St Annes Church RAFFLE 24 banner

 Saint Anne's R.C. Church

88 Second Ave, Brentwood NY  11717
Telephone: 631-273-8113   •   Fax: 631-436-7914

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Pastor's (Fr. Stan) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Associate Pastor's (Fr. Milciades) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Associate Pastor's (Fr. Louischard Lindor) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Monday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm (Spanish)*
Tuesday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm*(Spanish)*
Wednesday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm (Spanish)*
                                     7:30pm (French Creole)

Thursday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm (English)*, 
                                     7:00pm (Spanish)*
Friday: 12:00pm (English), 5:00pm (Spanish)*
Saturday Morning Daily Mass: 9:00am (English)

5:00pm (English), 7:00pm (Spanish) 
Sunday: 7:30am(English), 9:00am (Spanish), 11:00am (English), 12:30pm (French Creole), 3:00pm (Spanish), 5:00pm (English), 6:00pm (Spanish)

Daily:  Monday – Friday 4:30pm
Saturdays:  4:00 - 4:45pm

* Changed

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Jesus BlessingTabernacle


(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

6/30/24 - Miracles - Cycle B

Dear Families,

In this week’s Gospel of Mark, we hear how Jesus performed two miracles.  We first hear the story about the father asking Jesus to heal his sick daughter.  The second story is about a desperate sick woman who dares to touch Jesus.  Jesus’ touch raised the dead girl and cured the sick woman who touched him.  He was moved by the faith of these two people.


In these two miracles we learn to pray when we or someone in our family is sick.   Jesus teaches us that when we ask with faith, he will touch us and heal us.  He will help us understand what we are going through.  Remember Jesus is always with us and loves us.  We experience Jesus touch by going to Mass, and praying every day.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What does it mean to ask Jesus for something with faith?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, please help us to have faith.  Teach us to ask for what we need with faith.  Amen.



Miracles En

 Click Photo



June 30, 2024 - 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

   Happy Independence Day!!! Happy 4th of July!!!

   On behalf of the Parish clergy and staff, I wish you a great time with your family and friends. May the Lord give you good health and keep you safe in all your travels this coming week and all Summer. May the Lord bless all your family, especially your children and youth during their vacation time. May they have good rest and may they grow in love of God and of their neighbor. Have a great summer! We ask God’s blessing upon our country and we pray for justice and peace for all. God bless America now and always!!!

   In the Gospel of today, Jesus cures the woman sick for many years, and raised from the dead a little girl. He has the power over life and death, he has the power to heal. Our life and good health is a gift from God. When we have good health, often we are even not aware how precious it is. We presume that we have it and we will always have. On other side we understand, that we will have to face some health difficulties eventually. It is very necessary that we monitor our health even when we are well, because God gave us capacity to be reasonable about our health. So, when we have it, we should take good care of it by monitoring it. We need to do what is necessary to maintain a healthy balance of diet and exercise. Often, we know what is good for us, and yet we may disregard it, because of our imprudence. Moderation in all things, it is a good way to maintain a balance in our life, and especially in regard to health.


Queridas Hermanas y Hermanos,

   Feliz Dia de la Independencia!!! !! Feliz 4 de Julio!!!

De parte del clero y el personal de la Parroquia, les deseo un gran momento con sus familiares y amigos. Que el Señor te de buena salud y te mantenga seguro en todos tus viajes la próxima semana y todo el Verano. Que el Señor bendiga a toda su familia, especialmente a sus niños y jóvenes durante su tiempo de vacaciones. Que tengan buen descanso y crezcan en el amor a Dios y al prójimo. ¡Que tengas un excelente verano! Pedimos la bendición de Dios sobre nuestro país y oramos por justicia y paz para todos. !!Dios bendiga a los Estados Unidos ahora y siempre!!!

   En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesus cura a la mujer enferma desde hace muchos años y resucita de entre los muertos a una niña. Tiene poder sobre la vida y la muerte, tiene poder para sanar. Nuestra vida y buena salud es un regalo de Dios. Cuando tenemos buena salud, a menudo ni siquiera somos conscientes de lo valiosa que es. Suponemos que lo tenemos y siempre lo tendremos. Por otro lado, entendemos que eventualmente tendremos que enfrentar algunas dificultades de salud. Es muy necesario que cuidemos nuestra salud incluso cuando estemos bien, porque Dios nos dio la capacidad de ser razonables con nuestra salud. Entonces, cuando lo tengamos, debemos cuidarlo bien monitoreándolo. Necesitamos hacer lo necesario para mantener un equilibrio saludable entre dieta y ejercicio. A menudo sabemos lo que es bueno para nosotros y, sin embargo, podemos ignorarlo debido a nuestra imprudencia. La moderación en todas las cosas, es una buena forma de mantener un equilibrio en nuestra vida, y especialmente en lo que respecta a la salud.

Announcements June 30th, 2024

  1. Happy Independence Day to everyone! Have a great celebration and weekend with your family and friends. God Bless America today and always!

    On Thursday the 4th of July, the Independence Day, our Mass schedule is: 9:00am Spanish Mass

    12:00 o’clock English Mass

    We will have No evening Masses and no afternoon adoration.

    The first Thursday evening adoration is moved to the next week.
    The afternoon adoration we will have on Friday, July 5th.

  2. This year our St. Anne’s Parish Feast is scheduled for Sunday, July 28th.

    We have begun to sell our MEGA RAFFLE Tickets at the main entrance of the church after the Masses and at the Parish Office. First prize is $10.000. then $2.000, $1.000 and many $500 prizes.
    Remember, in order to win it, you have to be in it.

  3. New Registration for Family Faith formation religious Education for children, youth and adults are open until Wednesday, July 10th. See the bulletin for further information.

  4. With the celebration of St. Anne approaching, to pray in community our St. Anne’s novena will begin on July 17th at 6 pm at the main entrance of the church, please bring your beach chair. Thank you.

Have a blessed week everyone!

Anuncios Junio 30th, 2024

  1. ¡Feliz Día de la Independencia a todos! Que tengan una gran celebración y fin de semana con sus familias y amigos. ¡Dios bendiga a Estados Unidos hoy y siempre!

    El jueves 4 de julio, Día de la Independencia, nuestro horario de misa es: Misa en español a las 9:00 am

    12:00 del mediodía Misa en inglés.

    No tendremos Misas vespertinas ni adoración vespertina.
    La adoración del primer jueves por la noche se traslada a la próxima semana.

    La adoracion de la tarde la haremos el Viernes 5 Julio.

  2. Este año nuestra Fiesta Parroquial de Santa Ana está programada para el domingo 28 de julio.
    Hemos comenzado a vender nuestros boletos para la MEGA RIFA en la entrada principal de la iglesia después de las Misas y en la Oficina Parroquial.
    El primer premio es de $10.000. luego $2.000, $1.000 y mas premios de $500. Recuerda, para ganarlo tienes que estar en él juego.

  3. Nuevas Inscripciones para Educación Religiosa de Formación en la Fe Familiar para niños, jóvenes y adultos están abiertas hasta el miércoles 10 de julio. Consulte el boletín para obtener más información.

  4. La celebración de Santa Ana acerca. Para orar en comunidad tendremos la novena de Santa Ana que comenzará el 17 de julio a las 6:00 pm en la entrada principal de la iglesia, por favor traiga su silla de playa. Gracias.

Health and Faith logo


FREE Prostate Cancer Screening

Breast Screening

FREE Health Fair

And more...

Click Here for the recent list of services

St Anne's Church has a New Tabernacle.

New Tabernacle 2

quo vadis graphic 640w


...or click on the links below to read the letters from the Diocese of Rockville Centre

FINAL OLG webpage banner


Video links to this important announcement from Bishop Barres:

English Version:

Spanish Version:


DRVC logo

Background Screening Update

The Office for the Protection of Children and Young People:

The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People (The Charter) promulgated by the Bishops of the United States in 2002 outlines specific practices and guidelines providing standards of safety in parishes and dioceses throughout the United States. As directed in The Charter, the Diocese of Rockville Centre requires all employees, clergy, and volunteers to complete three requirements within thirty days of employment or volunteering:

  1. Attend Protecting God’s Children Program (Virtus)
  2. Sign the Codes of Conduct;
  3. Complete a background screen application. The Diocese requires all those who remain in active ministry be rescreened at 5 yr. intervals. volunteers/employees.


The 'Equality Act' discriminates against people of faith and threatens unborn life.

Tell Congress you oppose it!
Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. The so-called Equality Act, which is being voted on in the U.S. House of Representatives soon, in many ways does the opposite and needs to be opposed. Instead of respecting differences in beliefs about marriage and sexuality, the Equality Act would discriminate against people of faith. 
The Equality Act would: punish faith-based organizations, such as charities and schools who serve everyone in their communities, simply because of their beliefs; force girls and women to compete against boys and men for limited opportunities in sports, and to share locker rooms and shower spaces with biological males who identify as women; risk mandating taxpayers to fund abortions; force people in everyday life, and especially health care workers, to support gender transition; and expand what the government considers a “public” place, forcing even some parish halls to host functions that conflict with Catholic beliefs.