intervals. volunteers/employees.

St Anne's Church has a New Tabernacle.

New Tabernacle 2