COVID-19 Vaccines & Catholic Morality
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us the Beatitudes which is a list of attitudes and actions that help people find happiness. We are called to be peacemakers, to be humble, merciful, and clean of heart. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints. Studying the lives of the saints shows us how other people have lived out these Beatitudes as holy examples for us.
As a family watch video in its entirety than ask each other this question. How can you put into practice these teachings of Jesus?
Family Prayer: Lord, teach us to understand the Beatitudes and follow the example of the saints. Amen
Read more: Solemnity of All Saints Cycle A (Faith Formation)
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
11/17/24 - God's Kingdom - Cycle B
Dear Families,
In this Sunday’s Gospel of Mark, Jesus tells his disciples what will happen at the end of the world. It’s scary to hear, the sun and moon will stop shining and the stars will fall down. But we do not need to fear, because he will come back among the clouds and send out his angels and gather all those that have stayed close to him to live with him forever. He also tells his disciples that only the Father will know when this will happen.
This week’s Gospel, is a reminder we should prepare for Jesus’ coming every day. Jesus tells us that we don’t know when he will return, so we must be ready at all times.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
What can you do every day this week to show Jesus he is welcome in your home and heart?
Family Prayer: Lord, help us make loving choices every day as we wait for your return. Amen.
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
Dear Families,
It is the Second Sunday in Advent, and in this Sunday’s Gospel John the Baptist baptized with water as a symbol that the people were leaving their old, sinful ways behind. He was preparing them for when Jesus would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and change them forever.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question. How does your family prepare for Christmas? Are you preparing your heart for Jesus?
Family Prayer: Lord, please help us to prepare not only for Christmas celebrations, but also for your arrival in our hearts. Amen
Read more: Second Sunday of Advent Cycle B/ Segundo Domingo de Adviento Ciclo B
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
Dear Families,
No one knows when Jesus will come back, but we know we will see him face-to-face someday. As we eagerly await Christmas and the celebration of Jesus’ birth, we remember that we should always be waiting for Jesus.
As a family watch video in its entirety then ask each other this question. When you are waiting for someone, how do you fill the time?
Family Prayer: Jesus, help us to pay attention to your words and teachings.
Help us to follow you always. Amen
Read more: First Sunday of Advent Cycle B/ Primer Domingo de Adviento Ciclo B
(La versión en español sigue al inglés)
Dear Parents,
In this Sunday’s Gospel Jesus cured Simon’s mother-in-law. Jesus also cured many others who were brought to him, healing their illnesses and driving out demons. The Gospel also remind us that Jesus took time to pray so he could carry out his healing ministry.
As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question. How do you feel when you see people who are sick or struggling?
Family Prayer: Jesus, help us to do your work of feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, and comforting others. Amen