Saint Anne's R.C. Church

88 Second Ave, Brentwood NY  11717
Telephone: 631-273-8113   •   Fax: 631-436-7914

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Pastor's (Fr. Stan) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Associate Pastor's (Fr. Milciades) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Associate Pastor's (Fr. Louischard Lindor) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Monday - Friday: 12:00 Noon and 5:00 PM* (English) 
Wednesday: 7:30 PM (French Creole) 
Thursday: 7:00 PM (Spanish) 
Saturday Morning Daily Mass: 9:00 AM (English)
Saturday: 5:00 PM (English), 7:00 PM (Spanish) 
Sunday: 7:30 AM (English), 9:00 AM (Spanish), 11:00 AM (English), 12:30 PM (French Creole), 3:00 PM (Spanish), 5:00 PM (English), 6:00 PM (Spanish)

Daily:  Monday – Friday 4:30 PM* 
Saturdays:  4:00 - 4:45 PM

* new time as of 10/19/20

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(La versión en español sigue al inglés)

4/28/24 - The Vine and the Branches - Cycle B

Dear Families,

Happy Easter!


This fifth Sunday of Easter, Jesus tells us he is the vine we are the branches.  Jesus uses this parable to explain how branches grow out from a vine and receive their food from the main stem.  The gardener prunes and tends the garden so it will grow and bear fruit.


Jesus teaches us that we can only grow in faith and do the right things if we stay close to him.  Jesus will correct and guide us, just as the gardener prunes and tends a garden so it will grow strong.


As a family watch video in its entirety and then ask each other this question.
How can you stay connected to Jesus, like branches are connected to a vine?


Family Prayer:  Jesus, help us find ways to stay close to you so we can grow in faith and love.  Amen.



VineandBranches 2024 En

 Click Photo



April 21, 2024 - Fourth Sunday of Easter

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

   “I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). This is what Jesus literally did at Easter time, his Passover was to change everyone’s life and death. Already in his time of proclamation of the coming of God’s Kingdom, Jesus was promising eternal life to those who believe in him, but it was hardly understood, as we had seen with the disciples not being able to recognize that the Passion, Crucifixion and Death were necessary way of achieving the goal of the Resurrection. The Apostles were confused and lost about it, and it took them considerable amount of time and Jesus numerous apparitions after Resurrection, before they reconciled with those facts.

The 4th Sunday of Easter is called a Sunday of a Good Shepherd. It refers to the Gospel when Jesus calls himself with that name. This parable becomes a literal expression of what happened to Jesus, and he invites us to follow him in life, so that he would be ours in death with the gift of the resurrection. Jesus is the Shepherd, yet he became as well the lamb who was sacrificed to redeem the flock. The only thing that Jesus is asking of us is the courage of faith. Faith that follows the voice of the Shepherd and lives by accomplishing the works of love.


Queridas Hermanas y Hermanos,

   “Soy un buen pastor. Un buen pastor da su vida por las ovejas.” Esto es lo que literalmente hizo Jesus en el tiempo de Pascua, su Pascua fue para cambiar la vida y la muerte de todos. Ya en su tiempo de proclamación de la venida del Reino de Dios, Jesus estaba orimizando la vida eterna a quienes creen en el, pero apenas se entendia, como habíamos visto con los discípulos al no poder reconocer que la Pasión, la Crucifixión y la Muerte eran camino necesario para alcanzar el objetivo de la Resurreccion . Los Apostoles estaban confundidos y perdidos al respecto, y les tomo una cantidad considerable de tiempo y Jesus numerosas apariciones después de la resurreccion , antes de que se reconciliaran con esos hechos.

   El cuarto Domingo de Pascua se llama Domingo del Buen Pastor. Se refiere al Evangelio cuando Jesus se llama a si mismo con ese nombre. Esta parábola se convierte en una expresión literal de lo que le sucedió a Jesus, y nos invita a seguirlo en vida, para que sea nuestro en la muerte con el don de la resurreccion. Jesus es el Pastor, pero también se convirtió en el cordero que fue sacrificado para cuidar el rebaño. Lo único que Jesus nos pide es el coraje de la fe. Fe que sigue la voz del Pastor y vive realizando las obras de amor.

Announcements April 14th, 2024

On April 8, the Feast of the Annunciation, The Diocese of Rockville Centre announced the launch of the FIAT Pregnancy Support Program at Catholic Health. FIAT – meaning “Let it be done” – is a dedicated phone line available 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year. It will assist women and families access the counsel, resources and encouragement needed to choose life when facing a pregnancy with unexpected or difficult circumstances.

With one call to (631) 476-“L”-“O”-“V”-“E”, help is available for any pregnancy related distress, including pregnancy loss.

We pray this will be the first call a woman makes when she needs help.

See the bulletin for more information or visit the diocesan website In addition, there are printed materials at the back of the Church.

Finally, you have an important role in the success of FIAT. Your prayers and efforts to bring awareness to the FIAT Pregnancy Support Program are vital to building a culture of life here on Long Island.

Thank you for your help!

Anuncios Abril 14, 2024

El 8 de abril, Fiesta de la Anunciación, la Diócesis de Rockville Center anunció el lanzamiento del Programa FIAT de Asistencia para el Embarazo de Catholic Health. FIAT, que significa “Que se cumpla”, es una línea telefónica dedicada que estará disponible las 24 horas del día, los 365 días del año. Ayudará a las mujeres y las familias a acceder al asesoramiento, los recursos y el ánimo necesario para elegir la vida cuando se enfrenta un embarazo en circunstancias inesperadas o difíciles.

Llamando al (631) 476-5683, encontrará ayuda disponible para cualquier incertidumbre relacionada con el embarazo e incluso en el caso de la pérdida del embarazo.

Oremos para que esta sea la primera llamada que haga una mujer cuando necesite ayuda.

Vea el boletín para más información o visite el sitio web diocesano Hay material impreso a la salida de la Iglesia.

Todos nosotros tenemos un papel importante en el éxito de FIAT. Nuestras oraciones y esfuerzos para crear conciencia sobre el Programa de Asistencia para el Embarazo FIAT son vitales para edificar una cultura de vida aquí en Long Island.
¡Gracias por su ayuda!

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FREE Prostate Cancer Screening

Breast Screening

FREE Health Fair

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Click Here for the recent list of services

St Anne's Church has a New Tabernacle.

New Tabernacle 2

quo vadis graphic 640w


...or click on the links below to read the letters from the Diocese of Rockville Centre

DRVC logo

Background Screening Update

The Office for the Protection of Children and Young People:

The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People (The Charter) promulgated by the Bishops of the United States in 2002 outlines specific practices and guidelines providing standards of safety in parishes and dioceses throughout the United States. As directed in The Charter, the Diocese of Rockville Centre requires all employees, clergy, and volunteers to complete three requirements within thirty days of employment or volunteering:

  1. Attend Protecting God’s Children Program (Virtus)
  2. Sign the Codes of Conduct;
  3. Complete a background screen application. The Diocese requires all those who remain in active ministry be rescreened at 5 yr. intervals. volunteers/employees.


The 'Equality Act' discriminates against people of faith and threatens unborn life.

Tell Congress you oppose it!
Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. The so-called Equality Act, which is being voted on in the U.S. House of Representatives soon, in many ways does the opposite and needs to be opposed. Instead of respecting differences in beliefs about marriage and sexuality, the Equality Act would discriminate against people of faith. 
The Equality Act would: punish faith-based organizations, such as charities and schools who serve everyone in their communities, simply because of their beliefs; force girls and women to compete against boys and men for limited opportunities in sports, and to share locker rooms and shower spaces with biological males who identify as women; risk mandating taxpayers to fund abortions; force people in everyday life, and especially health care workers, to support gender transition; and expand what the government considers a “public” place, forcing even some parish halls to host functions that conflict with Catholic beliefs.